Dungeon Defense (WN)

Chapter 261

Chapter 261: The Blue Hydrangea of Farnese (6)

The dozen envoys immediately groveled at that moment.

Stale excuses and apologies came flowing out from their mouths. We didn’t know, please forgive us, the mayor was acting on his own……. A pathetic orchestra played an unbearable dissonant symphony.

“Let us kill the human with the loudest voice first.”

I didn’t feel like calming them down, so I said the next best thing. The sound immediately stopped. How satisfying. People are easily able to succeed as long as they knew when to shut up.

There are occasionally people who forget this. Having a mouth hole didn’t mean that you had the right to speak at all times. Your mouth is meant for shutting up and not talking. The envoys received a passing grade in this regard since they seemed to be aware of this.

“The envoys used their surrender as bait to attack one of our key officers. Paimon, since they deceived the heavens and fooled us, they must naturally be executed. No, I am starting to doubt whether the people of Heidelberg have truly surrendered.”


“Lightning has fallen, so it is now time for the thunder to boom.”

I moved my right thumb across my neck, mimicking the act of slitting my throat.

“There is no agreement. We will execute the envoys and occupy the fortress while the humans are still confused. Let us slaughter the entire population of Heidelberg and dedicate their bodies to the Goddess.”

“……Tie the envoys up and isolate them.”

Paimon let out a sigh and gave the order. The envoys were tied up and dragged away.

Sitri huffed as she personally kicked the envoys from behind. The murderous aura that was emanating from her was so dense that the envoys couldn’t even muster the courage to beg for their lives. Sitri was the type of person to talk less when angry.

“So, Dantalian.”

Paimon sat down at the table.

Sitri left with the prisoners and I told Laura to rest at her quarters. Paimon and I were the only ones left in the headquarters.

“How should we respond?”

“This was a secret order from the leader of Habsburg. There is nothing more to say about this.”

I shrugged.

“Humans are surrendering to Demon Lords. It would be a different matter if this were a simple surrender, but this is a surrender where we completely guarantee the lives of the people……. The leader of Habsburg probably knows what this would mean.”

Paimon wasn’t simply trying to occupy this fortress for no reason. Before being a military vantage point, a political ploy was also planned for Heidelberg.

First, it would recover Paimon’s standing which had dropped in the Crescent Alliance. Currently, the Mountain Faction was temporarily being led by Sitri. However, Sitri was a given, but all of the other Mountain Faction Demon Lords still supported Paimon as well.

She needed a splendid achievement in order to regain her position as a leading power. That was why she targeted Heidelberg. To take the fortress known as the greatest in the center of the continent without incurring any losses. It was the perfect feat for her return ceremony.

Second, it would renew the Demon Lord army’s image.

“The people of the Republic are extremely afraid of the Demon Lord army. The leader of Habsburg is using this to her advantage to unite the people under a single cause.”

“Indeed. If we accept a peaceful surrender, then the public opinion will begin to split…… but it seems the other party has already seen through our intentions.”

Paimon let out another sigh.

During the last Crescent Alliance, the Plains Faction had done something rather unnecessary. It was the series of slaughters that Brother Beleth carried out.

According to what I heard, he created several rafts out of human heads and let them drift down a river. Not only did this naturally make the humans fear the Demon Lord army more, but it destroyed the image that I had worked hard to build up in the northern region of Habsburg. That head of his is a constant problem…….

Elizabeth turned this into an opportunity.

「The Demon Lord army is a group of atrocious devils, slaughterers, and snakes.」

「Our Republic is currently going through difficult times. What would happen if we were to fight among each other in a time like this? We would end up getting eaten by those beasts.」

She turned it into a way to protect her authority.

Those who criticized the Republic were imprisoned for things like treason, revolting, and attempted slaughter. There was nothing more effective in bringing stability than setting a third party as the enemy.

Thus, Paimon wanted a peaceful surrender.

The Demon Lord army isn’t a group of lunatics crazed about slaughter. We will not kill you if you surrender peacefully. She was going to cause an internal discord within the Habsburg Republic by showing this gesture, but…….

“If it means she can prevent the division of her own nation, she can easily sacrifice a city. This is what the leader of Habsburg is probably thinking.”

Paimon groaned.

“Elizabeth von Habsburg, is it……? A ruler ruling with force, no, external means.”

“It is as you said.”

She secretly ordered the mayor to attempt an assassination. For what purpose? In order to provoke us.

This would make the surrender agreement fall apart. The Demon Lord army would become enraged and set the entire city ablaze. The 10,000 civilians in Heidelberg would also be referred to as valiant men and women that fought against the Demon Lord army until the very end.

Elizabeth will probably shed alligator tears and shout something along the lines of, ‘My people of the Republic! We shall not forget this grudge!’ The humans will undoubtedly cheer for their leader. The Republic will unite even more strongly.

Quite literally the pinnacle of external means. There was really a lot to learn from Elizabeth.

“Habsburg is tyranny with a republican disguise over it. I wanted to divide them and make their cities become independent one by one, but…… I see it will not be easy.”

“Their leader is not a normal capable person. Among the rulers given birth to by humanity, she is undoubtedly the most competent. It is only natural that it would not be easy, Paimon.”

Now then, what should I do now?

We could spare the remaining envoys and resume with the surrender agreement. What Paimon wanted will probably bear fruit. However, this would hurt our pride. If we can’t retaliate in any way after suddenly being attacked, then it would only be annoying.

