Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

361 Chapter 361

361 Chapter 361

Feeling the severity of the situation, Lisa involuntarily nodded her head. Nonetheless, her mind was somewhere else 'Chuck, you cannot hurt that demon, he was the one who saved us'.

Back at the place where the violent storm was still brewing.

PUFF… GUGH…josei

Simon spouted out a mouthful of blood trying to prop his body up from the large gorge he had created on the ground. Visibility was extremely low with the dust still falling from the sky. The shockwave from the attack had pushed him thousands of meters back where his body skidded the ground and remained motionless for a while.

With the last attack, he had used every last bit of his mana and if it still did not manage to damage his enemy, then there was nothing he could do.

For a second, he thought about using the 200+ Elixir of the Sacred Sanctum that he had been buying ever since his dungeon started to produce a good amount of DP.

The elixirs were an extremely important item that would become the cornerstone for his growth and something he knew would become crucial for his future. The elixir of Sacred Sanctum was an item that could basically become his lifesaver and could turn around any situation and predicament he might find himself into in the future.

Using it right now, seemed like a huge waste and other than increasing some of his stats, the elixir won't be able to have much of an impact. In the end, he rejected the idea.

As he was sprawled on the ground unable to get up, many memories came crashing inside his head like a tidal wave. One of them was what Lucine had said right before she disappeared. She had gone out of her way to specifically mention the trail that they had gone through.

"If you want to become stronger, you might want to risk your life clearing the forbidden trail" was what she said. As absurd as it sounded, it was true that the forbidden trail did increase his level significantly in the few days he was inside.

if he had that mich growth from just a couple of days of being inside, one could imagine what would happen if he spent a week, or even a month inside.

As enticing as it sounded, it wasn't gonna be that easy since even with the help of Lucine and Denzel, they were barely able to pass some of the trials. Simon did not even want to imagine what would have happened in the case that they failed one of the trails.

'Bear this humiliation in your heart and use it as a driving force to get stronger' he reminisced taking out a black hexagonal stone from his [Inventory].

It was also at this moment that he felt two auras lock at him. Needless to mention, it was from Godwin and Raven. At this moment, the both of them were standing in the air with illusory wings protruding from their back.

When Simon saw the unscathed appearance of Godwin, he couldn't help but groan internally and tighten his fists. Since it has come to this point, there was no other way than to use it.

"Allow me to deal it the death blow for you".

Raven said looking at the demon sprawled on the ground, bathed in the pool of his own blood. At this moment, his expression was extremely serious and there was no longer that condescending smile on his face.

But before Raven could proceed forward, Godwin extended his hands and created two mana swords that dug deep inside the demon noble's wings and pinned him onto the ground indicating that he was not done yet.

In the face of these powerful enemies, Simon at least wanted to stand on his own feet, his pride didnot allow him to appear pathetic while sprawled on the ground and being looked down by them. Thus he willed his body to get up but his attempt to do so was met with Mana Swords that pinned his wings on the ground.

"I'll ask you for the last time, tell me demon what happened back in the Ghastly Winding Forest".

Godwin asked straining on every words. From his tone to his attitude, it could be seen that he was dead serious. Though it might have been effective had it been somebody else; However, the one he was up against right now, was Simon who became extremely stubborn at certain times.

Even while blood continued to flow out from his wounds and the burning anger raging within him, the cheeky smile never left his face. He looked more like glared Godwin directly in the eye and pointed his middle finger at him.

'You think you have me pinned?' Simon roared internally and used his immense willpower and his remaining strength to pull himself up. All the while, a CHII…CHIII… sound continuously came from his wings as he forcefully tried to rip his wings from the mana swords that pinned him to the ground.

His actions that suggested that he wasn't the least bit afraid of them, surprised Godwin and Raven. This was the first time in their countless adventures, that they met a demon who refused to bow down even in the face of death.

'As I thought so, this demon that does not fear death, cannot be left alive. Although it would hamper some of the plans of the guild leader, but keeping him alive would bring too much of a risk in the future' Raven mused, his eyes flashed with a hidden killing intent.

Right now, the demon was no threat to them; however, the same couldn't be said for the future. His willpower coupled with his unyielding temperament that did not cower even in front of death might actually allow him to rise in power in the future. A potential threat like that was better to be nibbed as early as possible.

"I see so you remain adamant to stay silent. Then there is no longer any need for this conversation" Godwin summoned his [Tempest Blade once] again and was just about slash the demon in half once and for all, when suddenly he felt multiple presences approaching this place from the direction of the city.

Baffled, he turned his head only to see a group of people who he was familiar with, coming towards this area.

"What is the branch president doing here?" Seeing the old man flying in front, Raven asked.

"Haha, this old man is here to settle some personal matters. What about Mister Raven and Godwin, what brings the two of you here?" the old man said indolently.

Raven's crafty-looking eyes narrowed a bit at those words as he replied "What a coincidence, we too have some personal matter we came here to settle".

At this moment, Chuck who was silent all this while spoke out "Lisa?! What are you doing here?". It was quite a surprise for him to see her here when she should have been in the capital.

Just like him when Lisa spotted him, she immediately rushed towards him and nestled in his embrace.

"Wow, two couples reuniting once again, what a dreamy scene. But do you mind taking it somewhere else, we are in the midst of something" Raven commented, snapping the two out of their daze.

"Ah!" Chuck hurriedly tore himself from the embrace, looking a little flustered.

Godwin was unbothered by their arrival, he was just about to swing his [Tempest Blade] towards the demon and finish what he started when a few people stepped in front of him.

"What are you doing? Move" Godwin asked, raising a brow towards the branch president who was silently standing in front of the path of his blade.

"I'm afraid, this old man can't step out of the way" the branch president smiled helplessly.

"Does the branch president intends on defending that demon even while knowing what it did to the capital? This demon not only made a huge mess by sneaking into our kingdom but also killed so many of our comrades" Raven on the side, had frigid cold eyes as he put his hands on his blades. "

If the word gets out that the branch president of our kingdom of Ellesmere is siding with the demon, do you know what kind of chaos you would create?" he pressed for more. No matter what, he cannot let the demon live especially after what he had managed to accomplish.

"Wait you can't kill him" Lisa cried out and joined her father who was barring Godwin's path.

The latter was surprised to see a member of his own guild oppose him; however, the one who was more surprised was Chuck who didn't know why Lisa was suddenly acting like that. Worried that Godwin might misunderstand; he stepped forward and tried to reason with her.

"Lisa what are you saying, he is a demon noble who is responsible for turning our capital upside down like that. Step aside from there".

Nonetheless, the girl did not step aside and only shook her head.

"I can't let you kill the demon who saved you and me that day," Lisa said, her voice quavering a little from the pressure Godwin and Raven exerted.

"What?!" Chuck couldn't help but utter in shock. After he woke up from that disaster he always asked her about the events of that day and how did they manage to escape.

However, no matter how many times he asked she never opened her mouth and always kept it a secret from him.

"I'm sorry, I wanted to tell you earlier but when I thought that how it might negatively affect you, I couldn't bring myself to tell you the truth" Lisa apologised.

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