Dungeon Defense (WN)

Chapter 248

Chapter 248: Dungeon Master (6)

“You really are out of your mind…….”

Dantalian took a puff from his pipe. His expression gradually died down.

“Be glad that there is no Memoria artifact here. The Goddess was generous and made me leave one behind. Your political life could’ve ended just now, Gamigin.”


Gamigin grabbed Dantalian’s pipe and threw it. The head portion of the ceramic pipe shattered the moment it touched the ground.

Dantalian looked up at Gamigin with unconcerned eyes. Their faces were directly in front of each other.

“That was a pipe made by a master craftsman in Saxony. It was rather expensive.”

“I’m warning you for the last time.”

A rage-filled breath seeped out from between Gamigin’s teeth.

“Don’t insult me.”

Her red eyes were blazing. Not only was she a Demon Lord, but she had also reached the peak of magic as an archmage. A magic aura poured out from her entire body as she emitted bloodlust.

“……Very well, then.”

Dantalian spoke.

“Do you want me to apologize?”

“For being disrespectful to me.”

“I had previously handed Moravia over to you. I believed that all matters of compensation would be over with that, but……well, that’s fine. There is nothing more that I can do for you officially anyway.”

Dantalian remained impassive.

“Despite this, do you still wish for me to apologize?”

Gamigin didn’t respond and simply continued to glare at him. Dantalian nodded his head before standing up from his chair. Once Gamigin stepped back to make way for him, Dantalian went to the center of the room and slowly got on his knees.

He was probably going to put his head on the ground and apologize. Gamigin stared at him with a displeased look. His apology would definitely have sincerity, but wasn’t she insulted in front of other people?

The insult happened publicly. Compared to that, this apology was taking place in a private room. It was difficult to find any fairness in this.


Let’s still forgive him. Gamigin thought to herself as she barely managed to suppress her anger.

There were definitely a lot of things that Dantalian had conceded to her as well. Not only was her sovereignty over Silesia acknowledged, but the Moravia region that she had before was also given to her. It has almost been 2 years since the internal discourse and Gamigin was now ruling unwaveringly as a nation’s ruler.

In return, Gamigin has been cooperating with Dantalian politically. Barbatos may be Dantalian’s strongest supporter, but she had a lot of restraints since she was the leader of an entire faction.

Dantalian had been carrying out his activities freely while shouldering the name of the Rank 4 Demon Lord. The two parties had a satisfying exchange of material gains and moral duty. Gamigin knew in her head that this was a fair trade…….

However, this was an emotional problem.

‘Even if it was a fair trade……it should be fine for him to also consider my dignity a bit!’

They had shared a bed almost a hundred times now. They mostly happened after Dantalian had forced a request upon her; however, Gamigin had never refused.

Dantalian had said this when they made the bet in the past:

‘And if I lose?’

‘Then continue to occasionally play with me like this. If possible, I would like it if you didn’t refuse my request to share a bed.’

Don’t refuse my request if possible. It was an incredibly light condition.

Even if Gamigin lost, she could’ve refused whenever she wanted. Today is a bad day, I’m tired, I don’t want to sleep with you……. There was an endless number of excuses she could’ve given.

Despite this, Gamigin never did. She genuinely did her best to respect the bet they made. From her perspective, she has continued to respect Dantalian while Dantalian would constantly ridicule her.

Wasn’t this unfair?

She wasn’t asking for much. She just wanted him to show a similar amount of consideration in return for her respect. Does she have to get angry at him like this for him to notice? Gamigin felt her rage surge up, but she suppressed it.

At that moment, Dantalian took out a dagger.


Gamigin had no time to access the situation.

Dantalian stabbed himself in his abdomen. Immediately after, he pulled the dagger upward. The blade tore open his stomach. Blood soaked his clothes and instantly spread. Kuh, Dantalian let out a pained groan.

“W-What are you doing!?”

Gamigin finally realized what was happening.

She panicked as she rushed to Dantalian’s side. She tried to remove Dantalian’s hands from the dagger, but he refused to let go. Blood continued to seep out as this happened.

“You idiot━let go!”


Gamigin was confused, but she took very wise measures. She forcefully twisted Dantalian’s fingers one by one. Dantalian let out a cry as he let go of the dagger.

Gamigin tore Dantalian’s clothes to reveal his wound.


It was bad. Not only was the blade impaled deeply into his body, but his internal organs were completely sliced. Demon Lords may be able to regenerate, but Dantalian was the lowest-ranked. His abilities were pitiful. He needed help.

Dantalian groaned.

“With this……kuh, I’ve apologized…….”

“Idiot! Bastard! Retard!”

Gamigin shouted all sorts of curse words as she applied healing magic.

The wound quickly healed; however, healing magic actually consumed one’s stamina temporarily. A potion, or any kind of medicine that supported the body’s energy, was urgently needed.

But……when was the last time she carried around potions!? Gamigin carried around things like that when she was still a weak Demon Lord. She didn’t need them after she became an archmage. While being held in her arms, Dantalian’s complexion became visibly worse as his breathing became more ragged.

“We should ask the archdukes……no, they’ll start having suspicions. The servants as well……. Damn it, what the hell can I do……!”

