Dungeon Defense (WN)

Chapter 399

Chapter 399: The Dripping Night (8)

We were led to the banquet hall of the palace by the Archduke.

Excluding the Serpent Archduke, 14 archdukes were already seated. Half were vampires and elves, while the other half consisted of beastmen, centaurs, orcs, and goblins. This gave a clear view of what the top and bottom were like among the demon world races.

All of the archdukes stood up and bowed respectfully. Paimon and I shook their hands one by one.

“You are beautiful as usual, Your Highness.”

“Your Highnesses are so radiant that your presence is enough to blind us.”

After exchanging formalities, we sat at the seats of honor. Daisy and Ivar stood at our sides as our guards.

“You may all be seated.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“I will get straight to the point.”

“I would like to formally apologize for coming at you all in such an imposing manner during the last ball. What I did was basically akin to disregarding the achievements and status you have all accumulated throughout a long period.”

“Your words are immeasurable, Your Highness.”

The Serpent Archduke spoke as the representative of the others.

“How could one of the masters of demonkind lower their heads before humble servants such as ourselves? The acknowledgment of our efforts is more than enough of an honor.”

“I would like to thank your kind-heartedness once more. For demonkind.”

I raised a glass of wine. Once I did, the archdukes responded in kind as they held up their cups. For demonkind, they repeated before drinking their wine. The servants went around to refill the cups that had become empty.

Now then, it was time for the main course.

“The abolishment of slavery will be brought up once again at the next Walpurgis Night.”


“The reason it did not go through during the last meeting was due to a difference of opinion between the Plains and Mountain Factions. The dispute was regarding whether humans should also be included among the slaves to be freed. Furthermore.”

I turned to glance at Paimon, who responded with a nod.

“Our Mountain Faction decided to concede a step to the Plains Faction.”

“In that case, Your Highness, during the next Walpurgis Night…….”

“Yes, all slaves, excluding the humans, will be freed.”josei

An uncomfortable mood settled over the archdukes.



The archdukes had gained their immense authority and wealth by using other demons as slaves. There’s no way they’d be happy to hear that their vested rights were going to be taken from them. After a moment of pause, the Serpent Archduke spoke.

“Your Highness, please do not doubt our loyalty. No one emphasizes the cause of all demonkind being equal under Demon Lords more than us.”

“We fully understand this.”

“All we wish for is generous mercy. Unfortunately, the world requires a necessary evil.”

The Serpent Archduke brought his hands together like a merchant and shook them slightly.

“By compelling a small number of slaves into arduous labor, we can ultimately relieve the free citizens from the burden of livelihood, enabling them to actively participate in politics. Whenever there was a Crescent Alliance Expedition, we would provide substantial volunteer forces from the demon world. However, if it were not for the slaves supporting the industries in the rear, it would have been impossible to form such volunteer forces.”


“Your Highness, a large portion of our devotion comes from slaves. I ask that you put this under consideration.”

If the slaves are freed, their authority and wealth will decrease.

If this happens, the amount of funding and troops they can offer will also decrease.

Therefore, the archdukes were warning us that, ‘if slavery is abolished, we will no longer support the Demon Lord Army actively’.

“Of course, we have no desire to bleed you one-sidedly.”

“Oh, what does that entail?”

“Land on the continent will be distributed to you.”

The archdukes stirred.

“My apologies, Your Highness, but how much land do you intend to give us, and how will it be given?”


Ivar took out a large scroll and unfurled it. The land that was going to be distributed to the archdukes was already highlighted in black on the map of the Habsburg Empire.

“This land originally belonged to Valefor and the six other Demon Lords. As you can see, it is a rather sizable portion of land.”

“……That is indeed the case, Your Highness.”

“We intend to distribute this land to you as fairly as possible. If you wish, you can also decide among yourselves how the land will be distributed. We guarantee your absolute freedom in this regard.”


The archdukes exchanged whispers with one another. They were most likely seated in a way where those on friendly terms were seated next to each other. The servants went around busily to inform other parties what their masters were thinking.

It took a moment for them to organize their opinions.

The Serpent Archduke listened to what his servant had to say before nodding.

“On behalf of everyone, I extend our gratitude for this generous proposal. However, Your Highness, do you think the agenda of dividing the continent among us will pass at the next Walpurgis Night? Especially considering that Her Highness Barbatos may strongly oppose our expansion into the continent.”

“This will be an unofficial agreement.”

The archdukes furrowed their brows.

Only the Serpent Archduke managed to maintain his composure as he spoke.

“My humblest apologies, but the term ‘unofficial’ does not sound favorable in this one’s ears.”

“We cannot officially appoint you as counts and barons since that would put you on equal footing as us Demon Lords.”


“You will all be appointed as bureaucrats of the Habsburg Empire.”

This was a simple form of trickery.

First, the territories seized from the six traitors will remain tied to the Emperor’s land. However, the archdukes will be dispatched as ‘administrators’ representing the Emperor to manage these regions. In practice, the archdukes will become the de facto rulers of the land.

