Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Chapter 156

Chapter 156: The Onerous Ten Steps (2)

Aldebaran had designed the trial so that it was impossible for Simon to complete it. He had no intention of sending his master back to that dungeon in the first place. The motive behind him designing such a trial was to make Simon give up willingly after realising his limits.

After all, if one did not have strength in this world, even if they have lofty ideals, it is all meaningless. Power reigned supreme, that was the absolute truth… no, law.

“Yes in front of absolute strength, you don’t even have the right to decide your own fate” Aldebaran’s ancient voice had a tinge of sorrow as he reminisced.

‘Master, I hope that you can forgive my insolence. One day when your memories return, you will naturally realise the intention behind my actions today. The world is vast, at that time, we detected their presence too late. Not even lord Samael was able to foresee that’ he muttered as he saw how anxious and distressed Cecilia was seeing the demon struggle.

At this moment, tears were streaking down her cheeks and if not tightly held by Fennel, she would have already run towards Simon.

The ten steps was a task to make Simon aware of his own limits and how powerless he was in front of absolute power. He could try unorthodox methods like using magic to take advantage of some of the flaws in the rules, but it would ultimately bring him only this far. There was no shortcut to victory.

In front of absolute strength, every trickery and deception was useless.

“Hehehahaha…” Just when everybody was silently observing him, Simon burst out in a peal of laughter. His voice was hoarse from how much out of breath he was, but even then he continued laughing.

Fennel who was quite a distance away and protected by a barrier erected by Aldebaran, closed his eyes and softly said “So this is as far as he could go”. He lamented and shook his head.

Fennel was quite impressed by the character of Simon not to mention, their clan already owed a big debt of gratitude towards him for saving Cecilia and the other children enslaved back in their village.

However, there was nothing he could do. Although he felt that it would be righteous action to go back with their benefactor and help with his dungeon, he couldn’t put his surviving clan members in the mouth of danger once again.

Plus their numbers had already been cut down a lot and they need a strong backer just to survive. If they lived under the protection of the Ancient Treants, they wouldn’t have to worry about humans finding them again and that cruel nightmare repeating itself.

Even if agreed to come with Simon to his dungeon, Aldebaran might not agree with it. Fennel was convinced after listening to the story of the Ancient Titan Treant, he was especially careful around Cecilia the daughter of their patriarch.

Aldebaran had lived for thousands of years and there was no reason for him to lie to them. And according to him, Cecilia was the reincarnation of one of the Eight Emissaries and also his master. Until unless Simon shows sufficient strength to convince him, there was no way Aldebaran would allow Cecilia to stay in that dungeon.

Simon kept on laughing for a while, his hoarse voice ringing across the surrounding.

“Young man, there is no shame in defeat. On the contrary, those four steps proved that you are indeed quite outstanding. I must admit, I didn’t even expect you to cross the third step.” Aldebaran said.

Even if it was a peak level Demon Viscount hovering at the edges of the level 500 barrier, they would similarly be unable to get past the fourth step. However, the young man in front of him had not even reached the peak of his rank and even with his low level, he was able to take the fourth step under his pressurizing aura.

From his perspective, Simon had already proved his determination and strength with that fourth step. Nevertheless, it was not enough. That level of strength was not enough to protect the Forest Spring Spirits and his master. josei

Just when Aldebaran was about to reject Simon’s request and say some consoling words so as to not destroy his future, his words got stuck in his throats. That was because when he stared at the eyes of the young man, he could see them shining with intense fervour.

Simon’s eyes contained incredible willpower that refused to succumb to his fate.

Looking at those eyes, Aldebaran had to redouble his view of the young man. ‘Is he still going to try? Is he not convinced by the limits of his powers or does he still have something up his sleeve?’ he mused and silently observed the young man who was doing his best to stand up.

