Dungeon Defense (WN)

Chapter 41

Chapter 41: Walpurgis Night (6)

“It seems it should be fine to end the hearing here.”

Marbas spoke.

“As per our traditions, we shall determine the result of the hearing through a vote. Including myself, the moderator, Paimon and Dantalian will not be allowed to vote. Everyone who is present…….”

“Wait a moment!”

Paimon shouted urgently. Marbas raised a brow.

“Hm, do you have more to say?”

“There is another thing this lady wishes to question Dantalian about!”


Marbas took off his monocle and wiped the lens with a silk cloth.

“We may not be friends, but we have been together for hundreds of years now. Similar to how you know me, I know you as well. I should not say this as the moderator, but if I were to express my opinion right now…….”

Marbas slowly put his monocle back on. He narrowed his eyes slightly at Paimon. Those were the eyes of someone who found the situation to be very tiresome.

“I do not believe that you have honestly revealed your motives.”

“This lady is…….”

“It is Walpurgis Night. Paimon, it is Walpurgis Night. This meeting which used to be mandatory for all Demon Lords to attend has now lost its past glory as we barely manage to satisfy having a majority of the Demon Lords in attendance. Who am I? I am the Rank 5 Demon Lord. Baal, Agares, Vissago, Gamigin. What are the Demon Lords higher than me doing now?”

Paimon lowered her head.

“I know very well……that you are the most devoted to us.”

“I do not wish for the Demon Lords not in attendance today to laugh at us. If the question which you want to ask Dantalian is trivial or obscene, then I intend to dogmatically end the hearing here.”

“Please give this lady one final chance. I admit that I did not handle Andromalius’ case with the utmost sincerity. I wish to apologize to you, to Dantalian, and to everyone else here in that regard.”

Paimon held the sides of her dress and gave a bow in all four directions. It must have been a surprise to see a high-ranking Demon Lord apologize honestly as several of the Demon Lords seemed shocked.


Marbas nodded. He was telling her to proceed. Paimon took in a deep breath. She no longer tried to smile. She was looking at me seriously from the get-go now. This was more terrifying than when she was pointlessly pretending as if she were relaxed.

‘Now we’re finally getting to the main topic.’

I won the first match. As long as you aren’t an idiot, it was impossible to have lost that. The very fact she was trying to advocate for Andromalius was pushing it. This upcoming second match is what’s actually important.

“I believe that many of you know that this lady has a consultant in the Keuncuska Firm. As this lady’s position preordains, the Keuncuska Firm assigned a high-ranking executive to be this lady’s consultant. I heard some surprising news from that executive a short while ago.”

I had my suspicions, but it seems I was right. Paimon brought up the topic which I had been expecting. She met each Demon Lord’s gaze as she continued.

“I am certain that you all are aware of the calamity that had begun to sweep over the continent a short while ago. The Black Death. That fearsome curse has been indiscriminately taking the lives of humans, beastmen, and demons. This lady’s loyal subordinates have also been affected greatly.”

The other Demon Lords nodded, acknowledging the fact that they knew about the disease. The Kingdom of Sardinia was the only region that was affected the least. Passed down medical knowledge allowed the Kingdom of Sardinia to act quickly and quarantine the first places that were infected and burn those places down to prevent the disease from spreading further.

On the other hand, similar to the medieval age in my world, the disease spread throughout the other nations because they had a distorted understanding of medical science. A slaughter of cats was being carried out because people thought cats were the source of the infection, but it was actually the rats. Therefore, since the humans slaughtered the cats who were the main predators of those rats, they indirectly assisted in making the disease run rampant.

Even though it was revealed that black herbs could cure the disease, most people couldn’t afford to purchase the cure as a single root cost several gold coins. Commoners had to borrow money from their local lords after promising their next year’s harvest. The people who didn’t even own any farmlands had no way of making money. Even during the calamity in our world’s history, lords and pharmacists were the only people who made a fortune during it.

Demons have a stronger immune system by nature, so they had fewer casualties than humans, but they still had casualties nonetheless. For the Demon Lords who reside in the human world, they naturally took this matter seriously since this plague affected their forces as well.

“The good news is that there is a cure for this great calamity. But do you all know who found out that black herbs can cure the Black Death? It was Dantalian. This is what an executive of the Keuncuska Firm told me.”

The Demon Lords started to stir.

I did my best to remain emotionless.

“How could have Dantalian discovered the cure for an unprecedented disease and so quickly at that? This lady finds it difficult to comprehend this.”

“It was by pure chance.”

I answered.

“I do not know why you are making this public during a hearing. I personally have an interest in herbalism. When the disease first broke out, I harvested all sorts of herbs and tested them out. Black herbs just happened to be one of them.”

“Is that so? That is quite different from what this lady was told.”

Paimon looked straight at me.

“From what I was told, you stocked up on black herbs ‘before’ the Black Death broke out. You also accurately predicted that the Black Death would occur.”

