Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

681 Chapter 681- The Audacious Demon Earl 2)

681 Chapter 681- The Audacious Demon Earl 2)

"I have something to say".

The voices turned hushed and a momentary silence fell upon the gathering as all eyes turned towards the source of the interruption.

To dare to interrupt Belial, all the demons exchanged puzzled glances, wondering who this audacious individual could be. The commotion in the venue grew, with demons eager to catch a glimpse of the rude intruder.

Belial whose expression turned dark and sombre by this sudden interjection, hurriedly composed himself and fixed his gaze upon the figure that walked out from amidst the crowd.

The figure continued to stride forward and stood in front of the grand venue. When everyone saw who it was, all of them couldn't help but become stupefied. That was because the identity of the demon who interjected the ruling of the Demon Lord, was a Demon Earl.

It was a funny scene that nobody in the scene knew what to think about. A Demon Earl whose actual place belonged as a subordinate of these high ranking demons, had actually interjected in between their discussion.

What's more this demon had even boldly strode forward and stood in front of them.

Who was this fellow, and what was their purpose in daring to interrupt the ruling? The demons were having these thoughts, when the Demon Earl spoke.

"The Ghastly Winding forest cannot be declared a neutral territory where any demon is barred from setting up their forces. The demon Lord has heard Duke Arctaurus and Duke Gelford's side. However, he is yet to hear my side of the statement. As such, I hope the demon lord waits before he gives his final verdict".

Silence~ As soon as those words sounded out it, it was as if the entire venue had turned dead silent. This silence persisted for a while when suddenly the entire place erupted in laughter at the words of this Demon Earl who had interrupted Belial with such audacity.

The high ranking demons present, couldn't help but find the situation amusing, their initial apprehension giving way to a collective sense of amusement.

Here was yet another demon vying for territory and wanting his claims to be heard. However, he had forgotten that this was not his place to interject. A mere Demon Earl with a far impure noble bloodline did not have the authority to stand amongst them and vy for a piece of territory that was also coveted by many high ranking demons.

Belial, initially taken aback by the interruption, couldn't help but crack a smile at the absurdity of the situation. His stern countenance softened, and he motioned for the laughter to subside, eager to hear what this audacious Demon Earl had to say.

Setting aside the fact that his verdict could be changed, as a Demon Lord who portrayed himself to be the leader of all demons, he thought that he should hear the demon out even if the latter was just a Demon Earl at the very least.

"Well, Dear Earl, since you've managed to capture our attention so effectively, I believe it's only fair that you state your purpose for interrupting our proceedings. Pray, enlighten us with your audacious words. Go on, I shall hear what you have to say, lest anybody says that I'm not impartial or am taking sides".

HAHAHA… Belial's words caused the demon to erupt into a bout of laughter once again. The atmosphere, once tense and serious, transformed into one of lightheartedness and amusement.

However, the Demon Earl didn't seem to mind being the centre of attention or amusement for that fact. He cleared his throat and addressed.

"My esteemed fellow demons, the reason why I interrupted you all is because you have forgotten a crucial detail. The forest that you claim to be yours, is actually my territory. No one has more claim over it than I"...

The Demon Earl spoke looking towards the two Dukes fighting over the Ghastly Winding Forest. Duke Arctaurus and Duke Gelford frowned their brows while the surrounding demon erupted into muffled laughter once again.

"Who is this demon, where did he come from?" many demons laughed at the clown that was the Demon earl.

On one corner of the venue, Avrox who was fawning over a certain Demon Duke, noticed the Demon Earl, now the centre of attention.

"Hm? Isn't he that demon?". Although the demon's aura was a little different right now, it was nevertheless similar to the one he had encountered back in that human kingdom.

"There is no mistaking it, he is that demon. Heh, to think that he would be bold enough to intervene between two Demon Dukes. I guess idiots do get born even among the Demon Nobles" Avrox smiled looking at Simon.

Yes, the Demon Earl who halted the ruling and dived in between two Demon Dukes fearlessly, was none other than Simon. 

