Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Chapter 112

Chapter 112: Intruders (2)


Laris looked at the area where the demon had suddenly appeared. The scene repeatedly played in his head before a bad premonition struck him. He did not know what but he felt like something was awry.

The sudden appearance of the girl, her ridiculous agility that completely contrasted with her race that had low combat potential, and her disappearance amidst the flames. Up until the mysterious appearance of the demon, everything was unusual.

The more Laris thought, the more he felt like he was missing something. The foreboding feeling he had from the beginning, was starting to become thicker and thicker. ” Why would the girl who was able to escape from them once decide to show herself once again?”.

No matter how he thought about it, it didn’t make sense. To her, they should be a source of her trauma and given her age, there was no way she would be able to overcome that come in front of them once again. He was missing something… something very crucial.

“Even the way she reacted when she saw us again was unlike the time she ran away crying. Was she really the same girl?… ” Laris recalled the appearance of the girl which was exactly the same as back when he was subduing their village. Even her description met with the records from the ancient times so there was no way she was fake.

However, he was starting to feel that something was amiss about the girl. ” Assuming that the girl was still alive before the attack consumed her, what is her objective for leading us all here?”. Even though the Ghastly Winding Forest was located on the Demon continent, it was a vast forest unlike any other.

Usually, when one delves deeper into the Western or crosses over the southern region of the forest does the chances of meeting a Demon Noble on the way increases. Though if you are extremely unlucky, it was not uncommon to meet a Demon Noble inside Forest but they hadn’t delved much deeper. There shouldn’t be any demon loitering at the edge of the western region of the forest

Suddenly he thought of a possibility that he didn’t wasn’t to believe and everything started making sense. The sense of foreboding he was feeling from that time, he felt like it was all pointing there.

Without delaying for even a second, he shouted out the order to return back. Laris didn’t wait for anyone and rushed back towards the Forest Spring Spirit village at a speed that broke all his previous records.

He didn’t want to believe that the objective of that girl was the enslaved Forest Spring Spirits in the village. Yet all the peculiar events that had happened up until this point left him with no choice but to think of the worst-case scenario.


Simon continuously flew across the forest at a high speed and swiftly approached the area where the azure light shined from. Before the execution of their plan, they decided to meet up in a place after their plan succeeded and he told Irene to signal him with something after they arrive at that place.

Utilizing his [High-Speed Flight] skill, it didn’t take him a lot of time to arrive at the place. ” We are here” as soon as he arrived, he could hear Cecilia’s spirited voice as she continuously waved her hand towards him.

Landing past, he unfolded his wings and looked at the entourage of Forest Spring Spirits. He was surprised to find that they were all children and their numbers were only about twenty or so.

Though he didn’t ask, he could guess what happened to the rest of them. The adults who could be troublesome if they resisted were plundered of their Spirit Orbs, and the children whose spirits were quite easy to break were enslaved.

Sighing out loud, he looked at all the children who had a mixture of terrified, anxious, and uncertain aura around them. Some of them even looked at him with caution and maintained some distance from him.

Simon didn’t blame the children for displaying such emotions after all they had gone through a terrifying experience. Of course, they would be cautious of a stranger that came to their rescue out of nowhere.

Observing all of them, Simon didn’t mask his words “You all must be terrified right now and will be looking at everything with a disbelieving eye. You have every right to be cautious. However, let me tell you one thing, I am not after your Spirit Orbs.

“You guys must be already aware but I’m the dungeon master of the dungeon we would be heading to right now. What I want from you guys is to become my subordinates and help me manage my dungeon. If you are willing to help me with that, then I promise to protect you all with everything I have”.

Simon’s words rang across the whole area. There was no lie in his words and everything he said was clear and the truth. The forest spring children who had suffered so much were on guard against deception. And Simon’s words which weren’t masked with any deception or lie, made them see him in a new light. Though there were still some who had their guards against him, the majority of them didn’t have their previous cautious and distanced look whenever they gazed at him.

Cecilia watched the emotions of her clansmen who had been awed by Simon and couldn’t help but reveal a bright smile. The forest Spring Spirit have the unique ability to influence the nature and that goes strongly for Cecilia who was a royalty amongst the Forest Spring Spirits born every thousand years.

The moment she smiled, Spring bloomed across the whole area.

The trees rustled in delight, flowers bloomed and thrived, grasses swayed in joy. It was as if the flora and fauna came to life at that moment, a mystical scene.

Simon looked with wide eyes stunned at the powers of the little girl. Irene who was beside Cecilia didn’t find the scene too shocking after all she was aware of the potential of Forest Spring Royal Spirit.

Though the Forest Spring Spirits weren’t born with high combat powers, they were blessed with the power to manipulate and influence the nature that no other species could. Influencing the area was like taking a bucket of water from the ocean, it wasn’t even once percent of her power. Once she grows up, the abilities she could display would outright be called heaven-defying.

Snapping out of his daze, he patted the Bloodthorn Demonic Warhorse that was carrying Cecilia on his back and said “You did quite well protecting her”. NIEEGH… flames came out of its nostrils when it neighed as if saying ‘She is perfectly fine in my protection’.

“Haha, is that so” as if understanding what the demonic warhorse said, Simon laughed and patted him again. Looking at everyone, he nodded and said “The dungeon is still a little far from here. We need to cover some more distance before I could use the dungeon function to teleport us all inside”.

With that, he started leading everyone towards the dungeon. His [Mental Map] skill which had mapped out all the surrounding area generated a safe route where the monster was less prone to come out.

While they marched forward, Irene came up to him and asked “What is with that wound in your chest? Did you engage in a battle with those adventurers”.

Listening to her clear and beautiful voice, Simon was honestly surprised a little. It wasn’t like Irene to start a conversation first and from her tone, he could detect traces of worry and concern. He didn’t know why but the moment he sensed that Irene was worried for him, he felt happy and all pain disappeared in an instant as if it was never there.

Giving a bright smile, he looked at Irene’s crystal blue eyes and said “Yeah, I let my guard down for a second and got hit from their attack. But you don’t have to worry the wound isn’t deep and would quickly heal after some time”.

Irene Didn’t know why but she moved her gaze away the moment she realized that Simon’s bright eyes were staring straight at her. “If it’s light then it’s good, it should heal away in no time given your recovery skills,” she said in an impassive tone.

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