Dungeon Defense (WN)

Chapter 265

Chapter 265: So, Who is On Top?(2)

“Laura, you like warhorses, right? There’s a really good one that I saw at Vindobona. It isn’t your average horse. Not only does it look super slick, but it’s really fast as well.”

Barbatos grabbed Laura’s hand while being flustered. It was like watching a nouveau riche trying to shower a stripper with gifts.

“Also a sword. Sheesh, I made a blacksmith make it, but a seventh of the sword is made out of adamantium. Fuck, when I picked it up, it felt like a cane and not a sword. It’s fucking light, but you can cut people’s bones like paper with it. You can have it all, Laura.”


I unintentionally let out a sound of awe as I watched from the side. I wasn’t in awe because I was impressed by Barbatos. My mouth fell open as I discovered how far a person can fall. Barbatos, you’re a damn mess…….

“Sister, do you think I am asking this so that you would give me gifts?”

“Of course not. Uh-huh. I know you aren’t.”

Barbatos nodded her head fervently.

“I just felt bad……you know? I’d feel bad if I didn’t do anything for you. You understand, right, Laura?”

“I do not really understand.”

We were reaching the climax.

I had a scowl on my face. Referentially, Lapis, who was kneeling on the side, and Daisy, who was standing next to me, all had expressions that were as cold as the plains of Siberia on their faces. There was nothing more pathetic than watching a lovers quarrel from the sideline.

It has roughly been a year since Barbatos and Laura started going out.

Barbatos was originally a lesbian. Furthermore, she was a severe feminist, so she believed that men were all on the same level of trash and that only females were capable of having pure and beautiful love.

I was the sole exception. However, the reason I was her lover wasn’t due to the fact that I possessed a charm that surpassed the boundaries of gender. It was because I was the most piece of trash among pieces of trash that went beyond being food waste. There should be a limit to slander, but this was what Barbatos told me.

Then let us examine Laura’s characteristics here.

First, she’s beautiful. Her teenage years were over and she was now entering adulthood, so she’s quite literally a blooming chrysanthemum. Out of everyone on the continent, there’s probably only one or two people who’re as pretty as Laura.

Second, she’s smart. She had already become well-versed in various philosophies by the age of 16 and was fluent in 6 different languages. People tend to become superficial when they’re smart, but Laura was different. I’ve never seen her boast about the books she’s read or how many languages she can speak.

Finally, her third characteristic.

Her skills on the bed were amazing.

Laura had reached level S on her Sex Slave job. Did I have to say anything more?

A woman of great beauty, a jack of all trades, and a femme fatale. As expected of the girl who was going to destroy a nation with ease and shake the entire continent. How could Barbatos not get captured if a girl like this puts her mind to it?

At first, she thought of Laura as some kid with a nice-looking face, but as time passed, Barbatos started to realize Laura’s true value. To be more exact……as the number of times they had sex increased.

Barbatos started to gradually lose in the push and pull battle before she eventually lost the initiative to Laura a few months ago. I’m not certain, but Laura probably takes the more difficult position when they have sex.

From Barbatos’ perspective, it was like she had to give the most distinguished girl in the continent anything she desired. She probably doesn’t want to lose her.

In any case, she fell into the typical state of losing in the morning and winning at night.

“I believed that our bond went beyond our race and status. And yet, the reality is, our relationship is so flimsy that you leave me behind if something even minor comes up……”

Laura made a lonesome face.

“I am human, after all. I used to be a slave. Expecting something from you was already a type of luxury anyway. I am nothing but a human who has to suck her Lord’s penis for four to five hours while crouching…….”

“D-Dantalian! You made our Laura do something like that!?”

Why is the arrow turning back to me?

Furthermore, what do you mean by ‘our Laura’? When did Laura become your property? It was absurd and preposterous. One wrong move and she might even take my liver and bladder.

“What? I should be allowed to make my subordinate give me a blow job. So what?”

“How is Laura a simple subordinate!? She’s also my lover! You nasty bastard, how dare you treat my lover like some sex slave!”

“It really hurts being called a nasty bastard by you of all people…….”

There’s no one with a personality as nasty as you in the Demon Lord army, Ms. Barbatos.

“In the first place, Laura was my lover long before she became yours. What’s the problem with doing these sorts of things with your lover? Don’t try to turn the blame onto me because you’re losing, tsk tsk.”

“Ah, jeez!”

Barbatos glared at me. I then realized something.

“You’re doing this even though you know what terrible things Laura went through in the past? How could a Lord make her get on the floor and make her give you a blow job!?”

This girl, it looks like she’s getting mad at me, but she’s actually pleading.

Her eyes were filled with desperation. She was wordlessly telling me to go along with it. Her mouth and eyes were working separately. She was sending me an SOS because she wasn’t confident she could soothe Laura’s anger alone.

“Our Laura’s pretty butt must’ve been so cold. Shouldn’t you have considered all of this? You really lack consideration, Dantalian. You’ve been sloppy since a long time ago!”


“Now then. Hurry up and apologize to Laura! Right now! Beg for forgiveness!”

I scratched my cheek.