Duke Arctaurus who never thought that a mere Demon Earl would dare to covet what he desired, was annoyed. Raising an eyebrow, he pointed at the other party and spoke dismissively.I think you should take a look at

"Who are you? Do you know where you are standing? This is not the place for a mere Demon Earl to interject".

While Arctaurus was too quick to dismiss Simon, Duke Gelford on the other hand intensely observed the Demon Earl. The fact that the latter stood all composed and calm even when subjected to the ridiculing gaze and the pressure of so many high ranking demons, spoke gravity about their character.

But more than that, the fact that this Demon Earl was seen with Oswell, concerned Gelford more.

"Could it be that Oswell is also interested in the Ghastly winding Forest and is using this Demon Earl to make his statement for him? But his territory should be in the far west of the Demon Continent, why is he coveting a territory that is at the southernmost borders of the Demon Continent? Could it be that he has some other objective?"

While the duke was busy speculating, the demon earl introduced himslef.

"I go by the name Simon and as you already know, I am a Demon Earl. You are right that this is no place for me to interject. However, I had no choice but to do so. The Ghastly Winding Forest you all claim as yours, is actually mine to claim for this is where I have set up my dungeon".

The crowd chuckled, unable to contain their amusement at the audacity of a mere Demon Earl making such a claim.

On the other hand, Duke Arctaurus struggled to suppress his fury. Since when was it that a Demon Earl could talk back to him?

"Earl Simon, are you jesting? If so then it is in very bad taste or are we to believe that you, with your humble rank, possess the audacity to claim such a coveted territory?". 

Simon in the wake of the pressure of the Demon Duke, did not back down, instead, he pressed forward.

"I am not jesting. Instead, I speak the truth. The forest is where I have set up my dungeon and so I have the right to claim the territory as my own".

This was his only chance to assert his claim over the Ghastly Winding Forest. If he allowed this chance to slip by, his territory might really be declared a neutral ground not belonging to a single demon noble.

The fact that he had set up his dungeon there, will not be recognised and considered illegal with no claims over the land. At that time, any demon can declare a war on his dungeon and they would be morally and lawfully in the right.

As such, Simon couldn't back away now. Even if he has to step on some toes and offend a few high ranking demons, he has to let them know that the Ghastly Winding Forest was his territory and his alone and that they should back away.

Fortunately for him, Oswell who attended many such gatherings, had given him few ideas on how to go on about it.

Simon turned his attention towards Belial. This Hexennacht was different from all others in that there was an absolute presence presiding over it, namely the Demon Lord. He was the arbitrator and the judge who had the final say.

As such, he could use the other party's intentions to solidify himself as the leader who thought for the whole demonkind and was impartial in his judgement and appeal to them in front of the whole crowd.

Belial who saw the Demon Earl turned towards him spoke with a voice carrying a tinge of playfulness: "Earl Simon, your claim to the Ghastly Winding Forest is certainly unconventional, but it begs the question: What evidence do you present to support your claim and dungeon ownership?".

"Esteemed Demon Lord, my evidence is my birth, I was born in the Ghastly Winding Forest. The trees, the land and the air there is my birthright. The dungeon that I speak of, is built within its depths". josei

The venue buzzed with incredulous whispers, as demons exchanged amused glances at the Earl's claim. It was as if the venue had transformed into a theatre, with Earl Simon playing the role of a clownish protagonist.

"What nonsense, Demon Lord please don't listen to his rubbish. This demon has forgotten his place and is unable to recognise the immensity of the gathering" Duke Arctaurus was unable to hear the Demon Earl any longer and thus appealed to Belial to close this case.

The Demon Lord of Envy nodded his head, seemingly in agreement. He addressed the Earl in front of the crowd.

"Earl Simon, while your claim may be met with scepticism, I must admit, your conviction is commendable. If nothing else, you have certainly provided us with entertainment. But I'm afraid your claim holds no weight. As such, my verdict remains…". 

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