Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

487 Chapter 487

487 Chapter 487


However, the ogres weren't fool, they quickly realised that something was wrong when they saw that the resistance of the orcs on top of the wall did not lessen.

"Tch, these orcs they are unexpectedly quite witty. But if they think that they can stop us with just that, then they must be dreaming. Let's go Creadra… let us show these orcs the true power of the black ogre tribe" An ogre with a black horn patted the beast underneath him.

He was the ogre that had intruded deep inside the high orc's territory and blew Berirock away with just a punch. With his call, the beast underneath him called the Creadra which looked like a black overgrown hyena, started charging towards the wall.

The ogre started channelling his mana towards his fist distorting the air and even the space around him. Just when he was a few meters away from the wall, he leapt out of his mount and using the momentum gathered from the charge, he threw a punch right at the middle of the wall.

[Shockwave Fist]…

"This is bad… everybody get away from the wall" realising the danger a step too late, Berigard warned the orcs around him and quickly leapt away from the wall.


The shockwave passed through the enormous wall that was erected with the combined powers of several orc shamans and Berigard, and it started shaking and trembling.

CRACK… soon after, cracks started appearing around the part where the ogre had thrown his punch that spread across the wall.

To the ogre's delightment and to the onlooking orc's horror, a part of the wall came crumbling down with a large bang. This opened up a hole large enough for the ogre armies to pass through.

The Gir brothers who were commanding their own armies from the backlines, didn't let this opportunity go and ordered the ogres to go around the wall and through the hole.

"Th-This is bad… what do we do now?" Belsea who had changed sides and joined Berirock's faction, asked.

"In the first place, where is his majesty the orc king? Isn't it time he showed up?" he kept on pestering Berirock with one question after another.

"Shut up… his majesty will show up when he thinks it's time. So stop your bellyaching and order your troops to get ready. From now on it's a full-on battle" Annoyed, Berirock thundered.

The words he had just said, were out of impatience. Even he did not what and why the orc king was taking so long to show up. If he was here, the orc army would have an additional assurance and would have been able to fight without any worries in their mind.

Berirock can act as his stand-in, but in the end, he was just an orc general and not the pillar of faith that the entire orc tribe was waiting for. With the fall of the wall, it was only natural for this tense atmosphere to spread towards the entire orc army making them a little passive.

Whereas on the other hand, the ogre army who did not get to fight and shed blood up until now, excitedly charged towards their enemy. Their morale was sky high and their bloodlust fierce.

When the two sides collided, there was massive loss on the side of the orcs with many of them dying after a few exchanges. The orc general tried their best to raise the morale of their army; nevertheless, the impact they could make was not much.

"Hmm… the wall has fallen, now the orcs will have no choice but to fight us head on" Giz-Mogo said seeing their army breach through the wall.

"Right… but why can't I feel the presence of that orc that Sir Gish-Bagh has his eyes on? Did he get cold feet or is he lying low?".

Giz-Bozo next to him muttered. The orc he was talking about, was none other than the orc king who according to Gish-Bagh, was the only disaster class being on the enemy's side.

"The war would end instantly if I just behead him but it's a pity that I cannot find him".

"Don't be like this, there is no fun in winning a battle instantly. Besides this is a very important mission given to us by lord Gil-Garna we cannot mess it up in any way. Just give it some time, that coward is gonna show up soon after we shed a river of blood on the orcs".

Mogo reminded, his gaze piercing through dozens of kilometres of land and landing on the battlefield where a one-sided slaughter had initiated.

The difference in strength between an ogre and an orc was in full display. The ordinary orcs were killed in an instant, the high orcs would be blown away after only a few exchanges while the Diluvian high orcs could barely hold onto their lives.

The three divisions of the black army cut through their enemy's massive lineup like a lawn mower cutting through grass. They painted the dark lands of the Blackfield with the blood of their enemies.

Every so often a few of them would drop after being dealt a devastating blow by the orcs. However, compared to the number of casualties the enemy had on their side, this was nothing.

The orcs put up as much resistance as they could, their special ability [Coordination] allowed them to fight like a single unit. However, that too had its limit and it was not like the skill did not have its cons.

Time passed by swiftly and half a day was already over amidst the bloodcurdling screams and rallying roars on the battlefield.

The black ogre army like a black tide slowly swept away the orc army until there was only a third of their initial numbers remaining. That is to say, there were only around 200,000 out of the initial 300,000 orcs not counting the ones kept aside as a reserve for reinforcements, remaining.

Whereas, the Ogre's strength had only dwindled by a mere 5000 out of their 45,000 strong army. No matter who saw the situation, they would easily be able to tell that the orcs were at a massive disadvantage.

"Sir Berirock we are unable to stop the ogres"

"Sir Berirock… orc commander Belgus has fallen"

"Sir Berirock… we need reinforcements fast".

With the passage of time, the anxiousness within the orcs started growing as more and more of them fell at the hands of their army. The situation was growing dire and there was no signs of the orc king arriving any time soon.

Naturally, at this moment the worst possible thought that the orc general Berigard pointed out three days ago on the nigh of the moon dance, flashed inside their head.

With growing concerns, their confidence and morale dropped even lower affecting their performance in the battle.

If before two diluvian high orcs were able to somehow contend against an average black horn ogre, now even with three against one they weren't able to pin the latter down.

The spirits of the orcs had hit rock bottom and there didn't seem like there was any chance of reversal. And as if to kick them who were already down, the ogres started unleashing beasts that were powerful enough to contend against even an orc captain.

The situation couldn't be any more worse but it dropped even lower when they saw the three brown horns leading the ogre army show up. This made them realise that the entire ogre army had finally crossed the wall.

Berigard who was monitoring the entire situation from the air using his tempest magic, came down with a dark look on his face.

"My lord… is there any improvement on our side…" the orc commanders asked but stopped midway when they saw the look the general had on his face.

The orc captains were frantically asking for reinforcements from every front and everything was in total chaos.

Berigard took a deep breath and assessed the information he had on him before looking towards his two loyal subordinates—"Bellock, Belmarch… come with me". He didn't say much but it was enough for the two to understand what he was planning to do.

The orc army had lost their fighting spirits, their formation broken and their ability to listen to orders was in complete mayhem. No matter which faction or the general that led them, none of the armies was able to mount any resistance.

At this point, just sitting in the backlines and giving orders when it was not being followed, was a complete waste. Rather than that, they would have more impact if they showed up at the vanguard of their army and hopefully, that would help raise the morale of their army somewhat.

This movement from Berigard, didn't go unnoticed. The brown horns who were closely monitoring individuals with strong presences, immediately spotted him rushing forward.

When a strong individual show up in a battle amongst the weak, they are bound to turn the situation on its head. The same was the case this time too when Berigard and his two commanders showed up on the frontlines.

They bombarded the enemy with their powerful spells and skills and quickly relieved the pressure on the orcs. Enormous tornadoes raged across the Blackfield pulling in numerous ogres, the earth split apart and powerful skills showed their appearances.

The ordinary ogres weren't a match for Berigard and the two orc commanders. For the first time since the battle started, the ogre army was being finally pushed back.

Although this wasn't much, the gesture from the orc general was enough to raise the morale of the exhausted and downtrodden orcs on the frontline a little and let them know that they weren't alone.

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