Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

408 Chapter 408

408 Chapter 408

"Haaaaaahhhh!! [Viking's Heavy Slam]"…

BAM… a heavy hammer was swung around and slammed onto the ground, making a meaty paste of the Sabre Lion that was caught in it.

"Hahaha… easy, too easy. If the monsters of this dungeon are at this level, I think we have already conquered it" Lombus said resting his hammer on his shoulder. While the numbers of the monsters did make them work up a sweat, all was good after taking a potion or two.

"Lombus don't get careless we still don't know what lies ahead and where that creature is…" Thiago said putting his bow down.

"I know but this is what makes diving inside the dungeon so exciting, one cannot tell what will happen next. But in this case, I do. We are gonna conquer this dungeon after I beat the crap out of that calamity class monster… Hahaha".

Lombus made jokes, however, his guard was still up so Morgress didn't bother to comment. Now that they had all but defeated all the monsters on this floor, it was time they faced the being that was releasing that terrible aura.

Fortunately, they had Bryan's [Guide] and other people with varying detection skills thus they quickly found the mountain where the being was. It was then that they noticed the being that was hiding within the thick mist.

If one had to describe it, it was gigantic and had a long slithery body covered fully in black scales just like a snake. It was flying around using its fins and its huge violet eyes stared at them menacingly.

The moment the group noticed it, they became alert and got into formation.

"Incorrigible humans who dared to trespass into the domain of my lord, your greed knows no bound. Your actions have infuriated my lord and thus you shall now face his wrath" The Lightning Draconic Serpent hissed, a terrible amount of thunder started generating from it.

"Hmm? This one doesn't look like a warhorse to me. Were those adventurers so scared that they made a run without even looking at the appearance of the entity?" Lombus remarked ignoring the words of the Lightning Draconic Serpent.

"That cannot be, it's not just one or two adventurers whose account of the being matched up with the warhorse but dozens of them. They all cannot be lying at the same time" Morgress said thinking things through.

Nevertheless, that was not the point here.. the appearance of the being in front of them meant…

"So you are telling us there are two of those calamity class beings in this dungeon?" a mage said looking a little worried.

Calamity class, a term used and given by the adventurer's association to address those beings whose powers were enough to bring calamity around the world. Their powers were just like forces of nature, capable of destroying everything in their path and cause mass destruction. Hence the term Calamity.

"Hehh.. so there are two of them huh. This makes things a little more interesting but it is not something we can't handle" Lombus said brandishing his huge hammer.

On the sides, Bryan locked his brows and used his [Guide] ability to see what his skill had to say about this situation. Suddenly, his eyes opened wide and he looked towards the mountaintop where he saw a few people standing there.

His actions naturally didn't go unnoticed; the people around him too looked towards the mountain top and were immediately stunned.

"A-aren't they…" Their voices shook as they pointed up with trembling hands.

When the others heard that and looked up, their eyes too went wide with shock. There was no mistaking it, that appearance and that aura around them clearly matched with the description they were told about.

The beings standing on the mountaintop were their target and the reason behind them diving inside this dungeon, the Forest Spring Spirits.

Morgress and the Seven Swords immediately narrowed their eyes when they saw the Forest Spring Spirits standing on the mountaintop. For them, it can be said that they have quite a bit of history with this clan.

When they saw them with their own eyes, it naturally evoked some emotions inside them. If not for that mistake, their guild would by now be enjoying the rewards of their efforts and all the spirit orbs of those forest Spring spirits would be now in their possession.

Be that as it may, one cannot turn back time and redo their mistakes. Their Seven Swords guild has no choice but to complete the mission they had once started.

"Tch, so they are the ones that fucked our guild? Why have they come out on their own accord? Are they already conceding defeat?" Lombus said mockingly.


It was then that they heard another voice. A brilliant light lit up from a huge oval structure on the mountain top and a couple of figures arrived from within. What was amazing about the situation was that their arrival instead of making the group of humans tense, made them excited.