The Demon Lords stirred louder.

Paimon pointed at me with the end of her fan.

“Therefore, Dantalian, not only did you know when the Black Death would occur, but you also coincidentally knew what the cure of the Black Death would be. How can you explain this? Dantalian, all of this is impossible unless you are the culprit behind the Black Death itself!”


Hah, how funny.

I shot a glance at a spot a little to the left of the center of the ballroom. The highest executive of Keuncuska, Ivar, was standing there. His expression became incredibly grim.

It was only natural. Protecting the privacy of their customers was one of the most fundamental rules of being a merchant. Paimon declared that she received information from an executive of the Keuncuska Firm. In other words, what she said just now was similar to saying that she had free access to the information of Keuncuska Firm’s customers. There was nothing more disgraceful than this.

However, I had my doubts about Ivar.

‘Whether that look is an act or not…….”

This is what I think happened:

The Keuncuska Firm and I have been conducting a weird type of psychological warfare against one another due to the incident with Andromalius. I was the one who dealt the first blow. I threatened them by saying that I could tell people about how the firm remained as an idle onlooker as a Demon Lord died.

Once I did, the firm later tried to make the daughter of an influential ally of theirs my mistress. They were trying to make me join their side in order to completely escape being threatened by me.

I refused this offer. However, by making their employee, Lapis, accompany me to this ball, I alluded to them that ‘I have no intention of being hostile.’

Despite this, this didn’t make the Keuncuska Firm feel relieved. My threat was still alive, after all. Thus, they approached Demon Lord Paimon who was pro-human among the Demon Lords. They told her that I, Dantalian, was the culprit behind the Black Death.

The personnel they put in charge of Paimon was Torkel.

That old goblin and I don’t have an amicable relationship. He probably put me in this distressing situation gladly. As the Black Death was a serious situation to the pro-human Paimon since this plague could potentially push humankind to extinction, she naturally harbored hostility towards me since she believed I was the culprit behind the outbreak.

The Keuncuska Firm incited Paimon through Torkel. Coincidentally, the matter with Andromalius existed, so they most likely intended to make me taste a bitter experience.

I quietly got upset.

Just how big of a pushover do they think I am to do something like this? Even if Ivar wasn’t the one who sold the information, it is still as clear as day that the Keuncuska Firm has to hold responsibility for this.

‘Whether you’re the culprit or not, I’ll definitely make you pay the price for this, Ivar.”

Of course, I didn’t have the power to make him pay the price at the moment. Even if I came out victorious from this hearing, I would only receive a slight compensation in return. Regardless, I’ll never forget what transpired here today.

Clamoring filled the ballroom. The Demon Lords started to make a fuss due to Paimon’s revelation. Some of them even shouted at me to confirm whether what Paimon had said was true or not.

Marbas maintained an apathetic stance the entire time.

“Paimon. You are aware that groundless rumors have no place here, correct?”

“Naturally. This lady is not making up nonsense.”

“How was an employee of the Keuncuska Firm aware that Dantalian had predicted the Black Death?”

“Similar to myself, Dantalian is also partnered with the Keuncuska Firm. Dantalian gathered black herbs through the Keuncuska Firm which thus led to him receiving a profit of 20,000 gold.”


Marbas called out to Ivar.

“Is this true?”

“……My apologies, Your Highness Marbas, but we do not disclose the personal information of our customers.”

“So it is true.”

As expected, Marbas is a Demon Lord as well. It appears that seeing through the lies of others was easy enough for him. I suddenly realized how sly Ivar was. It didn’t matter what he said since Demon Lords can see through him, so he at least made sure to talk about the rules of a merchant on the surface.

Marbas turned to face me now. His gaze was murky, but I could clearly tell he was looking right at me.

“Dantalian, is this true?”


“I should also add that you have the right to remain silent. During a hearing, all Demon Lords are equal regardless of their rank. You are not obligated to answer Paimon’s question.”

I looked back at him. The ballroom became still once more as everyone waited for my reply.

If I refuse to answer here, then the hearing will end and only the suspicions against me will remain. This is what the Keuncuska Firm and Paimon want. I’ll end up being dragged around by the other party.


I decided to use my greatest move.

“Your Highness, before I answer, may I ask Ivar something?”

“I will allow it.”

“The thing which I wish to ask requires a fair amount of privacy, so please allow me to whisper to Ivar privately.”

“I will allow this as well.”josei

“Thank you very much.”

I motioned for Ivar to come to me. Once I did, he approached me with hurried steps.

He apologized as soon as he got to me.

“My sincerest apology, Your Highness. It seems that someone on our side had committed a grave crime.”

“It is quite unfortunate that our first meeting is like this.”

“We will expose the person responsible at all costs and punish them.”

“Is that so?”

Trying to pull your feet out when the criminal has been obviously chosen already.

“That is quite relieving to hear. Nonetheless, I am saying this because I am worried about our Chief Ivar…….”

