Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 114 Chapter113-Blood Ritual(2nd Update, Cheer Me With Power Stones!)

Chapter 114 Chapter113-Blood Ritual(2nd Update, Cheer Me With Power Stones!)

"Compared to the distant future, I actually care more about the present," Mia fell silent, her determined eyes revealing vulnerability and helplessness.

Ethan patted her head, suddenly laughed, and said, "Don't worry, Mia, I won't let you leave me."

"I have a method that will let us stay together forever, but it might cause you a lot of pain, even forcing you to abandon your human identity... Are you willing?"

"I'm willing." Mia nodded, her eyes looking firmly at Ethan.

"No matter what I have to go through, as long as I can stay by your side, I am willing."


Ethan took Mia's hand, and the method he mentioned was simple, it was the Blood Ritual that bestowed the dragon's Bloodline.

Taking Mia with him, they both returned to the Dungeon.

While Mia prepared for the ritual by settling her body and mind into an optimal state, Ethan began to get ready for the Blood Ritual.

The most important item for the Blood Ritual, the body of a dragon, Ethan already had. 

The second-most crucial aspect was the construction of two massive blood pools for the Blood Ritual's transformation. 

This preparation was somewhat more troublesome for Ethan.

Not only did he need to dig two blood pools of precise dimensions, but he also had to engrave a complicated set of magic runes on them. 

If Ethan hadn't merged a lot of inherited memories, this single step would have delayed him for several months. 

After several days of preparation, Ethan finally had everything set up.

He chose the deepest part of the Temple Dungeon for the location of the blood pools, considering that the Blood Ritual might be needed again in the future. 

He put in a lot of effort when constructing them.

After sending his subordinates away and ordering them to lockdown the Dungeon, Ethan called Mia over.

"Ethan, is this the place where the ceremony is going to be performed?" Mia looked at the two giant blood pools before her, obviously feeling a little uneasy and insecure.

Because the scene in front of her was very reminiscent of those legendary evil cult rituals.

"Don't worry, leave everything to me. You just need to have a good rest. When you wake up, everything will be over smoothly," Ethan said with a smile, patting Mia's head.

Mia stripped off her clothes, revealing her flawless body, and slowly descended to the center of the blood pool.

pandasnovel.com Ethan took out the body of the Giant Dragon Dark Lord from his storage space and placed it in the other blood pool. 

He then covered the pool with his hands and began to infuse magic power into it. 

As Ethan's magic power was infused, the entire blood pool began to shimmer with intense white light.

Once all the magic runes in the two blood pools were illuminated, the sound of water could be heard in the pools. 

Countless mists began to steam and then condense into liquid in the pools. 

The milky white pool water kept rising until the pools were full, and the entire space was filled with a touch of sacredness.

Located in the center of the blood pool, Mia slowly closed her eyes, her body semi-floating in the pool, as if asleep. A tranquil smile appeared on her face.

"Blood sacrifice..."

Ethan started to utter a series of complex dragon language. 

The originally sacred pool suddenly filled with a layer of blood. 

The white-glowing runes became visibly bloody.

In the other pool, the giant body of the Giant Dragon Dark Lord began to silently dissolve. 

Countless blood threads spread from the pool and covered the entire body of the Giant Dragon Dark Lord, as if a giant web enveloped him.

Then, starting from his hard dragon scales, his body gradually started to dissolve. Scales, flesh, bones...

The Giant Dragon Dark Lord disappeared like an ice cube melting in water.

In the blood pool, the originally milky white water had turned into a dazzling red. Countless mysterious runes floated and flickered in the blood pool, and a surging aura of magic energy filled the entire space in an instant.

Ethan closed his eyes, and golden scales slowly appeared on his body. 

Golden magic power continuously gushed from his body, instantly filling the entire blood pool.

The most important step of the Blood Ritual began.

In the blood pool where Mia was, golden magic power began to move along the magic circle engraved on the pool, eventually covering Mia's entire body. 

Then, a complex network formed on her body, which was the Bloodline network.

Ethan let out a soft sigh. Slowly, Mia's blood was being drawn from her body, getting absorbed into the pool of blood. 

