Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Chapter 123

Chapter 123: Desperate Efforts (2)

“Give us your space rings and I can let both of you die together or else…” Laris glanced at Lisa who was being hugged tightly by Chuck and threatened.

When he was threatened like that, Chuck became even more enraged and glared at them as if telling him he would end anyone that dared to come forward.josei

“What is it that you so desperately want from our space ring that even compelled you to commit a massacre?” Chuck roared, his eyes blazing with hatred.

“Well if that’s your last wish then I’ll gladly comply and answer your question” Dale commented nonchalantly.

Seeing that Dale was about to reveal the existence of the Forest Spring Spirits, Laris couldn’t help but warn him “Dale don’t be a fool we can’t reveal their existence to anyone. Have you forgotten the orders from the guild master?”.

“Huh? What do you take me for? of course I haven’t forgotten the orders from our guild leader to keep our mouths shut. But you see, If these guys had already gotten their hands on the items, then there is no need for secrecy is there?. Besides he is gonna die here anyway what’s the harm in fulfilling the wish of a dying man”.

Dale scoffed and said before turning towards Chuck and revealing a saintly smile ” Aren’t I so generous? I don’t know if you have gotten hold of them or not but if you wish to know why we committed such an act, well I’ll be glad to comply with this last wish of yours”

“You see if you were in our place, you might have done the same”.

His words made Chuck snort.

Giving it no mind, Dale continued “The item we want is a priceless treasure in this world. One that can improve your abilities and purify your bloodline thus making you a genius that is looked upon by millions of people. It can transform one from a toad that roams in the pond to a dragon that soars high up in the sky. Hehe, you might have an idea of what I’m talking about by now”.

As Dale said, Chuck was aware of what that priceless treasure was. There was only one item that matched the description, one that was rumoured to be so rare that it was considered a priceless treasure in this world.

“Forest Spring Spirit Orb” Chuck said.

“Right the Forest Spring Spirit Orb, a priceless treasure wouldn’t you say?” Dale repeated looking extremely delighted.

There was no way nobody would be tempted after hearing those words. But Chuck was lost, he didn’t understand why they were looking for Forest Spirit orbs in their space rings. It didn’t make sense at all and on the contrary, made it all the more unbelievable.

“Do you think ill believe that nonsense?” Chuck cursed out loudly and held his longsword tightly.

“Nonsense or not we will soon find out. Now, make your choice… give me your space rings obediently and I shall make it so that you guys die a painless death. Disobey and not even your corpse will remain intact” Laris stretched his hand as if giving a verdict.

To comply or resist that was the only fate for them, either way, the enemy was hell-bent on killing them.

Chuck at this moment felt that all the doors were closed for him and the hope of surviving this was so bleak that in this dark tunnel he couldn’t even see a tiny bit of light. Just when his spirit was starting to falter, he felt warmth coming from his embrace.

Lisa who was being tightly hugged by him was at this moment looking straight at his eyes. She said “Put me down you dummy, how long do you plan to keep hugging me. You have done everything to protect me, now let me fight alongside you. We may not be able to survive this, but during our last moments I wish to stand and fight beside you”.

Chuck matched her gaze and blankly stared at them. Her clear bright eyes seemed to be like a sparkling lake, clear and unpolluted. To Chuck, they seemed to contain all the splendour of the world.

Gently putting her down, he released her from his embrace. At this moment he felt as if he lost a part of him and wanted to continue hugging her.

However, he respected her decision to fight alongside him. Frankly, if he was given a choice, he would rather not put her in harm’s way. During all their previous expeditions, no matter how many times he would have to bicker with her, he would always put her in the backlines and he himself would be in the frontlines to soak all the damage just to make sure that she doesn’t get hurt.

But now it seems that the situation was no longer so that he could put her in the backlines. Lisa stood beside Chuck and took out her golden-coloured staff decorated with blue jewels from her space ring.

Standing alongside Lisa, Chuck took a few deep breaths of air before reigniting his spirit and hatred for his enemies. Giving an energetic shout, he gripped his longsword with both of his hands and took a stance.

Seeing that the two had disregarded his merciful offer and instead choose the hard way out, Laris couldn’t help but grind his teeth in annoyance. “Very well then I shall make it so that you guys beg for death” blue lightning arced his body from his blades and made him look like a person bathed in lightning.

“Dale no need to show them mercy anymore let’s finish this up quick” leaving his words, like lightning he immediately dashed towards Chuck with a breakneck speed. The Electro attribute of mana was the fastest attribute amongst all the five basic forms of manas.

Not only that, but it was also one of the most destructive forms of mana. Lightning magic the intermediate tier of Electro magic was leagues above electro in terms of speed and destructiveness.

Utilizing his skills along with the Lightning magic, Laris delivered one lightning-fast attack after another.

RUMBLE… SPARK… Chuck was pushed back again and again. Each of the attacks dished out by laris packed quite a punch and if he was careless, it could deal great damage to his body.

Blue lightning arced the ground and scorched it black. No matter, if it was the tall trees or the grasses, whatever came in contact with the lightning, was destroyed until not even its ashes remained.

“Hahaha, Laris you can’t hoard all the fun yourself” Dale said as a crimson light started emanating from his body. “[Battle Hunger]” his body started getting bigger and bigger and his muscles expanded to a size that made him look just like a small giant.

“Kehehe, this feeling is the greatest” he said with a distorted voice, his eyes masked with insanity and naked thirst for battle. [Battle hunger] was one of the skills of [Berserker] class that greatly increases strength and defence for a short period of time.

However, the user is overtaken by madness and their awareness becomes limited. Similar to [Dual Weilder], [Berserker] is a rare warrior class. After reaching level 300, a warrior if lucky can change their class to a [berserker].

Feeling the power rushing and overflowing inside his body, Dale gave a coarse laugh before fixing his attention on Chuck who was barely able to hold down Laris. Grabbing the broadsword on his back with his wide hands, Dale delivered a devastating wide slash towards Chuck.

Lisa watched as how Chuck struggled to keep up with their enemies lightning-speed attacks and brutal swings. She continuously cast Light magic, one of the four rare forms of Mana to cover any gap that the enemies might exploit.

[Healing Light], [Light Ray], [Light Barrier] she cast one spell after another without holding back her mana. But even then the injuries Chuck suffered earlier were far worse and as time passed, more and more wounds accumulated on his body.

She thought back to the time when Chuck used all of his strength to shield her from the collapsing cliff.

If only Chuck wasn’t injured while saving her, he wouldn’t struggle this much against enemies of this level. Now that all of their teammates that have been with them through thick and thin were now all gone, Chuck was left with no choice but to hold the frontlines alone.

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