Some even started to droll and leer with their eyes looking at the figures that came out of the peculiar construct. A lineup of beauties were currently standing on the mountain top, each so pretty and beautiful that they attracted gazes from all around them.

Naturally, for these rough and tough bunch of group who have been suppressing their urges for this mission, to be served such a delicacy in front of them, how could they resist it? Except for a few, all of them were immediately smitten as they stared lewdly at the ladies, their eyes roaming all around their well-endowed curves.

Seeing the sickly gaze of these people, Irene and the Valkyrie sisters naturally felt disgusted as a faint bloodlust appeared in their eyes. The one who had just spoken now was Irene who brought the Valkyries along with her on Simon's order.josei

"Hnn~ really now, I want to gauge their eyes out and add it to my collection," Bea said with a smile that wasn't a smile. Her eyes had a dangerous glint about them and a crazy aura was subconsciously released by her.

"I know how you feel but you must wait for that is master's order" Annette said coldly.

"KuKu… hahahaha… what is this? I thought this mission to dive inside this dungeon would be a boring one, who knew that at the end of it such a treat was waiting for us".

"Right, look at each of them, they are all so beautiful that I want to immediately push them down and make them my slave".

"Don't worry, we will get to enjoy all of them. After we conquer the dungeon and the Demon Viscount residing here, they are all but ours".

Such talks were going on amongst the adventurers as they eyed the ladies on the mountaintop with a heated gaze.

Morgress who was a hedonist to begin with, was no exception to their charm. He even started imagining of a future where he was enjoying all these beauties.

"Forest Spring Spirits and even these beauties, I must say guys we have lucked out incredibly by taking this mission," He said smiling at his teammates.

"I would rather say that you have run out of your luck by entering this dungeon" At this moment a coarse demonic voice rang out across the floor and at the same time, the teleport gate located at the mountaintop lit up again.

'So you are finally here' Irene smiled, the Valkyries and Forest Spring Spirits immediately became happy the moment they heard the familiar voice.

The fifteen humans as if all manipulated by an invisible will, focused their eyes on the peculiar construct at the same time.

What came out of it, was a demon with long black hair and pale white skin. His crimson eyes that was glaring at them, was ruthless and filled to the brim with bloodlust. His two jagged horns looked like a crown decorating his head and he was holding a crimson sword that seemed like it was bathed in the blood of thousands of his enemies.

Just by standing there, the demon emitted a solid presence so wicked and bloody that it gave chills to others. That was not all, he was riding on top a nightmarish looking warhorse that radiate flames out of his body like a mane and had three pairs of demonic eyes that stared at them with menace.

The rider was so, but even his steed was as diabolical as him.

The moment Simon riding atop his Bloodthorn Demonic warhorse appeared, he instantly stole the attention of everyone present here towards him. Without even bothering about the humans who had their eyes fixated on him, he marched towards his subordinates and stood in front of them.

The Valkyries, the Forest Spring Spirits and even the lightning draconic serpent bowed its head welcoming his arrival. Simon nodded his head and asked them to raise their heads.

"I hope I'm not too late".

"Not at all my lord, you are just in time. It just so happens that these puny humans were getting on my nerve and I was about to show them their place" The Lightning draconic Serpent said locking its aura at the humans.

"You are told to stay your hands before my Lord gives the order. Are you trying to go against it?" The warhorse spoke asserting its dominance and silencing the former.

The beasts had their own hierarchy and the Bloodhtorn demonic warhorse being who he was, was telling it not to get ahead of itself.


p Name- Thiago


Class- [Sharpshooter]

Skills- Analysis, Far Sight, Mana Enlargement, Sharpened Senses, Piercing Enhancement, Super Enhanced Agility, Super Enhanced Endurance, Sharpshooter Bow Mastery, Intuition, Hide Presence,

Class Specific Skills- [Object Enhancement], [Invisible Arrows], [Swift Notch], [Rapid Fire Arrow], [Unlimited Arrow], [Swift steps].

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