Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 108 Chapter107-The Battle Of Two Cities(2nd Update, Cheer Me With Power Stones!)

Chapter 108 Chapter107-The Battle Of Two Cities(2nd Update, Cheer Me With Power Stones!)

"It's time to teach that rude woman a lesson! I have already ordered the East Sea defense force to prepare for war and officially declare war on Riverside! I need your help!"

"I can promise you that after we conquer Riverside, all the spoils of war will be yours. Also, East Sea will provide the maximum support to all guilds."

"I want to fight and let those lowlifes in Riverside know their place. Are you ready to answer the call to battle?"

"Screw it!" Jacob immediately stood up, raising his hand to volunteer.

"I have a deep-seated hatred for Riverside. My brothers from the Sea King Guild are still held captive by those beasts in Riverside, their fate unknown. If our Lord is willing to fight, I, Jacob, am willing to be the vanguard!"

"My Swordshark Guild also volunteers!"

"Let's crush those sons of bitches!"

The Heroes one by one responded, even those reluctant to exert effort at this time didn't dare to voice their disapproval, following the flow to show their agreement.

Once the resolution was unanimously passed, Louise nodded and said, "Swift action is the key to victory, we mustn't delay. Tonight, at midnight, we will launch our attack on Riverside!"

"Understood!" After the Heroes took their orders, they promptly returned to their respective bases. 

A huge number of Heroes were summoned, and the regular army of East Sea also began to assemble outside the city.

When night fell, the vast army began to march towards Riverside. 

Such a large-scale movement was naturally impossible to hide from Riverside. 

However, East Sea had no intention to conceal their actions. 

In a world where Heroes have chat channels, attempting a surprise attack is simply unrealistic.

Facing the menacing Riverside, East Sea's army immediately assembled outside the city. 

Rose, being the competitive woman that she is, rejected the advice from her subordinates to wait and defend, letting the enemy come to them. 

She immediately ordered the army to strike first.

In Rose's words, if they are too timid to face a bunch of cowards like East Sea, how would they ever face the fearless Dark Lord army in the future?

Both city masters chose the most aggressive tactics, and the final battlefield was set in a flat plain located halfway between the two cities.

The armies of Riverside and East Sea, one in the south and the other in the north, on Rose's command, charged towards the enemy line with a battle cry.

As soon as the two armies clashed, they immediately fell into chaos. 

ƥandasnovel·ƈom Countless flashes of blades crisscrossed, lives were lost like insignificant weeds, and blood soaked the entire land.

At this point, the leading Heroes from both Riverside and East Sea charged into battle. Heroes were the main force on the battlefield.

Every Hero had their own unique abilities, their strength far exceeding the NPCs of the main city's original army. 

The high-ranking Heroes were even more extraordinary. 

As soon as the two sides clashed, terrifying magic fluctuations erupted in the air, and various bizarre skill lights exploded in the sky.

"Kill!" Jacob roared, leading the charge himself. Wielding his long sword, he was a whirlwind of slashing blades, attacking the Heroes of Riverside.

The power of a Rank A Hero needs no explanation. 

Enraged, Jacob fought fiercely. Three Heroes from Riverside were instantly suppressed by him alone, gasping for breath.

Jacob was fighting against three opponents alone, and not only did he not fall behind, he even seemed to have the upper hand. 

The morale of East Sea's side was immediately boosted!

"Die!" Jacob roared, his figure suddenly swelling, his eyes blood-red. 

He shook off the two Heroes who were attacking him and swung his sword at one of them. 

It was clear that he was willing to pay the price of severe injury to kill one first.

Seeing Jacob's fierce sword coming closer and closer, the targeted Hero was filled with desperation.

"Clang!" In an instant, a chilling dagger pierced from the side, hitting Jacob's long sword and sending it flying. 


Jacob was pushed back several steps by the massive force, his face slightly changed.

Rose, like a ghost, appeared beside him, her figure fading into shadow, and disappeared in front of his eyes.

Jacob immediately sounded the alarm in his mind. 

A person's reputation precedes them. 

Rose's combat record in the Hero camp was extremely fierce, and she was good at close combat, being an assassin. 

No one was confident that they could survive a one-on-one fight with Rose.

But now, Jacob had no choice but to fight.

He abandoned his defense entirely, gripping his long sword, his entire body's momentum concentrated at one point!

