Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 90 Chapter89-Giant Dragon Dark Lord(2nd Update, Cheer Me With Power Stones!)

Chapter 90 Chapter89-Giant Dragon Dark Lord(2nd Update, Cheer Me With Power Stones!)

"Do you like it?" His voice was low and pleasing, the end of his sentence deliberately dragged out, "There's more to enjoy."

Rose felt a flame ignite within her, making her body hot. 

She bit her lower lip, trying hard to suppress her moans. 

But the pleasure was too intense, and she couldn't help but whimper, "Mmm… ah… go gentle."

"If you like it, don't hold back your voice, babe…"

"Mmm… mmm… it feels so good, harder, faster… I feel so good…"

Their passionate entanglement escalated, crafting a beautiful and enchanting melody in the silent night.

After what seemed like an eternity, Rose collapsed in Ethan's arms, her face flushed, her body weak. 

She didn't even have the energy to speak.

Seeing Rose fast asleep by his side, Ethan decided to log into the world chat channel, intending to buy some food. 

After reaping the treasures of the Black Dragon, he had more than enough wealth. 

But summoning Bipedal Wyverns required a lot of food, and keeping them fed every day also took up a considerable amount of food. 

His Dungeon's current output was somewhat insufficient.

Just as he was about to post his purchase request, he noticed the majority of the Dark Lords in the world chat channel were discussing the Giant Dragon Dark Lord.

Ethan felt something odd. 

Had his reputation already spread that far? 

Did even Dark Lords in other regions know about him?

[Fishman Dark Lord: What do you guys think of the alliance that the Giant Dragon Dark Lord is organizing?]

[Frog Dark Lord: How to see it? I'm not in Sunset Empire, I won't even have a chance to join the alliance.]

[Cockroach Dark Lord: My bug army is assembling towards Brother Dragon's territory.]

[Spider Dark Lord: I've already joined Brother Dragon's banner. I'm now in his territory. To keep it short, in two words, invincible!]

[Giant Dark Lord: So jealous. I'm still stuck in the beginner's village, and you guys are already conquering territories.]

[Wraith Dark Lord: This is unfair! I protest! How come you guys are growing so fast even though we're all Dark Lords?]

[Centaur Dark Lord: Brothers, Brother Dragon has already made a statement. Once we gather enough forces, we'll take down East Sea! Remember the guy who got promoted to A-rank the other day? Brother Dragon said A-rank is nothing. Once he conquers the East Sea, he'll be the first Dark Lord to occupy a Hero's main city. This will max out his reputation, and everyone will have to bow down to Brother Dragon!]

After a glance at the information flooding the world chat channel, Ethan realized he had misunderstood. 

The Giant Dragon Dark Lord these guys were discussing wasn't him. 

Besides him, it seemed someone else had chosen to start as a dragon race.

But on second thought, it wasn't surprising. 

With so many people reincarnating as Dark Lords, it wasn't rare to find a couple of lucky ones.

This other Giant Dragon Dark Lord seemed quite ambitious, aiming to conquer a main city. 

Although Ethan had indeed seized Riverside, he chose to appoint Rose as his regent to avoid trouble and facilitate rule. 

But it looked like this Giant Dragon Dark Lord was taking a more direct approach.

Was he planning to challenge the entire Sunset Empire alone? 

Ethan couldn't tell if he was genuinely powerful or just a headstrong fool.

As Ethan was pondering, the main character appeared in the world chat channel.

[Giant Dragon Dark Lord: Brothers! We already have seven Dark Lords joining our Giant Dragon Alliance. I've just been promoted to A-rank and need a hand taking down East Sea. There's two more days before the alliance recruitment ends. Interested folks, come join us!]

[Spider Dark Lord: Brothers, just to keep things brief. There shouldn't be many Dark Lords who have reached A-rank right now, right? Unlike that Dark Lord who relied on luck to reach A-rank a few days ago, our brother dragon is of the dragon race. If you don't know what that means, go grab a native and ask. An A-rank Giant Dragon can easily handle a couple of same-level Dark Lords. Join now, and there's free loot for you!]

[Cockroach Dark Lord: Brother Dragon is a man of his word. Join our Giant Dragon Alliance, and you won't be disappointed!]

[Fairy Dark Lord: Brother Dragon, can I add you as a friend? Can you help your little sister out? I get harassed by Heroes every day. It's so annoying.]

[Butterfly Dark Lord: Big brother, I need your protection. I'm also near East Sea, but I'm far away from you guys. I'm weak...I'm afraid I'll be beheaded for a bounty before I can meet you.]

[Giant Dragon Dark Lord: Don't worry, my little sisters. If you're near East Sea and want to join the Giant Dragon Alliance, just give me a heads up. I'll personally lead the troops to escort you. If any foolish fellow dares to trouble you, I'll annihilate them!]

[Fairy Dark Lord: Brother Dragon is so mighty!]

