Dungeon Defense (WN)

Chapter 385

Chapter 385: Encounter of Two Heroes (13)

“Are you unable to surround one measly group!?”

“How long will we leave the security of the kingdom in the hands of foreign mercenaries!?”

Strong criticism arose, centered mostly around the commoners who suffered due to Elizabeth’s strategy.

That wasn’t the end of it. The fortified cities also made an official demand for a solution. The cities were inundated by the influx of refugees who had been driven away by the pillaging and burning. The public order and environment of these cities rapidly deteriorated trying to shelter these people.josei

Why should our city’s resources be drained to support non-citizens of the city? With rural migrants turning into beggars and thieves in the alleyways of our city, how long does the central kingdom intend to stubbornly pursue this war of attrition? The fact remains that the current state of affairs, where a foreign power holds authority, is far from normal…….

Elizabeth’s position was attacked as all sorts of complaints came pouring out.

The Sardinia royal family found themselves in a difficult position. It wasn’t as if they were eager to engage in a war of attrition either. With the fall of Pavia, the surrender of Piacenza and Parma, the surrender of La Spezia, and the capture of Genova, a series of misfortunes had occurred. The royal family lacked the capacity to carry out another pitched battle.

They had to stall for time until the foreign reinforcements arrived. A war of attrition was the best option they had to avoid the worst possible scenario. However, how was this any different from simply announcing that “We will be temporarily abandoning parts of our territory except for key points.”?

Regardless of who proposed the war of attrition, they had to face overwhelming criticism. This was probably where Elizabeth stepped in. ‘I am a foreigner anyway, so there is no political standing I can lose even if I were to bear the burden of criticism. I will take on the people’s complaints on behalf of our alliance…….’

However, the level of discontent was way too extreme.

On the 17th day of the 9th month in the year 1512 of the continental calendar, amidst the heated debate within Sardinia over whether to remove Elizabeth from her position as supreme commander, a provisional force docked at Genova.

“I sincerely welcome you to Sardinia, Your Highness.”

“There is nothing more nerve-racking than being welcomed by the likes of you.”

The forces led by Queen Henrietta de Brittany of the Kingdom of Brittany had dropped anchor. Their number reached five thousand. Although it might seem insufficient to call this the strength of an entire nation, I sincerely welcomed them with open arms.

It was because all five thousand of them were cavalrymen.

It was none other than the cavalry of the Kingdom of Brittany. I’ve experienced firsthand how terrifying they are. Not only is a cavalry from Brittany capable of wiping out enemy forces without infantry support, but they are even referred to as ‘gangsters’.

“Your Highness’ presence makes it feel as if the war has already ended. There is a saying that yesterday’s comrades are today’s enemies, but who knew it would feel so reassuring when that is applied the other way around as yesterday’s enemies have become today’s comrades.”

“Your cheekiness has not changed a bit. In a different sense, it is comforting.”

Queen Henrietta let out a vain chuckle. She must have gone through a lot since our last encounter as her beautiful red hair appeared a little duller.

Unlike the two of us who were surprisingly getting along, the generals standing behind the queen were glaring at me as if I were the devil himself. They were all commanders of the Kingdom of Brittany’s army. To them, I was the mastermind behind their nation’s decline and probably the number one person they wanted to kill the most.

“Haha. Why does everyone look so serious? We will be going through numerous hardships together as comrades from now on, so let us get along and smile. Now then, smile everyone.”


I smiled brightly as I shook all of their hands one by one. Their shoulders were trembling. Did they desperately need to use the bathroom since they were out at sea for so long? How pitiful.

Referentially, I enjoy looking down at defeated dogs quite a lot. You could say I love it. Is this not one of the joys of authority?

Saintess Longwy let out a sigh from behind me.

“Everyone, the Count Palatine is right. The only one who will benefit from us becoming divided is the enemy. I believe that even if it is for only a moment, it would be beneficial for our kingdom if we let go of past grievances.”

“If you insist…….”

As expected of the devoted believers of the Goddess Athena. The Saintess only had to say one thing to make them nod obediently. Well, I only have to communicate with the Queen or the Saintess anyway, so this wasn’t a problem.

After taking a day to recover from their traveling fatigue, Queen Henrietta had a private meeting with me.

“I have received a report about the current situation. It appears that Elize is in quite a troubling situation.”

“A sly and wicked strategy.”


Henrietta furrowed her brows as she held her cup of wine.

“What do you mean?”

“Consul Elizabeth is deliberately weakening her political standing. That is what I am saying.”

“She is deliberately weakening her political standing……?”

The Queen narrowed her eyes.

“Dantalian, it sounds like you know something.”

“Do you not find it strange? If Elizabeth genuinely wants to save Sardinia, she should not have brought the Anatolia Empire into this. Even if Sardinia somehow manages to win the war, they would end up living in Anatolia’s shadow.”

The only nation allied to her would end up as a puppet nation. Why would Elizabeth play such a bad card?

“Elizabeth has switched her diplomatic partner, Your Highness.”

“From Sardinia to Anatolia……. I see, that makes sense.”


I nodded.

“There is no way that Anatolia will help Elizabeth empty-handed. The minimum condition is likely Venice becoming a vassal state, and the maximum condition is……probably the fragmentation and downfall of Sardinia, making the entire kingdom become a puppet of the Anatolia Empire.”

Henrietta let out a small groan.

“What a wicked ploy. Instead of helping an ally nation, she is leading them to their demise.”

“But this will cause the Habsburg Republic to gain a much stronger ally. Is the great nation of Anatolia not a splendid card to have under your sleeve?”


