Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 56 Chapter55-Treant Heroes In The Dungeon

Chapter 56 Chapter55-Treant Heroes In The Dungeon

Upon hearing Alicia's words, Eluna looked stunned. 

Where had the cold, arrogant Treant warrior from before gone?

ƥαṇdαs ηθνε| Her gaze was filled with conflict. 

She couldn't move. 

Her eyes glanced past Alicia and landed on Ethan behind her. 

His chilling, vertical pupils were watching her.

Eluna felt as though she had fallen into an ice cellar. 

Her body shook uncontrollably. 

Fear had taken over her heart.

She slowly knelt before Alicia, her once comrade. 

She lifted her foot, took off her shoe, and hesitantly licked it with her tongue.


As if struck by lightning, Alicia let out a moan. 

Seeing the once dignified High Priestess now in such a pitiful state, a wave of strange excitement filled her heart.

She slowly undressed and lifted Eluna's head. 

The two female Treants kissed passionately.

The provocative scene aroused Ethan, but he didn't join in. 

This was a rare show, and he intended to watch it to the end.

"Master, let me assist you."

Lilith had somehow managed to creep up beside Ethan. 

With his consent, she unbuckled his belt, gripped his hard manhood, and took it into her mouth.


Ethan let out a pleasurable sigh. 

While watching the erotic scene unfold before him and enjoying Lilith's service, he opened the chat panel and posted a message seeking trade.

[Unknown Dark Lord (Ethan): Selling 8000 units of food. I only want gold mines. The ratio is 1:3.]

[Merman Dark Lord: Damn, there have been so many awesome big shots recently. Last time there was a big shot selling 1500 units of food, now this is even more outrageous, straight up selling 8000 units. Who is this big shot and where does he come from?]

[Necromancer Dark Lord: Good thing I'm a necromancer, don't need much food. Otherwise, if we compare Dark Lords, the gap is just too big. I feel like shutting myself off from the world...]

[Ghost Vine Dark Lord: Are all the big shots anonymous now? How do they all become Unknown Dark Lords? How do I get this function? I want to go anonymous too, it's all about the face!]

[Giant Dark Lord: I want it, brother, I want it! But I don't have enough food right now! Can you wait for me for a while?]

Seeing this message, the Giant Dark Lord quickly spoke up in the world channel. 

The soldiers he summoned were all giants, and their consumption of food was terrifying. 

Unfortunately, the land he was born into was extremely barren, although it was rich in various minerals.

The gold mine he mined last time was bought by that mysterious Dark Lord, and now he doesn't have much gold left in the vault. 

And now, another guy comes along offering 8000 units of food.

[Unknown Dark Lord (Ethan): First come, first served. I urgently need gold mines now. I have already put them up for sale in the shop, any Dark Lord who needs them can take them directly.]

[Lizard Dark Lord: Haha, you idiots are still chatting. Smart people like me have already gone to the store to buy food first, haha.]

[Pigman Dark Lord: Damn, you guys are beasts, right? All sold out so fast?]

[Giant Dark Lord: I xxxxx your ancestors, how long did it take for you to buy everything? Can't you leave some for me?]

As Ethan was watching the world channel chat, the Giant Dark Lord suddenly sent a private message.

[Giant Dark Lord: Brother, there's a badass in the world channel trading food for gold mines, I hate it now... I don't have much gold left, otherwise, with this wave of food, I wouldn't have to worry about logistics for a long time and could focus on development.]

[Giant Dark Lord: The purchase ratio we discussed last time was to my advantage. So, I will adjust the ratio to 1:3 like today's badass. If you have food, just private message me! Don't sell to others, I didn't buy a single unit of food today, I hate it!]

[Unknown Dark Lord (Ethan): Okay.]

It was within Ethan's expectations that the food put up for sale would be swept away in an instant. 

After all, the usual ratio of food to gold coins was 1:3. Now it was the same for gold mines, it was a sure-win deal. 

Dark Lords with gold mines were essentially choosing to sell.

Instantly, he gained 24,000 more gold mines. 

Under the Treasure talent of the Gold Dragon, Ethan felt his strength get a massive boost again.

Bursts of power erupted from within him. 

Golden scales flashed across Ethan's skin surface. 

Lilith felt the massive object in her mouth jump violently, becoming more fierce instantly, almost making her choke.