“The Emperor has the right to personally appoint administrators. There is no need to seek approval during the Walpurgis Night. Even if some Demon Lords oppose, there is nothing they can do about it.”

The archdukes whispered among themselves again.

In the midst of the hushed murmurs, one of the archdukes rose from his seat. He had a portly figure and a bald head. It was the Archduke of Utpala.

Referentially, he was one of the archdukes who was especially displeased when I threatened him during the last ball. True to form, while his tone was polite, the content of his words was rather aggressive.

“My apologies, Your Highness, but it seems a guarantee will be needed for the proposal you have kindly presented to us.”

“A guarantee? Continue.”

“If the Emperor can dogmatically appoint the management of land to individuals, this means that he can dogmatically dismiss these individuals whenever he desires.”

The other archdukes nodded in agreement.

“Although Your Highness’ promise is charming, it is not eternal.”

“To transform this promise to being a lasting contract rather than a temporary solace, you must provide us with some assurance, Your Highness.”

I raised the corners of my lips.

“What is it that you desire?”

The Utpala Archduke lowered his head partially.

“A matrimonial alliance.”

Matrimony. The others started to stir due to the sudden usage of this word. The Utpala Archduke disregarded the troubled atmosphere as he continued.

“From what I understand, Your Highness has yet to officially take in a wife or concubine. Your Highness, we just so happen to have daughters of our own. We ask that you take our daughters in as concubines.”


Paimon was on the verge of standing up in anger. Her affection had now reached 80, so it was only natural for her to be upset if someone suddenly asked me to take in concubines.

I quickly grabbed Paimon by the hand to stop her. She turned to look at me. “This is a ridiculous proposal,” was what her eyes were saying to me. I shook my head. After a moment, Paimon managed to suppress her anger as she sat back down.

On the other hand, the other archdukes were starting to agree with the Utpala Archduke’s suggestion.

“By establishing an alliance with a bond thicker than blood, please make it so that an eternal and firm trust can be established between our parties.”

“Your Highness, I believe the Utpala Archduke’s proposal is logical.”

“Please grant us your royal permission, Your Highness!”

Soon after, the archdukes all started to shout in unison.

……They were acting according to a pre-determined script.

The archdukes were acting like this was their first time considering a matrimonial alliance, but there was no way they would accept this kind of huge proposal so easily without any sort of discussion. They had discussed this secretly beforehand and were bringing it up now.

I glanced at the Serpent Archduke.

He nodded politely in return.

“This humble one also believes this to be an appropriate measure. Please grant us your royal permission, Your Highness.”


If I were to take in concubines, the archdukes would be able to plant spies at the heart of the Empire.

Even if I’m the ultimate authority, I wouldn’t be able to do whatever I want with the actual daughters of the archdukes. I would have to treat them as respected concubines. They would then be able to weave various plots and schemes while leveraging their positions as the ‘Count Palatine’s concubines’.

A bug in a lion’s heart.

This was probably what the archdukes who were speaking the loudest had on their minds. On the other hand, I was thinking about the word ‘sacrifice’.


A necessary sacrifice.

I opened my mouth.

“Very well, then.”

“But why……?”

Paimon gave me a flabergasted look. I gave a look to Paimon that said ‘Let’s talk later’. However, she still looked stupefied.

“However, it would be too much for me to accept all of your daughters. I will take in seven, not fifteen. Moreover, this is not a negotiation but a final condition.”

The archdukes all stood up at once and bowed.

“We are honored by your grace!”

Subsequently, as if they had planned this beforehand, servants began to pour into the ballroom holding delicacies. The table was quickly filled with dishes.

The archdukes raised their glasses with smiles all around. As I proposed a toast, saying, “For the glory of demonkind,” the archdukes shouted, “Hail Lord Dantalian! Hail Lady Paimon!” and tilted their glasses. The banquet hall was instantly filled with a festive mood.


The only one who seemed isolated from this atmosphere was Paimon.

Despite the cheers being exchanged, Paimon was silently holding her glass in her right hand. Her gaze was dark. The archdukes were chatting and laughing while Paimon remained still, holding her glass in silence.

“……Pardon me.”

Paimon put down her glass and got up.

She grabbed the ends of her dress and quickly made her way out of the ballroom. If I’m not mistaken, a teardrop flowed down as Paimon stood up.

Once the star of the ball left, the atmosphere in the ballroom became heavy for a moment. However, the archdukes skillfully changed the topic to reignite the mood.

I stood up from my chair.

“I will also excuse myself for a moment.”

“Take your time, Your Highness.”

The Serpent Archduke gave me a bow.

I followed Paimon out of the ballroom.


TL Note: Thanks for reading the chapter. I really want to get these chapters out faster, but my lunchtimes have been spent napping recently. A lot of my current work is incredibly boring, so I’ve been dozing off too much. Maybe I should get more sleep at night…but that’s my free time where I can relax at home… Such a dilemma.

In any case, I’ll see you guys in the next chapter.

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