Simultaneously, the dragon blood from another pool started to slowly replace Mia's own bloodline through the magical web built around her body.josei

Mia's physique underwent dramatic changes almost instantly. 

Her petite figure began to gradually expand, almost as if she was going through a second growth phase.  I think you should take a look at pandasnovel.com

Her skin started to develop reddish scales, a process that took some time. 

Once her entire body was covered in scales, her back started to creak and grow a tail. Then came the dragon wings...

Under the influence of the Blood Ritual, Mia's physical form underwent drastic changes. 

Her fingers curved into dragon claws, her body inflated, losing its human shape. 

Now, in the pool of blood, Mia resembled a miniature dragon.

"Mmm..." Mia let out a dull moan. 

A pair of dragon wings burst from her back and horns began to protrude from her forehead. 

Ethan's magic flowed continuously, causing the entire magic circle to emit a violent golden light.

Ethan could feel a massive amount of magic being drained from his body. 

Even with his Rank S power, it was almost too much to bear.

"I'm glad I didn't rashly conduct this ritual earlier." Ethan couldn't help but let out a cold sweat. 

If he had performed this Blood Ritual with his previous power level, he would have been completely drained before the ritual could be completed.

Guided by Ethan, the Blood Ritual finally came to its last step. 

Mia, who had already transformed into a dragon, underwent yet another transformation. 

This time from dragon back to human. 

The Blood Ritual was powerful indeed, but it couldn't transform her into a dragon. 

It could only endow her with a dragon's bloodline.

Mia's body gradually shrank back to human size, her scales disappeared into her skin, and the tail on her back gradually receded and vanished...

From the outside, Mia now looked no different from an ordinary human. 

Only her significantly taller stature and a pair of dragon horns on her head betrayed her transformation.

"Mmm..." With a soft moan, Mia slowly woke up. 

The moment she awoke, she could feel the powerful and surging strength within her body. 

It seemed like with just a slight wave of her hand, she could wipe out countless past versions of herself.

"How do you feel?" Ethan finally sighed in relief as the ritual completed, asking Mia with a smile.

Mia, now, had a different kind of beauty. 

Like Ethan, she also had golden vertical pupils, and compared to before, her body became more voluptuous and seductive, oozing an extremely wild beauty, her every movement emanating a strong threat.

"I don't know how to describe it, but I feel great, really great," Mia took a deep breath, feeling the power within her.

"Then take some time to adapt." Ethan laughed heartily, making the first move. 

His claws began to wrap around dazzling electric sparks, and he lunged at Mia.

Almost instinctively, Mia easily dodged the attack, leaving an afterimage in the air.

"Looks like your bloodline integration went even better than I expected," Ethan said, surprised when his attack missed. 

After all, he was Rank S. 

Although he hadn't used his full strength just now, even a Rank A hero wouldn't have been able to dodge his attack so effortlessly.

"I want to test my new power too..." Mia licked her lips, exuding a dangerous and wild aura. 

The best way to adapt to this new power would be to spar with Ethan.

Her body gradually surfaced with red scales. With a powerful sound booming, Mia propelled herself into the air, her form blurring as she launched herself towards Ethan.

"Bring it on!" Ethan laughed and charged directly towards her.

A burst of two formidable magical energies erupted, a golden and a red figure clashing violently in midair, the resulting shockwave spreading outwards.

"Huh…" With a single touch, Mia suddenly emitted a beast-like growl. Her vertical pupils contracted sharply, appearing like black lines. A terrifying aura exploded from within her.

A layer of red light enveloped her, as if she was immersed in red flames. The scorching red light swirled around her fists as she launched a punch at Ethan.


The punch hit Ethan square in the stomach, sending him flying dozens of meters, crashing into the wall of the cave and leaving a huge crater.

"Shii..." Ethan groaned, clutching his stomach as he slowly walked out of the hole. Mia had given him a few surprises.

Her strength was now firmly above Rank A, and with her now carrying the dragon clan Bloodline, her future potential was limitless.

"I have to show my true skills now," Ethan licked his lips, vanished on the spot, and reappeared in front of Mia, punching her in the stomach.

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