Simon struggled repeatedly to get up, just when he lifted himself up a little, he fell right back. Tens of times, hundreds of times whenever he musters a little bit of strength to get up, the aura bearing down on him made him fall on his knees right after.

Simon did not know how many times he had repeated this action, but by now his muscles and every part of his body was screaming in pain. Trying to tell him to stop and do them a favour.

Even his thoughts were starting to lean towards giving up ‘That’s right just give up. There is no way you can complete the ten steps if you are this exhausted after taking only four steps’.

‘Haha, you are at the end just a Demon Viscount. There is no way you can endure the aura anymore. Just give up!’

‘Give up!’ Give up!’ Give up!’ Give up!’… the words starting to coagulate and become his inner thoughts.

“Yeah, I have done plenty. Now I can give up without…” just when those thoughts were starting to overwhelm him, memories from his past life came flooding him. His unfulfilled wish and his untimely demise. If he gave up now, everything that he worked hard for in this life, the convictions that he had made will be all over.

The scene changed and an azure blue silhouette came into his view. The figure was alluring and had a charm that could mesmerize every being of this world.

‘Irene? there is no way she would be here?’ he was correct that was all his imagination. ‘But why now of all times?’ as his thoughts churned, he suddenly remembered the resolve he made for himself. Back then looking at her fleeting image, didn’t he vow to himself to get stronger no matter how arduous it would be.

He wanted a reach the same realm as Irene and stand beside her. Even he did not realise but unknowingly at some point, it became one of his goals. Giving up like this wasn’t like him.

Even during his previous life, he had suffered many setbacks and had even thought about giving up. However, he held on until the moment he died in his previous life. At this moment, he felt like if he gave up now, then everything that he struggled for all the convictions that he made previously will become nought.

If he gave up now, his determination to get stronger will falter and he might not reach the level he thought he would one day.

“No that not right. I’m afraid! Afraid of losing Cecilia who I took as my little sister here. Afraid of going alone to the dungeon. Afraid of meeting the questions that Irene would ask if I come back without Cecilia”.

Simon finally knew why his heart was beating so fast, he finally had answers to his question. So it turned out that he did have a reason to not give up. Then what the hell was he doing grovelling at the floor looking so helpless and pathetic.

He turned to look towards Cecilia whose face was masked with tears and anxiousness. Simon shook his head and muttered ‘I really fail as a big brother to make her worry over me like that’.

A brilliant light flashed in his crimson eyes and his muddled mind suddenly became clear. Six more steps… a smile that could only be described as wicked, crept up to his face.

“Haaaaaaaaaahhhh” with a hoarse roar, he lifted his spirit and discarded all negative thoughts.

[Body Enhancement], [Super Strength], [Super Agility], [Super Endurance], [Super Magic], [Super Defence] activating all the skills that increased his stats for a short period of time, he stood back up.

However, unlike those previous times, his body did not falter and even the trembling of his muscles due to the pressure he was under, completely stopped. Though he stood tall and unmoving it did not mean that his muscles weren’t screaming in pain. On the contrary, after activating all those skills the pain his body had to endure increased even further.

A body of a demon viscount wasn’t strong enough to use multiple skills at once. He could only keep them activated for a short duration of time. After that time limit ends, his body is sure to break down under the internal and external pressure.

But Simon was alright with it. He needed the boost from the skills to keep on going. Although he could only keep them activated for a short period of time, that was enough. He has to… No, he will complete the ten steps before the skill ends.

“Wha…” both Aldebaran and Fennel were stunned to see Simon standing back up again. Until only a few moments ago, he struggled to get up. However, a few seconds later he stood tall and unmoving like a mountain.

They were shocked to say no less and were thinking that the young man would soon realise his limits and give up. Nor Aldebaran neither Fennel had predicted this turn of event.

But this was just the beginning, the next thing that Simon did, made them absolutely gobsmacked. “Amalgamation magic, Flame-Gale Mastery [Blazing Hell]”… BOOOOOM.

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