Dungeon Defense (WN)

Chapter 85

Chapter 85: Watchdog of Humanity (11)

* * *

It has been 4 days since we took over the red fortress without shedding a single drop of blood.

Knights approached from a distance. It was the knights of the Scarlet Wild Boar. Out of the 2 margraves in charge of the northern region of the Habsburg Empire, these knights were under the control of Fritz von Rosenberg. Margrave Rosenberg is a rather big nuisance. He would constantly oppose the main character in the game.

‘The act of wiping out the Demon Lords is the duty of our nation, no, it is the duty of humankind. It is not a task for a single individual to handle on their own.’

This was Rosenberg’s declaration. He believed that if they relied on a single hero to take care of the Demon Lords, then humans would begin to treat war as someone else’s business. As people all around the continent cheered the hero and his party on, only a small minority of humans warned about the dangers of this behavior. Margrave Rosenberg was one of these people.

‘The empire is currently too absorbed in the concept of heroes.’

Those who speak harshly of things are destined to be hit by rocks.

While the hero and his party were dutifully taking out the Demon Lords one by one on their own, the armies led by the margraves failed to kill even a single Demon Lord. What are the knights doing? Aren’t you complaining about heroes simply because you’re jealous of their dazzling accomplishments? These complaints were made openly……. As an earl whose household had been protecting the northern end of the continent for almost 500 years, this was most likely a great insult.

In the end, the margraves forcefully rallied their troops. They abandoned their defensive positions and ventured on an expedition beyond the Black Mountains. Although, in the beginning, it seemed like they would regain their lost fame and dignity as they won victory after victory, they were all wiped out by the alliance led by Rank 2 Agares and Rank 4 Gamigin. Due to this incident, the human world was thrown into even more turmoil.

A man with pride towards his household, a sense of duty to protect the people of the empire, and in the possession of a substantial army……. In more ways than one, he’s a formidable opponent. It would be incredibly dangerous to face this man right now. He does get wiped out by Agares and Gamigin, but if you look at it from another perspective, it meant that you needed people on the same level as the Rank 2 and Rank 4 Demon Lords to form a common front in order to wipe him out. The other Demon Lords heeded my warning as they decided to not send our troops out.

“They may be knights, but there are only a hundred of them. We should be able to handle them.”

Amii was the only one who wanted to attack. He must’ve gained some confidence in his own skills after we won the previous battle. I have to reveal how cruel reality is to this adorable fellow.

“Each knight of the empire has a strength equal to that of an ogre.”

“E-Each knight?”

“Basically, it is like there are a hundred ogres over there. Well, half of them are most likely squires, so let us say there are seventy ogres. They are loitering about over there because they are trying to lure us out. If you wish to face seventy ogres in an open field, then be my guest, friend. Do not worry. I will make sure to pick up your bones.”

Amii looked back and forth between the knights and me with terror-filled eyes. I understand him looking that way towards the knights, but why is he looking at me like that as well? The world is filled with so many incomprehensible things.

His complaints ended there. The vanguard of the Crescent Alliance didn’t move from the fortress despite the presence of a hundred prey before them.

We had managed to conquer the green, blue, gold, and red fortresses with no more than 2,000 soldiers in only 5 days. This was the fastest pace ever achieved by the Crescent Alliance. Due to this feat of arms, the rookie Demon Lords obediently followed General Zepar’s orders. They probably calculated that it would be fine for them to not push themselves now since they’ve acquired enough merits to leave a strong impression on the higher-ranking members of the Plains Faction. In any case, it’s a good thing that they knew their place.

4 days have passed since we started this war of nerves against the knights.

General Zepar spoke up.

“Commander Barbatos will be arriving today.”

We all let out a sigh of relief. This is because we were worried that the knights might attempt to carry out a siege despite their disadvantage. On the evening of the same day, the main force with 17,000 monsters arrived at the fortress. It was quite impressive to see 17,000 monsters marching in formation.

We all stood outside the gate to welcome the main force. As we stood there, a leading officer approached us. The way his black mantle fluttered as he walked firmly towards us made me picture someone from a mafia family.

The man was 4 meters tall. It was Demon Lord Beleth who, at Rank 13, was the next highest ranking Demon Lord in the Plains Faction under Barbatos. Although he appeared to be upset, this was apparently his normal expression. According to him, his face naturally turns into a scowl whenever he enters the human world because he hates it that much. In other words, he was unintentionally revealing to the world that he has some loose screws in his head.