Henrietta’s complexion grew darker and darker. It seemed she was realizing just how dirty a war she had stepped into.

Indeed, there was no loyalty to allies, no courtesy to other nations, or consideration for the people on this land. Deception and falsehood ran rampant. Elizabeth and I wouldn’t hesitate to use any means to achieve our goals.

“You are no different, Queen. You are here for the sake of Brittany, are you not? You intend on using the corpse of Sardinia as nutrients to nourish Brittany.”


“No, to be precise, you are not here for Brittany. You are here for your royal authority. By succeeding in this campaign, you will be demonstrating that your military capabilities are still intact and pacify any discontent within Brittany.”

I laughed.

“A splendid goal. You truly embody a ruler who sacrifices anything for the sake of authority. Oh, I am not mocking you. I simply wanted to say that birds of a feather flock together.”

“……You are correct.”

Henrietta drank the rest of her wine in one gulp before continuing.

“The only thing important to me is my nation. However, I do not require a nation that is not mine. Brittany is mine, thus Brittany’s glory is my glory.”

“It is good that you are being honest.”

“But what is your purpose?”

Henrietta glared at me.

“Habsburg has been divided into an empire and a republic. The Frankia Empire has fragmented into central and regional powers. Now, you are trying to break Sardinia into pieces. Dantalian, everywhere you tread, you sow division…… How far do your ambitions reach?”

I smiled quietly.

Of course, my goal is the division of humanity.

Frankia hates Brittany, Brittany hates Batavia, and Sardinia hates Brittany. By making these respective circumstances intertwine and collide, their fierce hatred toward one another will reach an uncontrollable level.

At that moment.

Our Demon Lord Army will conquer the continent.

This is no longer like the Demon Lord Army of the past. Under the guise of the Habsburg Empire, it is a Demon Lord Army that I am controlling from behind. And…….

“The reason I started this war.”


“My original goal was to cut off the support the Habsburg Republic was receiving from the Kingdom of Sardinia. I wanted to wring Elizabeth dry, so the support from Sardinia was like a thorn in my side.”

I moved my glass of wine in a small circular motion.

“Elizabeth was aware of this. Consider how she swiftly involved Anatolia in the conflict. Do you believe such a diplomatic agreement could have been reached in just a matter of days? It’s highly likely that preparations were underway several months before the war even began.”

A laugh flowed out on its own.

“Elizabeth immediately figured out that she was the reason I started this war. Therefore, she knew that she was the only one who could negotiate with me. Elizabeth is currently trying to entice me.”

“Entice you?”

“Indeed. ‘Even if you trample over Sardinia, I have Anatolia. Instead of needlessly fighting each other, how about we peacefully divide Sardinia between us?’ This is what she is saying.”

In comparison, this was like a grand proposal at a ball.

Sardinia was the stage, and Elizabeth and I were dancing upon it. Our skills were measured by how much foreign support we could attract. I lobbied the Helvetica Federation and the Kingdom of Brittany, while Elizabeth brought in the Anatolia Empire.

The more spectators, the better. The Kingdom of Sardinia will be divided into quarters to satisfy the neighboring countries. It was like we were gathered around a table with a juicy piece of bloody steak and savoring it together.

Marquis Rody was abandoned and the Grand Duke of Florence was killed. Loyalists and able men were disappearing. After they vanish, the only thing that will remain is a foreign fox. Sardinia’s fate has already been determined…….

“That is why I am thinking of just letting this one slide. After all, is she not offering an entire kingdom for the sake of appeasing me? Well, it is a bit lacking, but I am willing to overlook it due to her sincerity. I am a generous person, you see.”


“If Elizabeth fails this time, the next individual to become the supreme commander will be forced to go to the front lines even if they are reluctant to do so. If that last supreme commander ends up dying as well, the Sardinia royal family will most likely have no choice but to reinstate Elizabeth. I am looking forward to that moment…….”

Henrietta gave me a weird gaze as I laughed.

It was around that point that our meeting ended. Our plan was to avoid the troops led by Elizabeth and only fight the troops led by other generals.

It should be obvious, but the royal family of Sardinia couldn’t accept the fact that their major city of Genova was handed over to the Temple of Athena. They criticized the temple and the Kingdom of Brittany, accusing them of meddling in another country’s war.

Of course, none of the neighboring countries took their nonsense seriously.

– Was it not Sardinia that got the Republic involved first?

– You even involved the Anatolia Empire. Do not try to bury your head in the sand.

The neighboring countries actually responded coldly, isolating Sardinia further. All my efforts to establish a strong moral high ground were finally beginning to bear fruit.

The royal family of Sardinia was no longer able to endure the internal and external pressure. In the end, they had to persuade Consul Elizabeth to step down from the position of supreme commander.

Contrary to everyone’s expectations, Elizabeth made a clean withdrawal. She surprised everyone by even handing over the mercenary army she had hired with the royal family’s funds. However, she retained command over the mercenaries of Anatolia, which no one could possibly complain about.

The individual to take military command after Elizabeth withdrew was Ludovico de Sforza.

Commonly known as the Duke of Milano.


TL Note: Thanks for reading the chapter. Well, the diagnosis from the bigger hospital came out. They confirmed it. My dad has stage 4 pancreatic cancer. He’s apparently too far in to get surgery. I’m not sure what to say. I guess I was already ready to hear this news, but it’s still heavy. I’m just going to try to keep my mind off things for a bit.

I’ll see you guys in the next chapter.

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