Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 95 Chapter94-Tower Of Legacy(1st Update, Cheer Me With Power Stones!)

Chapter 95 Chapter94-Tower Of Legacy(1st Update, Cheer Me With Power Stones!)

"Hmm..." Flora, the Dark Lord, began to ponder at the sound of Fairy Dark Lord's proposal. It was obviously tempting to her.

Yet, the terrifying figure of Ethan, truly embodying the essence of a "Dark Lord," suddenly came to her mind, and it quickly dampened her enthusiasm. 

Even if she accepted the legacy of the Giant Dragon Dark Lord and managed to summon a group of powerful minions, and being optimistic, say she somehow managed to ascend to A rank, she was probably still no match for this Ethan...

Even the Giant Dragon Dark Lord, also an A rank and a member of the dragon race, met with such a terrible fate, Flora, the Dark Lord, had no confidence to go toe-to-toe with a dragon.

"Forget it... Sister, as you know, I'm a bit soft-hearted. I'd rather find a strong man to rely on than struggle alone in this world," Flora, the Dark Lord, said with a smile. 

She was quite open-minded about her situation. 

Being transported to such a perilous world and dealing with those Heroes was already taxing enough for her.

If there was a man willing to take care of her, she would be more than happy to accept. 

And as far as she could see, Ethan's personality didn't seem to be the brutal type.

Fairy Dark Lord hesitated for a moment, her eyes filled with inner struggle. 

But in the end, she flapped her wings and slowly took flight.

"Well then, Sister Flora, I'll take my leave first... If you're ever unhappy by Ethan's side, you can always come and find me," Fairy Dark Lord said.


As Ethan stepped into the Tower of Legacy, a burst of blinding white light instantly flooded his vision. 

As his sight gradually recovered, numerous giant spheres of light appeared before him. 

These spheres were of various colors. 

Ethan walked up to a ball radiating a golden-white light and touched it.

Suddenly, a torrent of memories began to pour into his mind. 

As Ethan had anticipated, the records within this sphere were the Heritage Memories of the Divine Dragon clan. 

Unfortunately, the Heritage Memories inside were mostly fragmented and far less comprehensive than those Ethan had obtained from the treasure chest. 

They were of little use.

Shaking his head, Ethan turned his attention to the five largest spheres of light, each corresponding to a different color. 

If Ethan wasn't mistaken, these were left behind by the five dragons that had created the Dragonforge Academy. 

These were probably the most powerful inheritances in the Tower of Legacy.

As Ethan placed his hand on the red sphere, a large Red Dragon covered in scars suddenly appeared before him. 

A terrifying aura emanated from it, giving Ethan an overwhelming sense of oppression. 

As their gazes met, the sense of dragon majesty Ethan felt deepened. 

A powerful force caused his muscles to tense up until, with a roar, Ethan was forced to transform into his dragon form.

The intense pressure didn't wane, and after a few moments, Ethan felt the weight on him lift. 

The Red Dragon gave a barely perceptible nod, as if Ethan had gained some form of approval.

"Blood of the Divine Dragon... Qualified for the inheritance..."

An ethereal voice echoed, followed by a flood of Heritage Memories related to the Red Dragon pouring into Ethan's mind. 

The Red Dragons, known for their vitality, were also the most balanced in combat among the five-color dragons. 

They could reach the highest realms of physical and magical growth. 

They even developed some unique spells that could be cast onto their bodies, resulting in terrifying destructive power.

Ethan recalled the attack from the Giant Dragon Dark Lord that was akin to a meteor strike. 

This must have been that combat technique. 

A red light shrouded Ethan for a few moments before gradually fading away. 

Ethan had completely accepted the Red Dragon's inheritance, though it would take some time to fully integrate all the memories.

After accepting the Red Dragon's inheritance, Ethan looked towards his next target and sequentially accepted the remaining four inheritances. 

The Green Dragon's expertise in debuff spells, the White Dragon's healing magic, the Black Dragon's physical enhancements, and the Blue Dragon's offensive magic...

With these five inheritances, Ethan could be said to have no weaknesses. 

After receiving the five most comprehensive inheritances, Ethan turned his gaze towards the remaining few spheres in the Tower of Legacy, absorbing them one by one. 

ƥandasnovel·ƈom These spheres, like the Divine Dragon's inheritance, were fragmented with many inheritances only detailing one or two abilities.

The Shadow Dragon's shadow evasion, the Poison Dragon's blood refinement, the Ghost Dragon's phasing ability...

Of these many inheritances, only three abilities were of the greatest use to Ethan. 

One was the Space Dragon's spatial teleportation, second was a special Blood Ritual, and third was the Aberration Dragon's Yin-Yang Harmonization.