I grinned and lowered my back.

I brought my mouth to Ivar’s ear and whispered.

“I am concerned whether your true body is doing well or not.”



I could vividly feel his shock.

“H-How do you……!”

“Your blonde hair is truly beautiful. Act at your own discretion.”

I said only those words before raising my torso back up.

Ivar looked like the very embodiment of bewilderment. I could see disbelief in his eyes.

Ivar Lodbrok.

There’s no way that I wouldn’t know this person’s true identity. The only demon to betray the Demon Lords and join the hero’s side in <Dungeon Attack>.

Although Ivar genuinely served a certain Demon Lord in the past, once they found out that the Demon Lord only thought of them as a tool, it led them to start despising all Demon Lords. By utilizing the puppeteering and spiritualism which they specialize in, Ivar was a person who made several clones of themself which ultimately allowed them to successfully hide their true resentment towards Demon Lords. Ivar would also play a big part in betraying the Demon Lord armies at a decisive moment, allowing the protagonist, the hero, to achieve victory.

This is why I was surprised the moment I found out this old gentleman was Ivar.

Because the Ivar Lodbrok I know isn’t this well-mannered grandpa⎯⎯⎯but a little girl who looks 12 years old on the outside.

You can’t hide anything from me. I’ve already seen all of your events, played through your route, and gotten your ending. I also know that Ivar’s true body is hidden somewhere in the frozen plains of the Moscow Kingdom. Albeit, I don’t know where exactly.

But does Ivar have a way to see through this?

The lowest ranking Demon Lord somehow knows the secret which no one should know.

Furthermore, it’s the Demon Lord who had also previously predicted the outbreak of the Black Death.

I am certain that I undoubtedly appear like a terrifying Demon Lord right now to Ivar. She should have taken my words just now as a threat, that I could get rid of her real body at any moment.


A long silence followed.

The complaints of several Demon Lords resonated throughout the ballroom. They were most likely annoyed about the long silence when the culprit behind the epidemic could possibly be revealed at any moment.

Ivar finally opened his mouth.

“Her Highness Paimon’s words are a lie.”

Ivar’s words caused Paimon to open her soft lips in surprise and also make the ballroom burst with anger in an instant.

“That bastard is lying!”

“This bat scum, who do you think you are lying before!?”

The Demon Lords all shouted their respective comments and caused a ruckus. There were even a couple of people who looked like they were about to charge at Ivar. However, Ivar remained impassive with his eyes closed.

The clamor didn’t settle like it did before. Even though Marbas raised his hand and asked everyone to quiet down, the other Demon Lords continued to shout.


Marbas slowly raised his right foot.

— Thud.

The entire ballroom shook. It felt like there was a small earthquake.

The Demon Lords quickly shut their mouths. They weren’t dumb enough to not know that that was Marbas’ warning. The Rank 5th Demon Lord was strong enough to send more than half the Demon Lords here straight to Hades.

“Silence. From this point forth, I forbid anyone from talking unless I allow it.”

Marbas turned to look at Ivar.

“Chief of Keuncuska, do you know what you are doing right now?”

“Your Highness, I apologize, but I have not uttered a single lie after stepping foot into this ballroom.”

“That is a lie!”

Paimon shouted.

“That man is lying, Marbas.”

“Your Highness Paimon, although the ability of Demon Lords is astonishingly magnificent, I know that it is unable to accurately distinguish the intricacy of emotions. It is true that His Highness Dantalian had bought black herbs in preparation for the Black Death; however, to say that he had also caused the Black Death……that is something which this humble one has no way of knowing. If you are not the devil himself, how could one accomplish such a feat?”

Marbas stroked his beard as if he were deep in thought. This was most likely because he could feel that Ivar wasn’t lying.

I snickered on the inside. Ivar had twisted his words intricately. ‘However, to say that he had also caused the Black Death, that is something which this humble one has no way of knowing,’ this answer was very ambiguous. Naturally, Ivar only had suspicions that I had caused the Black Death, he didn’t actually witness me spread it myself. That’s why it wouldn’t be wrong to say that he didn’t know anything.

Demon Lords fundamentally believe in their own abilities. Since they are able to directly read the emotions of others, Ivar managed to avoid suspicion by digging into that fact. How impressive.

Marbas spoke as if he were lamenting.

“Ivar is not lying. What is the meaning of this?”

“……That is definitely what this lady was told.”

Paimon answered.

“I ask for a witness to step forward. I request for Torkel, the highest executive of the Keuncuska Firm, to step forward as my witness!”


TL note: Thanks for reading the chapter. I wanted to get this out sooner, but as you all know, I’m on my trip at the moment. I went from San Fransisco>Las Angelas>Las Vegas. Our group will be taking a flight to Washington D.C later today. It’s been a rather busy trip with a jammed pack schedule, so excuse my translating speed. I hope to see you guys within a week.

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