“Good work, Vanguard General Zepar.”

Beleth the giant growled his words like a tiger. Zepar nodded his head.

“You arrived faster than I expected.”

“It felt like I came out to sightsee because you had cleared the path for us. I should inform you that the Commander was incredibly pleased. Be happy, you are both in name and in reality the commander’s number 2 subordinate.”

“……Number 2?”

Zepar’s brow twitched.

“Either my ears are faulty or your mouth is malfunctioning. I, Zepar, am definitely the commander’s number 1 subordinate.”

“You jest. You are not Miss Barbatos’ number 1 subordinate, I am. You are only a runt who has lived for almost 2,000 years while I have lived for 2,400 years. I have been Miss Barbatos’ loyal servant for 400 years before you were born. Ehem.”

The giant snorted in laughter.

“It is 400 years too soon for you to be claiming to be her number 1 subordinate, little boy Zepar.”

“I was wondering what you were going to say, but you are only boasting about your age. Referentially, numbers are not what is important, it is your devotion. My loyalty to the commander easily surpasses something like 400 years. My devotion can even surpass 10,000 years.”

The two of them shook hands. With their left hands. Their veins were pulsing on the backs of their hands.

“This brat who’s only old on the outside⎯⎯.”

“You pig who only has a big body⎯⎯.”

The other Demon Lords must have been accustomed to this scene as they appeared apathetic. They wanted to hurry up and enter the fortress to rest. This desire of theirs was very evident.

If I were to offer my opinion, then, well, I find it hard to understand why these fellows haven’t killed themselves yet. I fully understand the reason why the Crescent Alliance failed 7 times.

Putting her rank aside, Barbatos has the appearance of a 12-year-old girl. In other words, these two Demon Lords are currently carrying out a fierce battle of wits to see who’s the more loyal fan of a 12-year-old girl. They’re helpless lolicons. The higher-ranking members of the Plains Faction consist of lolicons. If the humans heard this, wouldn’t they think it’s a joke and break out in laughter?

……A voice was asking from some corner of my mind who it was that actually had sex with that loli, but I ignored it. It felt like the dignity I have as a human would degrade by another level if I admitted that. Well, I’m not a human now anyway, but I still have a final Maginot Line that I won’t cross.

Zepar spoke.

“In any case. We are not here to welcome a warthog like you. Where is the commander?”


Beleth scowled further with his already menacing face. At this point, I might get his face confused with a wrinkled up ball of aluminum foil.

“Miss Barbatos will arrive in 18 seconds.”

“18 seconds?”

“Now 16 seconds.”

“……Ah. So it is like that.”

Zepar nodded as if he understood something. Out of everyone here, Zepar was the only one to understand Beleth’s words. Amii then inquired.

“Your Excellency, what do you mean by 18 seconds?”

“Mm, you must not know since you are new. There are now 10 seconds remaining.”

Zepar then pointed up at the sky. The other Demon Lords followed the direction he was pointing and looked up at the sky. It was at that moment, a black dot appeared in the blue sky. The dot instantly became bigger in three dimensions. No, it became massive. It was a dragon made of bones.

“A-A bone monarch!”

Amii let out a scream. I didn’t make a sound, but I was also surprised. Bone dragons went beyond Rank A and were Rank S monsters! They’re strong enough to devour a low-ranking Demon Lord if they wanted to. The emotion of fear from the monsters was transferred to me relentlessly. Even the ogres were trembling.

The dragon flapped its wings directly above our heads. A cloud of dust was kicked up. I covered my face with my arm. I felt like I would be sent flying if I removed any strength from my legs. The Demon Lords were naturally pushed back. The dragon slowly landed in the opening that had opened due to this.

The flapping stopped. Clouds of dust filled the area. Only the massive shadow of the dragon could be seen beyond the brown dust. Someone stepped on the dragon’s bones as they descended from its back.


It was the Rank 8 Demon Lord.

“Aah. Sorry, sorry.”

She walked forward as everyone held their breaths.

“I’m a little late, right? I clearly told him to wake me up at 1, but fuck. That stupid butler woke me up an hour late. I came flying here like mad because I thought I was going to be late.”

She spoke in a casual tone; however, 18 Demon Lords and 18,500 monsters knelt down as soon as she appeared. The ground shook.