With a swish, Rose's dagger pierced through Jacob's back.  I think you should take a look at pandasnovel.com

He did not retreat at all, but used his body as bait to slash at Rose.

Facing Jacob's fierce fight-to-death tactics, Rose was also taken aback. 

She quickly bent her upper body backwards, although she avoided Jacob's fatal blow, a large wound was cut open on her belly...

Immediately, another short spear shot through the air, targeting Rose's heart. The color drained from Rose's face as she quickly raised her dagger to block the spear. Despite her efforts, the powerful impact wounded her significantly, causing her to fly back and a trace of blood seeping from her lips.

"Is this the so-called dragon slayer, Hero Rose? She's not that impressive after all," a sneer came from a distance.

A towering Hero, Lucas, slowly drew an astonishingly large bow, pulling it into a full moon shape. 

Terrifying magic energy converged on the bowstring, forming a pitch-black arrow. 

The arrow pointed directly at Rose's head. 

With a 'twang', the arrow tore through the air, heading straight for her. 

Lucas, the bowman, is the second-ranking Hero in East Sea after Jacob. 

Not only is he a Rank A Hero, but he also is a powerful special class, the "Magic Bowman."

As Lucas launched his attack, Jacob came in to assist, his sword gleaming fiercely as he aimed at Rose. 

The Riverside Heroes rushed to assist, but it was obviously too late...

The arrow, imbued with terrifying energy, seemed to rip through space, appearing before Rose in an instant. 

It was an almost unavoidable attack. 

In the face of imminent danger, Rose forcibly twisted her body to dodge the fatal blow. 

Her shoulder was pierced by the arrow, creating a massive bloody wound...

Blood continued to flow, and Rose felt her right arm go numb. 

For an assassin, this was fatal. 

She barely had time to catch her breath when a spear came whizzing through the air, aiming straight for her forehead.

A Hero clad in heavy armor, multiple spears protruding from his back, slowly approached. 

The Heroes in his path were effortlessly sliced in half, like lambs waiting for the slaughter. 

This Hero's name was Adam, another Rank A Hero. 

He had several passive aura skills suited for the battlefield, making him even more threatening than Jacob in large-scale battles.

"Attack!" Jacob charged at the same time, and the three of them cornered Rose. It was almost a checkmate for her.

"I'll help you, guild leader!" A voice rang out beside Rose. A Treant wielding a longsword, Zachary, was rushing towards them.

Seeing Zachary, a glimmer of joy flashed across Jacob's face. Did Zachary's appearance mean that the brothers of the Sea King Guild were safe? But in the next moment, Jacob's joy turned into shock. Zachary's sword, full of killing intent, bypassed Rose, who was back to him, and stabbed straight at Jacob. Jacob was caught off guard and was pierced directly through the chest by Zachary's sword.

On the other side, accompanied by the clear sound of metal clashing, Rose kicked the incoming spear off course. It brushed past her shoulder, leaving a trail of blood.

Jacob's eyes widened in disbelief. He couldn't understand why Zachary suddenly turned against him and attacked him.

Seeing the confusion in Jacob's eyes, Zachary smirked, "Guild leader, long time no see."

"You traitor!" Jacob's face darkened further. In a flash, he understood everything that had happened...

From the beginning, it was all a plot. The sudden disappearance of the Giant Dragon Dark Lord, the inexplicable conflict between the Heroes of the two cities, Louise's sudden declaration of war, Riverside's unexpected choice to abandon the fortress and seek a field battle...

Everything pointed to a dark hand manipulating the entire East Sea.

"It's a plot, a plot, everyone retreat, Adam, lead everyone to retreat..." Jacob screamed in desperation, but his cry of despair was drowned out in the noisy battlefield.

"Jacob, today, you are as good as dead! I'll offer your head to my lord!" Zachary sneered as he once again lunged at Jacob.

Jacob barely managed to block the sword. 

He could feel his body weakening rapidly, a wave of weakness spreading throughout him. 

His health points were dropping quickly, and he knew he wouldn't be able to hold on much longer!

"Damn it!" Jacob cursed, his heart filled with rage, regret, and remorse... But no matter how much he refused to accept it, he couldn't change the outcome now.

Faced with the combined forces of Zachary and Rose, no one could withstand their onslaught, especially Jacob. 

His wounds were severe and his reactions were now purely instinctual. 

He was a spent force...

Under Zachary's relentless assault, Jacob was soon cornered. 

A flash of cold light crossed, and Zachary's long sword pierced his chest.

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