[Name: Ethan]

[Strength: B-Rank (Can evolve)] 

[Bloodline: Golden Divine Dragon] 

[Skills: Golden Divine Scale (Elementary), Magic Immunity (Intermediate), Flame Dragon Breath, Lightning Claw, Gale Wings, Holy Light Judgment] 

[Attributes: HP 4,000, Mental Strength 310, Power 58, Constitution 65, Agility 47]

After taking a look at the updated attribute panel, Ethan nodded in satisfaction.

Patting Lilith's head, Ethan signaled her to turn around. 

With such good news, of course, he had to celebrate properly.

Lifting Lilith's skirt, Ethan thrust forcefully, only to hear Lilith shiver all over, letting out a charming moan.


Three days later, lying on Eluna's bed, Ethan groggily opened his eyes.

Three naked female Treants were holding onto his arms like koalas and sleeping. 

He glanced at the system prompt that popped up, and couldn't help but feel somewhat amused.

[Ding! NPC Eluna, loyalty increased to 90%.]

[Ding! NPC Lilith, loyalty increased to 90%.]

[Ding! NPC Alicia, loyalty increased to 90%.]

A loyalty score of 90% is pretty high, almost ruling out any chance of betrayal.

Even between close family or spouses, the loyalty score doesn't usually go beyond this.

"Have I managed to win them over in bed?"  josei

Ethan thought to himself, smirking. 

It seemed the divine dragon bloodline, in addition to granting him considerable power, had also significantly enhanced his charm.

After washing up and eating breakfast, Eluna came to Ethan holding two bottles of concoctions.

"Ethan, sir, these are the potions you asked me to prepare. After many trials and experiments, I've finally managed to concoct the potions according to your specifications," Eluna said, lifting a potion. 

"This one is a poison, formulated from a mixture of your essence blood and the water from the Fountain of Life. It only affects Treants. After ingesting it, a Treant must take the corresponding antidote every seven days or die from an internal explosion."

"And this potion," she continued, holding up the second bottle, "is the transformative potion you asked for. It took a lot of experimentation to get this right. It will mask your divine dragon bloodline's aura and change your appearance so you look like a Treant. Each dose only lasts for three days."

Eluna, softer and more docile than she was three days ago, had fully accepted herself as part of the Dark Lord's faction after Alicia's training.

"You've done a good job. I will reward you handsomely," Ethan said, patting her head. 

Eluna let out a charming whimper, instinctively wrapping her arms around Ethan's hand.

"But not now, I have more urgent matters to attend to." Ethan said, amused by Eluna's infatuation. 

Eluna blushed and lowered her head, realizing how bold she'd been.

"I need to go to Riverside. Right now, I'm only one of many troubles they face, not a priority. This is the best time to strike, while they are underestimating me. I'll bring Lilith and Alicia with me. Eluna, I need you to defend the village, especially the Fountain of Life. The seeds of life within it are extremely important to me. I cannot afford any mistakes."

Eluna, although longing to join Ethan, knew his orders were not to be questioned.

"Yes, I understand... I'll take good care of the house and wait for your return."


Accompanied by Zachary Barnes and the two female Treants, Ethan returned to the Dungeon. 

Once in the temporary prison they had set up, he gazed at the dejected Treant Heroes and smirked.

The iron gate creaked open and Zachary Barnes led Ethan into the prison. 

The sound of footsteps alerted the imprisoned Treants. 

Recognizing Zachary Barnes, they instantly flew into a rage.

"Zachary Barnes, you damned traitor! When I get the chance, I'll kill you!" they screamed.

"Where's Eluna? Hand her over, or we won't let you monsters off the hook!"

"Zachary Barnes, you dog! Fight me one-on-one!"

Zachary Barnes ignored their insults, snorting at their stupidity. 

He knew if he'd acted like these fools, he would be the one rotting in this prison cell.

He unsheathed his sword and banged it against the iron bars.

"Shut up, all of you!" he yelled. 

"Do you honestly think anyone cares about your pitiful lives? If it wasn't for me begging My lord, you'd already be goblin excrement! Now, My lord is merciful enough to offer you lowlifes a way out. If you want to die, keep yelling!"

After finishing his speech, Zachary Barnes respectfully stepped aside, creating a path. 

The prisoners suddenly noticed the ominous figure standing behind Zachary Barnes, a sight that filled them with despair.

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