Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Chapter 154

Chapter 154: Proving One's Ability (2)

Hearing him preach, Cecilia wore an unhappy expression while Fennel had a complicated face.

Aldebaran continued “Young man do you wish to see the same tragedy that had befallen them occur once again? The next time the enemies would be prepared and wouldn’t be as weak as those fellows. Do you still think that you can win at that time? I know the current master has formed a deep bond with you. But you should also think about her, once her ability awakens her energy will start to spread across the whole forest and even beyond”.

“Once the world becomes aware of the existence of a Forest Spring Royal Spirit living inside the Ghastly Winding forest, they would try to capture her or try to snatch her royal spirit by any means. If the Forest Spring Spirits stay here, naturally I would protect them at all cost or are you saying that you can protect them better than me?”.

Aldaebaran’s words rang like an ancient bell that weighed heavily at the listener’s heart but was unable to falter Simon’s determination. Of course, he was aware of his limits that was set by his bloodline. If it was any other demon, they would have already been cowered by the towering presence of Aldebaran.

However, Simon was different, he had the [Main Menu] with him and as long as he was alive, he could reach the pinnacle of this world. His confidence couldn’t be shaken by some words or enemies he had yet to meet.

Then again, he couldn’t reveal the existence of [Main Menu] which was his top guarded secret to them and could only think of some other ways to convince the Ancient titan Treant.

“I know it might be difficult of Lord Alder to believe but given adequate time, I can break through the restraints placed on me by my impure bloodline. At that time, I will have the necessary strength to protect them. You are right, I have grand plans but that is why I need the help and support of the Forest Spring Spirit clan. I hope lord Alder would understand”.

Aldebaran was silent as he looked at the resolute and firm eyes of Simon. He had lived a long long time and could easily see through the minds and hearts of other people, what they were thinking, what they desired… nothing goes unnoticed by him. He didn’t know why but for some reason, the words said by Simon even made him want to believe them.

At this moment, observing Simon he was reminded of another person who was as resolute and determined as the young man before him. ‘Their resemblance is too uncanny’ Aldebaran thought inwardly.

“Young man, what makes you think that you can break through the restraints of your bloodline which similarly binds billions of beings of this world? If you cannot convince me, then I cannot agree to send master back to that dungeon” he silently stated.

Just when Cecilia was about to throw another one of her tantrums, his ancient voice sounded out once again.

“However, if you can convince me that you have what it takes to break the unwritten rule of this world and rise above others, I can consider it. Prove it to me that you have sufficient ability to protect them. In the case that you cannot, then forgive me for sending you away without allowing you to say your goodbyes”.

with a resolute voice, Aldebaran had said his piece and it seemed like he wouldn’t change his mind until unless Simon proves what he said and displays his ability.

The Ancient Titan Treant was testing Simon, to see whether the young man in front of him was all talk or if he really had it in him. After all that talk, Aldebaran was curious as to where this confidence of Simon stemmed from.

Simon knew that he couldn’t convince Aldebaran in any other way. That being so, his only way was to prove his ability to him. Simon nodded his head and replied.

“Alright, I guess it will be much faster to convince you with my ability rather than words. So how do I prove myself?”.

Seeing Simon readily agree, Aldebaran nodded his head in approval. If Simon showed any sign of hesitating, Aldebaran was planning to renege his words then and there. Although he did not know where the confidence of the young man was coming from, he quite like Simon’s attitude.

If one did not even have a strong determination to go against the odds, then no matter how hardworking they are, they will never be able to break away from the restraints placed on them by the world. In that regard, the young man in front of him had passed splendidly.

However, that was not enough. The young man was trying to harbour the fates of the forest Spring Spirits on his shoulders. If he didn’t have the necessary ability, there was no way he would allow Simon to bring them inside his dungeon.

“It’s very simple. I shall test you myself and see whether you have what it takes to protect them” Aldebaran smiled deeply as he observed Simon.

On the other hand, Simon when he heard what Aldebaran said, he couldn’t help but frown “You don’t mean that we fight right?”.

If that was the case, there was no point. Forget about proving his ability, he would even be able to make a scratch on the body of that Ancient Titan Treant even if he stood there all day.

After listening to Simon’s worries Aldebaran couldn’t help but laugh.

“Hahaha, young man you don’t have to worry. I will not fight you directly as there would be no point in doing this in the first place. I will use my aura to suppress you. If you can move ten steps from the place you are standing, then it’s your win”.

Fennel was shocked, he didn’t think that Aldebaran the ancient would test Simon himself. Not to mention give him a task that seemed impossible for Simon from his point of view.

Fennel did not know how strong Simon was but even if he had some ability, how can he match against Aldebaran who had lived since the ancient times. Who was Aldebaran? He was the treant who was once the subordinate of the primordial demon of pride.

Cecilia on the other hand wasn’t worried at all. She was fully confident that Simon would be able to easily pass this test set by Aldebaran. Her confidence in Simon did not stem from nothing, after staying with him inside his dungeon for a while, she naturally became familiar with him.

‘Even sister Irene said that big brother is no ordinary demon. There is no way he would lose’ she thought.

Simon nodded and agreed with Aldebaran’s request “Very well, we shall do as you say. I just have to endure your aura and take ten steps right?”.

Aldebaran simply replied with a smile “That’s right. If you can endure my aura while taking ten steps from your original place, it’s your win. However, I won’t go easy on you”.

Simon was aware that it won’t be easy since even without being the target of the pressure, the vast aura that was naturally released from the Ancient Titan Treant and which enshrouded the area was already so strong. He didn’t know what would happen if all that aura came crashing down on him.

Nonetheless, he wouldn’t back down as this was the only chance to prove his ability to Aldebaran. Steeling his mind, Simon clenched his hands and declared “Alright, when do we start?”.

“Now!” Aldebaran’s ancient voice sounded out and immediately after, a vast ocean like aura came pressuring down on Simon.

“Gughh” the force was so great that Simon’s knees immediately gave out and his entire body kissed the ground. Every muscle in his body trembled as tried to pick himself up. But the pressure bearing down on him was so great that he was barely able to lift himself up an inch.josei

“Haa… Haa…” Sweat trickled down his face and fell to the ground. Drip… Drip…

“What’s wrong young man? Is this all you have got? I have barely used any of my aura and you are already on the ground” Aldebaran said in an indifferent voice.

Cecilia also had an anxious face at this time. She didn’t imagine that the pressure would so great as to bring her big brother down immediately. However, her anxiousness didn’t last long as she saw Simon standing up slowly.

“AAAaaaaaahhhhhh” with an envigorating shout, Simon propped himself up. His whole body trembled and his face was flushed red. The Ancient Titan Treant had barely used any of his aura on Simon but it was already enough to put a great burden on him. One could only imagine the kind of torture Simon would have to go through when Aldebaran consciously decides to use all of his aura against Simon.

The Ancient Titan Treant arched his eyebrows when he saw the young man getting back up. The aura he had released previously, was enough to make a person of Simon’s level immobile. Though he was a tiny bit surprised, that was all about it.

“Damn it” the pressure bearing down on him made him unable to move an inch, it took all he had just to remain standing. He had to take a step or else there would be no meaning.

Clenching his teeth, Simon circulated his mana all across his body before forcefully taking a step forward.

BANG… the ground immediately shattered from the weight as spiderweb-like cracks spread in a few meters area around him. The FIRST STEP.

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