“We welcome the commander!”

18 Demon Lords shouted in unison. A crease formed on Barbatos’ pretty forehead as she frowned.

“You guys are going nuts for no reason. Get up. Do you think that doing this would appeal to me even slightly? Ah, of course.”

Barbatos smiled slyly as she looked towards me. She made her way to me.

“Very rarely, there’s a nice fellow. Hey, Zepar. You really did it this time, huh?”

“You honor me, Your Excellency.”

“This guy. It feels like just yesterday when you ignorantly charged in during the 6th Crescent Alliance! Kekeke!”

Barbatos laughed as she pounded on Zepar’s back. Zepar’s body shook greatly whenever her palm hit his back. He knit his brows as if he were troubled.

“Is there anyone here who remembers the 6th Crescent Alliance? I was flabbergasted when some rookie charged at a group of human knights. That rookie is this guy. Our vanguard general, Rank 16 Zepar who we’re so proud of!”

Several of the other Demon Lords chuckled. The heavy atmosphere that had fallen over everyone with the appearance of the bone dragon had vanished.

“It would have been fine if they were normal knights, but they were the Green Rose from the Kingdom of Brittany. Even my mouth fell open when I saw that charge. I then realized, wow, this guy is a lunatic among lunatics. Fuck, he’s an imbecile but he’s also really cool.”

The other Demon Lords laughed more. Zepar, who had abruptly become the target of laughter, kept his head down. Even I couldn’t help but let out a laugh after seeing Zepar look so solemn. As this happened, Beleth asked harshly.

“Was he successful?”

“I said that he was an imbecile but cool. Keke! Even if someone’s cool, an imbecile is still an imbecile. He fucked up greatly. Did you guys know? He put all his military power into that fight, so even now he only has 20 ogres left. A Rank 16 fellow only has 20 ogres!”

Barbatos nudged Zepar’s side teasingly.

“Hah, it was so embarrassing that I couldn’t dare to go around bragging to others that you’re the third strongest person in the Plains Faction. Sheesh, you crazy imbecile. Why’d you do that back then? Confess now. Let’s solve this mystery that’s lasted 500 years.”

Zepar lowered his head even more as if he had committed a treasonous crime. It looked like he was being teased ruthlessly by a girl who was young enough to be his granddaughter. Naturally, everyone burst into laughter once more.

Once the laughter subsided, Barbatos took out a fan and started fanning herself.

“But I think I can boast about you now. Zepar, the Rank 16 Demon Lord is a warrior that the Plains Faction holds in pride. It was none other than Zepar who had achieved this feat of taking over the Black Mountains in only 5 days.”

“……Your Excellency.”

Zepar slowly raised his head as Barbatos grinned.

“On a smaller scale, you’ve attained glory for yourself, but on a larger scale, you’ve accomplished something great for the Crescent Alliance. You went beyond my expectations for the first step of this great cause. Comrades, offer your praises to Zepar here.”

Everyone began to applaud. Beleth the giant clapped with an unsatisfied look on his face. Zepar responded to the applause by saluting. Barbatos nodded.

“It would only be appropriate for I, Barbatos, to offer you a reward for this accomplishment. My comrade who has been with me for 1,200 years, Zepar, I bestow upon you a bone monarch.”

“……! Y-Your Excellency!”

Zepar was stunned. He wasn’t the only one who was surprised either. All the other Demon Lords let out a gasp as well. Beleth’s jaw dropped. You couldn’t possibly put a price tag on the value of an S Rank monster and something like that was given as a reward.

“That reward is too much for my humble achievement!”

“I will not accept any refusal.”

Barbatos responded sternly.

“I will also grant Vepar, Balam, Murmur, and Amii 10,000 gold. The others will also be rewarded according to their achievements on the day the Crescent Alliance comes to an end.”

“W-We are forever in your debt!”

“Thank you very much!”

The Demon Lords whose names were called immediately bowed.

I couldn’t help but be in awe. As expected of Barbatos. She was establishing military order before the start of the real war. The most basic form of military order is the reward system. No matter how much pride Demon Lords have, they just witnessed an S Rank monster be rewarded to someone. There’s no way this wouldn’t rile them up. If they didn’t follow Barbatos fully before, they will now due to their greed.