Well, it was my fault for not knowing that today was our promised day. It also wasn’t particularly satisfying to see Barbatos hang off of Laura like this. I’ll fold for once.

I spoke to Laura.

“……After listening to Barbatos, I understand that I made a mistake. Laura, I’m sorry. I should have been more considerate. Barbatos is right. I went too far.”

“Hmm. Now promise that you will not make this young lady perform fellatio on you for more than an hour from now on.”


I opened my eyes wide. Laura had an elated look on her face.

Dear God. Was this her goal from the very beginning? She deliberately turned the target to me in order to receive an apology and also get this sort of promise……?

How terrifying. So very terrifying. Be it Daisy or Laura, who did the girls of my Demon Lord Castle learn from to become so pitch black inside like this!?

“T-That is a bit troubling. One hour is far too short. If you do not do it for at least 3 hours when I am doing paperwork like today or when I’m bored, then…….”


Barbatos shouted.

“Laura is saying that she’ll forgive you if you’ll be careful from now on! Aren’t you a man? Do you not know how to properly apologize to a woman?”


I glared at Barbatos. Contrary to her dirty mouth, her eyes were blazing fiercely. Barbatos was silently pleading to me that she’ll listen to whatever I have to say later on, so please surrender here.

I let out a sigh.

“……Fine. From now on, I will not ask you to give me a blow job for more than an hour.”

In conclusion.

With the establishment of ‘Laura > Barbatos’, the hierarchy within our army becomes ‘Laura > Barbatos > Dantalian > Everyone else’. Bedside lovers are terrifying.

“Mm. Thank you very much, Lord.”

Laura smiled with great satisfaction. A stupid smile also appeared on Barbatos’ face as soon as she saw Laura’s smile. She was seriously smiling like a child. Sheesh. She’s really head over heels.

Laura held Barbatos’ hand in her two hands.

“Sister, I am sorry for misunderstanding your feelings. You went through this much effort for my sake…….”

“I-It’s nothing. I should be the one to apologize for leaving without saying anything. I won’t do that from now on.”



The two beautiful girls hugged each other.

The mood around them became so genial that it felt like a white lily should’ve bloomed behind them. This might appear like a moving scene to some people. On that note, in Lapis, Daisy, and my case, we were watching the two with rotten eyes.

“……Sure. Have a pleasant time together. We’re going to go patrol the upper floors.”

The two maidens already created a space of their own. They probably couldn’t hear me, but I said goodbye out of courtesy. We left the office together.

Lapis turned around and spoke right before leaving the room.

“Laura. Do not forget the military training that is scheduled for tomorrow.”

“Ah, uh-huh. I know.”

Laura, who didn’t even respond to my words, immediately answered after Lapis reminded her. She most likely forgot that it was scheduled for tomorrow and only remembered after Lapis’ reminder. That was probably why she automatically answered with such vigor.

Thud, the door shut behind us.

The three of us left the office and wandered around the 10th-floor basement of the dungeon. I felt strangely bitter, so I put my pipe in my mouth.

“Whenever I see them like that, I realize once more that even if you like each other, you shouldn’t like each other too much.”

“Is that so?”

Lapis responded emotionlessly.

“Mhm. A forthright relationship can only be maintained if a line is drawn and both sides do not cross that line. Look at Barbatos. It’s because she asks Laura to do everything she wants that she ended up in Laura’s hands instead.”

She should’ve been more moderate with her requests.

“Look at how unsightly she is because she’s caught up like that. Even if you’re Rank 8 and the leader of the Plains Faction, she’s completely at the mercy of her lover. Mm, although Laura pursuing Barbatos in itself was already a surprise.”

I honestly didn’t know that Laura had an interest in other women. I let out a sound of shock when I first heard that the two were going out. I have no intention of interfering even if my subordinate starts dating other women, but Laura never hinted at these sorts of interests to me before.

“Did Laura meet Barbatos in secret when she was an advisor during the Crescent Alliance?”

“I have never heard of such a thing happening.”

“Hmm, bizarre things happen in the world.”

All things considered, Laura and I have become love rivals with Barbatos between us, but Laura hasn’t been particularly unkind to me. It was rather interesting.

“Sir Dantalian, more importantly, there are important documents left.”

“Huh? Didn’t we leave the documents in the office?”

“I predicted that things would end up like this, so I packed them beforehand.”

Lapis showed me the bag she was holding to her side.

“I was not able to take much, but it should be enough to last 2 hours.”

“Uuuugh, I thought I would be able to play a little…….”

“Since your office has been taken, let us finish the rest of the work at my office.”josei

Lapis didn’t stop to listen to any complaints as she walked ahead.

I had no other choice but to follow her. From behind me, I heard Daisy mutter something like, ‘the one actually in charge is…….’, but her voice was too small for me to hear her properly.

Like this, our Demon Lord Castle was mostly peaceful.


TL Note: Thanks for reading the chapter. Well, this was a fun segment. Filled with banter and character relationship establishment. There honestly isn’t too much to say. It was an enjoyable segment.

On another note, I don’t think I’ve been getting enough sleep lately, so I’ma probably nap after I upload this chapter.

I’ll see you guys in the next chapter.

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