[Butterfly Dark Lord: Brother Dragon, you're so cool. I can't wait to meet you.]


Watching the world chat channel, Ethan pulled up the map and gave it a glance.

"East Sea... let me find it. Ah, there it is."

It didn't take long for Ethan to locate East Sea. 

It was quite near to Riverside. Riverside, named because it was located on the north bank of the Furious River, was very close to the main city built at the river's estuary, East Sea.  josei

If one traveled by boat downstream, it would only take half a day to reach East Sea.

"How interesting..." Ethan chuckled and folded up the map.

He had no immediate plans to meet this fellow. 

His top priority was to clear out those idle Dark Lords near his Dungeon. 

Riverside wasn't even fully developed yet, so he didn't have much interest in East Sea.

After offering a substantial amount of gold coins to buy food at a 3:1 ratio, Ethan started to go through the private messages he hadn't had the time to read recently.

[Succubus Dark Lord: This Giant Dragon Dark Lord just appeared in the world chat channel, seems like he's all talk and no trousers.]

[Succubus Dark Lord: I can't stand him, he's way too full of hot air in the world chat channel, just itching to give him a taste of his own medicine.]

[Succubus Dark Lord: It's beyond me why so many dumbbells agreed to form an alliance with him. I tried to throw a party last time, but the turnout was pitifully low.]

[Succubus Dark Lord: His territory seems to be just downstream from Riverside, should we keep an eye on him?]

[Divine Dragon Dark Lord (Ethan): Let's tighten our grip on the areas near Riverside first, don't pay any attention to him for now.]


[Geisha Dark Lord: Is the Giant Dragon Dark Lord in the world chat channel you?]

[Geisha Dark Lord: Alright, I know it's not you now. This guy has absolutely no class...]

[Divine Dragon Dark Lord (Ethan): Don't sweat the small stuff. Focus on growing stronger, otherwise you won't even get a slice of the pie in the next battle.]


[Vampire Dark Lord: Ethan darling, I really want to drink dragon blood. You won't let me drink yours, so can you capture this Giant Dragon Dark Lord who's talking big in the world chat channel and drain his blood for me to drink?]

[Divine Dragon Dark Lord (Ethan): I'm too swamped.]


[Gnoll Dark Lord: Big bro, some clown of a Dark Lord is shooting his mouth off in the world chat channel. Just give me the word, and I'll shut him up for good. In my heart, Big Brother Ethan, you are the only real dragon.]

[Divine Dragon Dark Lord (Ethan): I appreciate your sentiment, but right now let's focus on growth and avoid group fights.]


[Werewolf Dark Lord: Big Brother Ethan, that Gnoll Dark Lord is starting to stealthily encroach on my territory again. As the boss, I hope you can give him a little heads up, reminding him not to cross the line.]

[Divine Dragon Dark Lord (Ethan): Keep the peace, I'll have a word with him next time.]


[Dark Elf Dark Lord: Did you see that Giant Dragon Dark Lord in the world chat channel? He's the one I wanted to discuss with you last time... My territory is halfway between Riverside and East Sea. This guy has been pestering me quite a lot.]

[Dark Elf Dark Lord: They're planning to take on East Sea. Despite the big noise they're making, I don't rate them highly. But I think this could be an opportunity, fancy jumping in for a slice of the action?]

[Divine Dragon Dark Lord (Ethan): I'm a bit overstuffed at the moment, I need to digest a bit. Let me farm in peace for a while.]


[Giant Dark Lord: Bro, are you there?]

[Giant Dark Lord: I've mined a lot of gold recently, are you still up for a food trade?]

[Giant Dark Lord: First we got an A-rank Dark Lord, and now this Giant Dragon Dark Lord wanting to siege a city. How come other Dark Lords seem to be having such exciting lives... Bro, let me know if you have any food to spare, I'm about to break ground on a new territory.]

[Divine Dragon Dark Lord (Ethan): I'm also running low on food, if I get a surplus, you'll be the first to know.]


[Lizard Dark Lord: Big Brother Ethan, are you there? I have important news, I've found a relic related to the dragon race. Are you interested?]

[Lizard Dark Lord: Big Brother Ethan, please reply when you see this message. This relic seems very important, but I can't unlock it on my own.]

This private message is interesting, a relic of the dragon race?

[Divine Dragon Dark Lord (Ethan): What kind of relic? Where is it?]

Ethan had barely sent the message when the reply from Lizard Dark Lord lit up, as if he was on constant watch of the chat.

[Lizard Dark Lord: It's a bit complicated to explain in a few words. I've found a lot of stone tablets with inscriptions around the relic, but I can't decipher the words. Big Brother Ethan, do you have some time recently? I can come to you in person to discuss.]

[Divine Dragon Dark Lord (Ethan): Let's do it tomorrow, I'll be free then. You can find me at the Temple Dungeon.]

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