I stroked my chin for a bit before I suddenly felt someone’s gaze. Paimon was staring right at me.

“Did you fall for my looks again?”

“Pardon me? Of course not. If this lady were to fall for you, then it would never be because of your looks, Dantalian.”


I curse the world.

Paimon smiled shyly.

“Mm, it’s just, that leader is impressive for being able to see through my intentions and sacrificing an entire city without any hesitation, but you are also impressive for being able to immediately see through that leader’s intent.”

“Oh? So you were trying to compliment me?”

All right. That’s something I’ll gladly allow. I really like being complimented.

“Come to think of it, you have quite the deep connection with the leader of Habsburg. You also went against each other during the ceremonial speeches on Bruno Plains. Have you two perhaps met before?”

“I have never met her previously, but, I guess it might be true. We may have a deep connection.”

What sort of connection should I call it? No one would understand even if I told them she was my favorite heroine in the game.

By all means, Elizabeth is not an individual who volunteers for external means. She is someone who yearns for kingship more than anyone else. She loves her people and has boundless hope for mankind, but this does not mean she turns away from the unsightly side of humans and society.

She is incredibly wise. What must be done to incur the least losses and be the most efficient is as clear as day to Elizabeth. She is probably willing to walk down a path even if it’s filled with despair.

If possible, I wanted to walk the same path with Elizabeth. However, I’m a Demon Lord. The possibility for compromise never existed in the first place. Well, it seems like both Elizabeth and I have tickets for the express train straight to Hell. We’ll be able to express our regrets in the afterlife.

So let us have a good fight here while we can, Elizabeth.

“In regard to a countermeasure against that leader, I have a somewhat good idea.”

“I knew you would.”

Paimon gave me a trusting look.

“First, we will accept Heidelberg’s surrender. However, we will make them pay for being defiant against us for the past year. We will accept their surrender, but make them take responsibility for being defiant.”

“What do you mean by taking responsibility?”

“In other words, all we have to do is divide Habsburg by any means necessary.”

Paimon tried to accomplish her goal peacefully. This was a typical rule of right. This sort of method didn’t suit me.

I smiled.josei

“Bring the prisoners back.”

* * *

Negotiations have broken down!

The people of Heidelberg became restless once the envoys returned to make this declaration. It was only yesterday that they were letting out sighs of relief because they believed that the surrender would be carried out peacefully. But the words that came out of the envoys’ mouths completely turned that around.

“What do you mean the mayor attempted an assassination!?”

“Shouldn’t the envoys take responsibility?”

The people shouted angrily in the plaza.

The civilians were sacrificed bravely throughout the past year. They helped with various military affairs and they didn’t revolt even when the city was surrounded and their daily necessities had become extremely scarce. They surrendered because they had reached a point where they could do nothing more.

Despite this, the mayor who was representing them had irresponsibly attempted something like an assassination. The people went beyond being surprised and were instead filled with anger.

“Someone capture the mayor’s family.”

“If we execute his family, then the enemy should show us a bit more mercy!”

The envoys who were on the platform prepared in the center of the plaza were sweating profusely.

“People of the city. The mayor’s family has already been killed. They were murdered. Yesterday, the mayor cruelly murdered his family before leaving with the envoys. In his house, his son, daughter, wife, and relatives were all found as corpses on the floor.”


The people shut their mouths. He had killed his family himself. In other words, he killed his family before they could be used as an example in case he were to fail.

Once his atrocious resolve made the people lose their words for a moment, the envoys quickly continued.

“The worst-case scenario that you are all concerned about will not happen.”

“What do you mean?”

“The fact that we envoys were able to return safely is the proof of that. The enemy commanders informed us that they still wish to accept the surrender agreement. They also promised the well-being of the people of Heidelberg.”

However, the envoys continued.

“The commanders stated that there is a condition to this surrender. They said that responsibility must be taken for the retaliation that had happened until now and the assassination attempt.”

The people who were about to cheer when they heard that their safety would be guaranteed tensed up the moment they heard there was a condition. That’s right. There’s no way they would be forgiven with no strings attached when there was even an assassination attempt. What sort of cruel condition was it going to be?”

“Six people.”


“Six people that represent Heidelberg will have to take responsibility and be executed.”

A curtain of silence fell over the plaza.

One of the civilians with the right to talk raised their hand.

“I have a question. Who exactly are you saying will take responsibility? The supervisors? Or the commanders?”

“The enemy said that they do not care who comes out as the representative. They did not mention specific individuals or jobs. In other words…….”

The envoy who had been talking paused for a moment before continuing.

“We must determine who will take responsibility.”

Another silence.

The crowd gathered in the plaza slowly started to stir. The buzzing gradually grew louder. In an instant, the entire plaza became as noisy as a marketplace.

“No, what authority do we have to choose who we should sacrifice? The mayor already died.”

“We can all survive by sacrificing only 6 people, so it’s a rather generous condition…….”

“But who’s going to pick the people?”

The people soon asked in a single voice.

“Who is supposed to die?”


TL Note: Thanks for reading the chapter. I honestly don’t have much to say this chapter. A lot hasn’t been happening lately. On a completely unrelated note, it apparently snowed here today. In the middle of March. Obviously it didn’t snow for long, but it was still surprising.

Uh, I’ll see you guys in the next chapter?

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