Her villa was overflowing with potions. Teleporting there and bringing those potions was a simple matter. However, teleportation spells were strictly forbidden in Niflheim since it was a neutral zone. If someone ever teleported, then it was decided that all of the Demon Lords would come together and attack them.

What could she do?

Gamigin racked her brain desperately. She couldn’t let the archdukes see her being vulnerable and it was impossible for her to resolve this situation alone. What could she possibly do?

“Uhh, ah……!”

Gamigin quickly went through Dantalian’s clothes. That’s right. There was no way that a careful person like Dantalian wouldn’t have one or two potions on him.

There were several potions hidden inside of his mantle. Among them was the aphrodisiac he would always use to torment her. However, that didn’t even enter Gamigin’s line of sight. Out of the 6 glass bottles, one of them was especially red.

Gamigin quickly uncapped the bottle and took a whiff. According to the contract that was signed between all alchemy guilds, healing potions must always give off the fragrance of rosemaries. The scent of rosemaries was emanating strongly from the bottle!

Gamigin’s eyes were spinning. She didn’t know why.

She slowly poured the contents of the potion into Dantalian’s mouth. Twice every minute. This was the most efficient method that she discovered when she used to get injured a very long time ago. Although it was a distant tale that was more than a thousand years ago, it came back to her almost instinctively…….


Dantalian’s complexion gradually got better. It was working.

He hadn’t regained his consciousness yet, but it should be fine to relax now.

Gamigin brushed back her beautiful blonde hair with her hand. She was exhausted as if she had just returned from a battlefield. Why did things turn out like this? Anger, shock, and relief, all of these emotions mixed together chaotically and almost made her tear up.

She stared at the ground absentmindedly for a moment.

A brief moment of time went by. Gamigin got up and helped Dantalian up. She returned to the banquet hall while dragging Dantalian with her.

“Ooh. Your Highness Gamigin, you took your time.”

“His Highness Dantalian seems a bit off……?”

Gamigin smiled brightly.

She had already equipped a mask over her face. Although it took some time to put it on in the first place. That was why she was staring at the floor earlier.

“I told him to stop drinking, but now he’s completely lost it!”

“Kakaka. Her Highness Gamigin has her own share of trouble.”

The archdukes laughed once Gamigin complained to them jokingly.

She gave them a quick wink.

“He usually never gets drunk, but he must’ve been in quite the good mood today. Mm, I think it should be fine to tell you since the person in question is drunk. He went on about how honorable and considerate you guys are.”

“Haha. Nothing pleases us more than to hear that Your Highnesses had a good evening.”

The archdukes were delighted. Putting Gamigin aside, Dantalian was infamous for being difficult to deal with, so him getting completely drunk off of the atmosphere was a great achievement for them as the hosts.

“I had a pleasant night as well, but I think we’ll be taking our leave since this guy ended up like this. Sorry about leaving first.”

“Dear me! There is nothing to be sorry about! It is already quite late!”

The archdukes hastily got up. They straightened out their clothes before bowing courteously.

“It was a great honor to be able to serve Your Highness today.”

“I’ve prepared a carriage and coachman outside. Please have a safe trip home.”

“Thanks. I’ll be waiting for your next invitation.”

Gamigin smiled pleasantly. Despite the other party being a Demon Lord, the archdukes couldn’t help but relax as a beautiful woman smiled sincerely at them with a slightly red face.

The carriage headed to Gamigin’s villa.

Her villa was absent of servants, so Gamigin had to support Dantalian’s body by herself.

Gamigin had let all of her servants go on a holiday for today and tomorrow. The reason was simple. She had promised to spend the night with Dantalian and they were going to have a type of sex that would be embarrassing for her if others were to overhear or see it.

Dantalian didn’t hold himself back whenever he had sex. She absolutely didn’t want to show that to her servants. However, it was because of her decision that Gamigin, the Rank 4 Demon Lord, was doing something unbefitting like supporting an injured person…….

“You son of a bitch!”

Gamigin shouted loudly several times before she finally arrived at her bedroom.

“You damned bastard! You damn ape that even a horse wouldn’t fuck! Shoving dirt in your mouth wouldn’t be enough to satisfy me!”

There was no one else here anyway, so she could take off her usual mask and swear as much as she wanted.


Gamigin set Dantalian down on the bed.

She had strengthened her body with magic, so Dantalian hadn’t felt heavy. However, an unknown feeling of fatigue enveloped her whole body. A sigh came out on its own.josei

Gamigin glanced down at Dantalian. The other party in question was completely oblivious as to how much Gamigin had struggled as he lay on the bed with his eyes closed comfortably. Gamigin felt another wave of anger wash over her.

It would’ve been better if he had died.


Gamigin covered her face with her palms.

How did things end up like this……?


Author’s Afterword

Question: My sex partner keeps trying to act like my lover. What should I do?

Dantalian: Stab yourself with a knife.

TL Note: Thanks for reading the chapter. Now this is some drastic measures. Casually committing harakiri in order to apologize. What a chad. Honestly, people could learn a thing or two from Dant. Okay, don’t actually. I really hope that no one makes Dant their role model. Please be respectable people in society, everyone. :^)

I’ll see you guys in the next chapter.

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