Previously, we discussed the reason why the Crescent Alliance failed in the past. It was due to people being worried about how they’d survive after the Crescent Alliance is successful and how this would cause the Crescent Alliance to break apart from the inside. However, what if you could obtain an S Rank monster here? Even if the human world is conquered, they should have enough spare power to survive afterward. They’re given a practical goal. The Demon Lords will desperately try to gain Barbatos’ favor.

“And now, there’s one person left.”

Barbatos turned to look at me.

“Aah, Dantalian. My dear friend.”

The other Demon Lords standing around us held their breaths once again. Barbatos has never referred to anyone as her friend before. A shock more sizable than when the bone dragon was bestowed onto someone spread throughout the crowd……. I don’t really like receiving attention like this.josei

“Zepar was the executor and you were the planner. The Black Mountains that have tormented our Crescent Alliance constantly for the past thousand years played in the palm of your hands. What sort of praise should I offer you? What sort of reward would be appropriate for you?”

This girl, she’s intentionally talking in this manner. I’m certain now. The more shocked and bewildered the other Demon Lords are, the more it fuels her sadism. This ill-tempered loli! You’re a sadist and a psycho.

I gulped before displaying a smile.

“……You’re praising me too much. I simply did what was asked of me.”

“Keke. If the other Demon Lords did their jobs like you, then we would’ve already conquered the human world 5 times by now. Now then, come closer.”

She beckoned me over with her finger. I had no other choice but to get closer to her.

“Normally, it would only be appropriate to give you an exceptional soldier or a large sum of money, but well, I don’t want to do that. Dantalian here has been doing really well as of late. He’s been doing so well that I might become jealous.”


A crude grin appeared on Barbatos’ lips.

I became even more nervous.

“But that doesn’t mean I can’t reward someone who had done a meritorious deed. Haah. What should I do? I thought about this for quite a while, but as expected of my genius brain, I thought of the perfect reward. Dantalian.”


She held my head with her hands. Right as I felt as if I were experiencing deja vu, her small hands pulled at my head with unbelievable strength. Shortly after, her fine lips touched mine.


This was the second time! She got me again!

I wasn’t going to fall into panic again. As this kiss was being forced onto me, I glared at her. Barbatos was grinning. She knows what she’s doing! A silent conversation was exchanged between us in an instant.

⎯⎯ How are you going to handle this!?

⎯⎯ What? Do you dislike this?

⎯⎯ How are you going to handle the aftermath!?

⎯⎯ I don’t know. I do whatever I want. If I want to kiss you, then I’ll kiss you.

⎯⎯ You might be able to do that, but I can’t!

⎯⎯ It’s fine, it’s fine. You won’t die. Now stick out your tongue.

An insufferable amount of time went by. Whenever I felt like I had escaped her lips, I couldn’t get away from her tongue. If a global kissing competition were held, then Barbatos would definitely win. I guarantee it. Damn it.

I was freed from her after a long time had passed.

Barbatos took a deep breath as if she felt refreshed.

“Hoo. My kiss is your reward. How was it? It was killer, right?”

Yeah. It was killer, all right. Literally.

I furtively glanced at the others around us. Sure enough, faces that looked as if they had faced the end of the world were present. Their dignity was gone as ten or so Demon Lords had their mouths agape. They weren’t able to say anything either. It was only natural to be unable to speak after receiving a certain degree of shock.

Only Barbatos was capable of talking jubilantly. 

“Ah, comrades. As you saw, I’ve called dibs on him, okay? I put my saliva on him first. If anyone tries to take him from me, then I’ll kindly and courteously beat the shit out of them, so only those who are confident in their ability to fight me should go up to the mound. From this day forth, Dantalian is my lover.”

Who are you calling your lover!?

I wanted to shout that, but I somehow managed to hold it back and smile.

I suddenly felt murderous gazes from nearby. Once I turned my head, I saw Zepar and Beleth glaring at me intensely. If looks could kill, I’d be long dead by now. It seems I’ve been firmly marked by the lolicon gentlemen…….

What else can I do but let out a sigh?


TL Note: Thanks for reading the chapter. This marks the end of this segment. The next segment is only 2 chapters long, so I’ll work on those next. However, I will be taking a brief pause to take care of some of my exams since exam week has just started. I don’t have too many exams, but considering this is my last semester, I want to do them properly. I say this, but I might end up translating anyway like I did last semester. We’ll just have to see.

I’ll see you guys on the next release.

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