The spatial teleportation was self-explanatory. 

Ethan could construct a large teleportation circle without any casting materials, and with sufficient mana and coordinates, he could teleport anywhere.I think you should take a look at pandasnovel.com

The Blood Ritual was a ceremony considered taboo among dragons, whereby the sacrifice of a dragon could grant a new Bloodline to the dragon performing the ritual.

Lastly, there's the Yin-Yang Harmonization from the nefarious Aberrant Dragon clan, truly a wicked art. 

According to the information in the Heritage Memories, the Aberrant Dragons were outcasts, exterminated by the other clans long ago. 

The main reason for their purge was this very Yin-Yang Harmonization. 

Known for their lasciviousness, especially the Aberrant Dragons, they were able to utilize this technique to extract the power from their partners, which allowed them to enhance their own power. 

Although it led to a rapid rise in the Aberrant Dragons' strength, it also made them intolerable to the other clans...

"This Yin-Yang Harmonization technique seems quite useful, but I'd have to be discreet about using it," Ethan thought. 

He didn't want to repeat the same mistakes and end up like the Aberrant Dragons, universally despised and attacked from all sides. 

Yet, as a Dark Lord, it seemed his fate was bound to be surrounded and attacked. 

With this realization, Ethan simply shrugged off his concerns.

After absorbing all the inheritances, Ethan marveled once again at the power of the Divine Dragon Bloodline. 

As Flora Dark Lord had mentioned, ordinary dragons could only take in one or a few types of Heritage Memories...

Giant Dragon Dark Lord was truly lucky in some ways. 

If he hadn't encountered Ethan so early and had met some weaker dragons first, leveraging the Blood Ritual to gain more dragon bloodlines and absorb more Heritage Memories, Ethan might not have been his match.

If he had defeated Ethan and absorbed his Divine Dragon Bloodline, his rise to power would have been unstoppable. 

But alas, everything he gained only ended up benefiting Ethan.

Transforming back into human form, Ethan walked out of the Tower of Legacy. 

Sitting on a rock, Flora Dark Lord turned around in surprise, her face full of panic...

"What... Lord Ethan, you're out?" she stammered. She had witnessed Giant Dragon Dark Lord accepting his inheritance once, and it had taken him nearly half a day. 

But Ethan was out in less than half an hour. 

If she had just agreed to leave with Fairy Dark Lord, they probably would have been caught by Ethan before they even left the ruins.

Ethan looked at Flora Dark Lord and nodded, then glanced around with a frown. "Where's Fairy Dark Lord?"

Hearing Ethan's question, Flora Dark Lord didn't know how to respond. 

Fairy Dark Lord had been a close acquaintance of hers for a long time. 

Their powers complemented each other, and they had supported each other ever since they came to this world. 

She couldn't bring herself to betray Fairy Dark Lord's whereabouts.

Ethan understood Flora Dark Lord's inner struggle and didn't get angry. 

It was just human nature, but for some disobedient little pets, they really needed to learn a lesson.

"Just as well, I've been wanting to test my new powers anyway. There's still plenty of time to play a game of cat and mouse."

Ethan grabbed Flora Dark Lord's arm, a magic circle appeared under their feet, and with a hum, their figures disappeared right in front of the Tower of Legacy.

Inside the Dragon Ruins, Fairy Dark Lord was fleeing for her life. 

She could see the vortex slowly spinning in the distant sky. 

As long as she passed through there, she could leave the ruins, and then she would be free as a bird, free as a fish in the sea.

With hope for the future in her heart, Fairy Dark Lord pushed herself to fly higher into the sky...

Suddenly, the space in front of her twisted, and a chilling voice slowly echoed, "Where do you think you're going?"

Fairy Dark Lord froze on the spot, feeling as if she had fallen into an ice cellar. 

Ethan's figure slowly appeared in front of her. 

She fell to her knees and quickly said, "Lord Ethan... I was wrong, I was ignorant, and I was temporarily blinded. Please, I beg you, spare me..."

"I... I really know I was wrong."

"Is that so?" Ethan smirked mischievously and landed a slap across her face.

The terrifying force of Ethan's slap sent Fairy Dark Lord plummeting from the sky onto the ground.  josei

Ethan slowly approached her. 

Holy Light emanated from his hand as he gently stroked and healed her fair, tender face.

"Admitting your mistake is a good step, but every action has its consequences, doesn't it?"

"I...whimper..." Fairy Dark Lord stared at Ethan with fright. 

Ethan's hand slowly slid under her dress and tore it apart.

Ethan chuckled wickedly. 

He decided to test his newly acquired Yin-Yang Harmonization technique right there on Fairy Dark Lord.

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