Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Chapter 197

Chapter 197: Lightning Draconic Serpent

RUMBLE… the hill shook intensely from the aftereffect and the master of territory was finally forced to show its appearance. A sleek and slithery body like that of a snake, was covered entirely with black scales.

Its entire body was more than thirty meters long and its shiny scales shone with a violet light. It had flattened skin on either side of its head and enormous fins on its back that allowed it to fly. Its violet draconic eyes pinpointed the attacker even from a large distance and glared at them with menace. The Lightning Draconic Serpent, one of the overlords of the north was finally out.

The moment it appeared, the mana around the surrounding started becoming more active and a vast lightning attribute spread around the surrounding. Even from this distance, Simon could distinctly feel the changes in the environment. 

"Puny Orc, you dare intrude my territory once again?" the Lightning Draconic Serpent glared at the intruders and threatened.

"Hahaha… Why shouldn't I? the last time you and I fought, I was clearly at the disadvantage. However, now that I have brought all of the power under me do you really think you can win?" Berigard revealed his fangs and snickered.

He pointed his staff and loudly proclaimed "Become my subordinate or else I shall inflict so much pain upon you that later on you will beg me to become my subordinate".

GUAAAHH… as if showing their willingness to even die for their general, the orc army loudly roared and stepped forward.

"Insolence… You dare daydream that this one shall bow its head to you? A puny orc like you doesn't have what it takes to defeat me" The Lightning Draconic Serpent spat out thick columns of lightning angered by Berigard's words.

RUMBLE… RUMBLE… Bellock signalled with his hands and five orc leaders carrying sturdy shields stepped forward to tank the attacks. BANG… BANG… BANG… the rumbling sound of lightning crashing with the shields rang out continuously before silence returned once again.

Like a heated metal, the power within the lightning columns was so great that the shields of these five orc leaders was on the verge of melting down.

Shhhhhhh… thick smoke rose from their body and the ground in a few meters area was cracked and scorched black but other than that, they had successfully tanked through the attack.

RUMBLE… TREMBLE… the cloud suddenly darkened and roared with the appearance of the lightning. The Lightning Draconic Serpent coiled around in the sky attempting to manipulate the clouds but before it could finish whatever it was doing, dozens of golems on the order of Berigard charged towards it.

The golems were the product of Tremor Magic the intermediate tier of Earth Magic and along with the skilful use of Gale magic, Berigard was able to float the golems as they charged towards the Lightning Draconic Serpent.

These golems were made of earth and even if they collided with lightning, they wouldn't incur much damage. In a way, these golems of magic were the perfect soldier as they did not have any fear and always obeyed commands.

Thick lightning bolts erupted out of the draconic serpent and crashed onto the golems but other than stopping them for a few seconds, the lightning did not achieve anything. ROOOOAAAARR… shouting in annoyance, the Lightning Draconic Serpent jerked its tail and instantly smashed three of the golems apart. The remaining golems surrounded it and refused to give it any room.

"Now is the chance… [Gale Magic Mastery]:- [Galewave Hammer]" Berigard channelled an enormous amount of mana within his staff and generated a gigantic column of wind that was quickly shaping itself into a hammer.

The hammer formed was as huge as fifty meters and loomed on top of the Lightning Draconic Serpent. Realising what the orc was planning to do, the Draconic serpent tried to shake off the Golems and move out of the area of the attack.

"Don't let it get away" Berigard shouted towards his two commanders. Bellock and Belmarch along with numerous high orcs took out their weapons that looked like chains connected to a spike head and threw them at the Lightning Draconic Serpent.

The Diluvian High Orcs with their incredible strength, easily wielded these weapon as if it was some children's toy. CLANG… CLANG… dozens of spike heads smashed against the black scales of the draconic serpent creating an intense spark in the process.

Even after the attacks of numerous high orcs, the Lightning Draconic Serpent appeared completey unfazed. One could imagine how high the defence of the black scales which it was completely covered with was. Nonetheless, the objective behind throwing such weapons wasn't to hurt it and instead to bind it in its place.

As if realising this a step too late, the Lightning Draconic Serpent flailed its body in an attempt to break through it. "Hold you ground" Berigard commanded the orcs holding the other end of the chain.

He knew that once the serpent escapes the bindings of the chain, it would be hard to lock it down once again. GUAHHH… the two orc commanders and dozens of others shouted refusing to budge down and succumb to the pull. They used all of their strength to hold to the chain as all the veins in their body bulged to their limit.

However, how could these mutated high orcs match the Lightning Draconic Serpent in strength? With just a twitch of its body, it was easily able to pull many of them airborne and break through its restraints.

BOOOM… the thick darkened clouds spread apart giving way to the giant hammer as it came falling down. The momentum of the forty meters big hammer was truly abnormal not to mention the might contain with it. josei

Just its appearance of falling from the sky was enough to cower all the orcs as they saw the hammer come smashing down on top of the Lightning Draconic Serpent.

ROOOOAAAARRR… the instant the hammer made contact with the serpent, all the power contained within the hammer burst out making it scream in pain. 

BOOOOOOOOM… a deafening noise along with something hitting the floor at a breakneck speed rang out for dozens of kilometres. The land quaked in fear and dust covered everyone's vision.

The impact of the [Galewave Hammer] was so great that all of the golems who were surrounding and restraining the movements of the Lightning Draconic Serpent were instantly turned into dust. By simply being near the area of the impact, the golems were already in such a state. This made one wonder what the condition of the LIghtining draconic serpent was who was the main target of Berigard's magic.

When the dust finally settled down the appearance of the huge Lightning Draconic Serpent came into view once again. But unlike the other times where its black scales was shining with violet light and gave it an aura of impenetrance, it couldn't be said for its current appearance.

The gigantic body of the serpent was planted onto the huge crater it created after being blasted onto the ground and many of its scales were cracked and broken. Its eyes were closed and its body did not make any further movements after that.

Seeing this, Berigard frowned and ordered his orc army to proceed with caution. He did not think his last attack was enough to bring it down; nevertheless, now that it was down his orc army would be able to join the battle.

With the command given by the two orc commanders, the orc army that were itching to fight, charged towards the fallen Lightning Draconic Serpent with a mad fervour. GUAAAHH… brandishing their weapons that were each releasing a sinister aura, they came attacking the area where their enemy was hurt the most.

ROOAAAARRR… The Lightning Draconic Serpent opened its eyes and looked at the puny orcs attacking its body. Its once magnificent body that was covered in beautiful scales was now being battered by these orcs with their weapons.

Anger, intense anger and madness to bite down on its prey flashed on the wide draconic eyes of its before suddenly its whole body started releasing blue lightning all over its body. Simon who was observing from the distance, was astounded at the level of battle that was unfolding before his eyes.

No matter if it was the Orc General or the Lightning Draconic Serpent, both of their level and skills were on a whole another realm. From how the battle was progressing, it appeared that his concern about the overlord was for nought.

Its abilities and level was something that even dwarfed the orc general it was facing. The last time when Simon used Analysis on the orc general, he was able to learn some bits of information on the level and skills of the orc general.

According to it, the Orc General was a level 439 Diluvian High Orc Aberrant with numerous superior and Rare skills. Not to mention it had mastery over two intermediate forms of magic: – Tremor, Gale.

That was not all, since Simon knew that his level was not high enough, he wasn't able to peer through all the skills of the Orc general.. That is to say that Berigard had many more skills in his arsenal that Simon wasn't aware of. 

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