Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Chapter 110

Chapter 110: Demon Noble (3)

BANG… there was an intense flash of light along with a rumbling sound that assaulted the ears of everybody present. A streak of intense light and heat penetrated through the head of one of the adventurers and passed through the forest and into the sky in a straight line.

Everything happened in a matter of seconds. Although everyone present here saw it clearly, they couldn’t move in time. Silence spread around the surrounding after the attack passed through and disappeared into the horizon.

Plop… the body of the adventurer who was now missing a head dropped onto the floor amidst the stifling silence. The sound of the body hitting the ground snapped all the adventurers from their daze. They immediately brought out their weapons and stood in formation.

There was no way they ignore the demon right in front of him; after all, the humans and demons had been waging wars since ancient times. And now that the other party had already attacked them and killed one of their own, how can they not retaliate?.

The thoughts about the little Forest Spring Spirit was long gone from their mind. Laris ground his teeth with hatred as he looked at the demon who just non chalantly killed one of his men as if he just swatted a fly.

Laris roared in anger and pointed “Vile demon how dare you kill one of my men? Do you think you can just bully us humans? I shall kill you and make you accompany him in the afterlife”.

Simon looked at Laris who seemed to be the highest level among the adventurers and also their leader. He flashed a mocking smile and said “Humans? I don’t see no humans. All I see are a group of animals wearing human skin”.

“You bastard, you dare to slander us?” the adventurers who had been told they were animals shouted out infuriated.

“The audacity of this demon… you all surround him and make him experience a pain worse than death for slandering us” Laris ordered his team. He was already on the brink of becoming insane after he lost the royal spirit orb and after Simon slandered him, he lost all of his self-control.

The adventurers also wanted to vent their frustration and quickly executed the order. Five adventurers with heavy armour and shields surrounded Simon. He used analysis on them and quickly found that they all belonged to the same [Swordmaster] class and were around level 280 each.

“Ramming Shield” shouting out the name of the skill, one of the swordmaster charged towards him and tried to ram him down with his shield.

Simon swiftly sidestepped and dodged the charge. Flames lighted in his hands and just when he was about to retaliate, another swordmaster rushed out and blocked him. After blocking his offence, the swordmaster jumped back following which rain of magic came dropping down on Simon from the backlines.

[Fireball], [Electrobolt], [Wind Blast], [Earth Pillar]… magic from every basic attribute targeted him. Knowing that he couldn’t handle it with just his resistance, he countered the spells with his own “Gale Magic Mastery- [Hurricane Wind]“.

Fierce wind instantly engulfed the area, making it seem like a place hit with a typhoon. Plants and trees were uprooted and thrown around the surrounding. The winds were strong that it bounced all the magic targeting Simon back towards their caster.

However before the spells could hit the backlines, the five swordmasters used their shield and tanked through all the damage.

BOOOM… all five of them were pushed back, seeing the opportunity Simon tried diving amidst the adventurers but instinctively jumped back when the space beside him distorted and out came a dagger.

Before Simon could organize himself, the space behind him distorted once again but this time instead of dodging, he punched the space with all his strength. BANG… The assassin that was hidden inside spat out a mouthful of blood as his body flew around and smashed into one of the trees.

Just when he thought he could finish off the assassin, a barrage of spells came targeting him and he was forced back once again. Simon clicked his tongue when looked back at the assassin who was being healed and had completely recovered.

The five swordmasters were back on their feet and had surrounded him once again. The situation had turned back to how it was before. Individually the adventurers weren’t his match, but things completely change when they cover each other’s shortcomings.

Simon can’t find the opportunity to dive towards their backlines or deliver a finishing blow. Whenever he forced the swordmaster back, the assassins would target him from behind, if he focuses on the assassins then a barrage of spells would come targeting him and over and over again.

However, it wasn’t like he was completely being suppressed. Laris observed the clash between his team and the demon that appeared out of nowhere and squinted his eyes.

He could sense that the demon was not going all out and was constantly vigilant of his movement. He further creased his brows when the result of the analysis came up with ????? when he used it on the demon.

Laris was stunned to find that his analysis was unable to scan the status of the demon which implied that either there was a huge difference in their level or that the demon had a skill that blocked the prying attempts from the analysis.

Till now Laris had only met one person who was able to block the prying attempts of his analysis and that was the guild master of the Seven Swords. At that time he realized the huge difference in their levels just be sensing the aura coming off from their guild master. However, this was different he thought that there was no way that the difference between him and the demon was so great that the analysis couldn’t pry through.

Therefore it could only mean that the demon had a skill that was able to block all the prying attempts of the outsiders.

Laris believed that the demon was a low-ranking one, possibly a Demon Baron or a Demon Viscount, or else they would have already been wiped out. From what he knew, skills that could hide your status were incredibly rare and even their guild master didn’t possess one.

But now he had met a demon who had one such skill. Since he could not pry the status of the demon, he couldn’t figure out how powerful the demon was. His only option was to observe the demon carefully as he clashed with his team.

“Snort, you really think you can just kill one of my men and get away with that little ability of yours?” after observing for a while, Laris realized that the demon was really a low rank and just happened to have a skill that blocked all attempts of analysis.

Simon forced two of the swordmasters back with a punch and blasted the other three with his magic. He swiftly charged towards the backlines, the space behind him distorted and two assassins promptly appeared and plunged their daggers on his back.

Folding his wings, Simon tanked through it all and kept on charging towards the adventurers casting magic on the backlines. He could see that the adventurers behind weren’t adept in close combat and needed a defence line to stop anyone from approaching closer to them. He smiled and just when he thought he had them, with a rumbling sound a blue blade covered in lightning came piercing towards his chest.

Twisting his body at the nick of the moment, Simon was able to dodge the attack that came from Laris.

At this moment, blue lightning arched around Laris and his blade was pointed towards Simon. The attack that just flew towards Simon came from him or more precisely from his blades. His twin blades were a [C] tier weapon that was gifted to him by his elder brother Boris.

The blades allow him to manifest intermediate-tier lightning magic and infuse them with his blade skill. His [Dual Wielder] class allows him to wield two swords at once and completely forgo defence to dish out lightning-fast attacks.

Laris smiled at the demon who had managed to dodge his attacks in the nick of time and said “That was quite the fast reaction, but will you still be able to dodge my attacks if I close the distance?”. After saying that, Laris finally moved from his original place disappeared with a flash of lightning.josei

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