Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Chapter 326

Chapter 326

But now he was forced to spend 4000 coins more which was clearly too much for a damaged scroll. Although human money was just some numbers to a Demon viscount like him, it still didn't mean that he was okay with how the other party had played him.

If not for the fact that he was interested in learning space magic and that Irene who knows space magic, might be able to fix it, he wouldn't have bothered spending so much money on it.

In the following turns, there were many good items that were auctioned but none managed to catch the interest of Simon as he simply became an observer. However, that did not mean that there was any less buyers, each and every item that came in the next rounds, evoked a fierce bidding battle amongst the audience.

"The next item we have here is something our merchant guild merchant guild personally got hold off and we can guarantee the power and toughness of it" the auctioneer hyped up the crowd with his words before bringing out something huge and heavy.

The moment the item came in front of the audience, a fiery heat enveloped the place and everyone took hurried breaths of air. Placed in front of them was a huge crimson hammer radiating intense heat and giving off a pressure that turned everyone silent.

When the item came up, Simon was momentarily surprised. The reason being that the weapon being auctioned was something that he had seen in the possession of the Brigand Master back at the northern outlaw forest.

He who had exchanged blows with the Brigand master who was utilising the weapon, he knew how powerful the item was. 

"Hoh" Oman arched his body and fixedly stared at the hammer which was like a wild beast ready to pounce and smite anyone.

"The name of the hammer is Crimson Warhammer and as you all can see it a [C] rank item. However, this hammer here is a cut above even amongst the rest of the [C] rank since it has been refined twice by our craft smith".

"It gives a marginal boost to your strength and endurance stats and alongside with the numerous skill it bestows, the hammer is sure to raise your powers to new heights. The starting bid for the item…"

"7000 Blackgold coins" Before the auctioneer could even complete his sentence, the agitated voice of Oman sounded out. He had directly raised the price of the item to 7000 blackgold coins.

The crowd immediately became silent, 7000 blackgold coins was no means the best amount for the Crimson warhammer but because they were afraid of the identity of Oman, that they dare not bid against him. 

Oman glanced at the audience down below from his VIP room, his eyes threatening and his intentions clear. His attitude was clearly saying to everyone that this is my weapon, they should stay away from it if they knew what's better for them.

"8000 Blackgold coins" the silence didn't last and was broken by another man sitting inside one of the VIP rooms.

"The weapon is well worth buying, my Savannah Beast Guild will also participate in this bid" Marcus who was keeping quiet all this time, finally spoke up. Although his words were neutral, everybody who heard that, could easily tell that he was indirectly jabbing at Oman.

After Marcus bid for the weapon, the representatives from other top five and renowned guilds across the kingdom also started to put forth their offers.

As the bid kept on rising higher, Oman grit his teeth and made an angry face. This was not the kingdom of Ingolf where he could assert his dominance. Although he could easily cower the ordinary populace, it was hard for him to try and suppress the top five guilds of the kingdom of Ellesmere with his influence alone.

While reluctant, he could only join the battle with his bids.

"12000 Black gold coins" Oman stated.

"12500" Marcus joined in.

When the price reached a whopping 14000 coins, it was finally won by Oman, though his face told that he did not look all that pleased.

Simon did not participate because he already had better weapons with him. The successive items that came, were won over by Marcus, the representatives of the five guilds and Lucas who was accompanied by Duke Montford.

"The next item is a large core stone that was recovered after slaying a fierce beast that had transcended level 500, a Disaster class so as to say".

One of the pretty girls behind him removed the embroidered cloth from the plate she was holding and a sparkling sapphire gem that was bigger than one's fist, came into view. josei

The moment the cloth was lifted off, everybody no matter where they were seated inside the auction, could hear a faint rumbling sound echo out in their ear.

WOAH… the noise immediately flabbergasted the audience and they couldn't help but give the sapphire core stone a deep look. To be able to resonate and hold the attribute of the beast it previously belonged to so well, it definitely was a high-grade core stone.

Expecting the kind of reaction from the crowd, the auctioneer gave a bright smile "Ladies and Gentlemen, I believe you already know but this item is something that is extremely desirable for lightning attribute mages. So without further ado, let's start the auction… the initial bid for the stone is 2000 Blackgold coin".

"Sigh it's a pity that the core stone is a lightning attribute one, if it was a flame attribute one, it would have strengthened my attacks even more" Lucas spoke regretfully after examining the core stone.

Duke Montford who was seated behind him, similarly made a remorseful face "Yeah, if we could get our hands on a large flame attribute core stone, your chances in the upcoming tournament would significantly increase. It truly is a pity that the stone that came up was a lightning attribute one. Other than for a mage of the same element, it is basically useless for everyone else".

It was as he had said, although the lightning attribute core stone could be considered a good treasure, it was only a treasure for those who could utilise the same element. Lucas whose mastery lied in flame magic, could only sigh in dejection.

"2000 blackgold coins" when the crowd was silently deciding whether they should buy the core stone or not, from one of the VIP rooms came a voice that was unhesitant on bidding for it.

"OH~" Omar turned his head and saw the black-robed man donning a hat, bidding for an item once again. Immediately, his sour mood recovered and a mocking smile appeared on his face.


There was no need to even ask who the voice belonged to, Simon turned and saw the smiling face of Oman. With a frustrated huff, Simon raised the price only for the latter to increase it once again.

The scuffle went on like that until the price reached 6000 blackgold coins which was clearly too much for an intermediate attribute core stone.

The crowd down below looked with pity at the black-robed man since he had unwittingly attracted the attention of Oman.

Oman smiled derisively, with the way the other party was quickly increasing the price and seemed agitated whenever he increased the price, he inferred that the other party was a lightning attribute mage or was in a dire need of one.

How could he let such an obvious flaw pass by? Omar immediately raised his offer bringing the bid to a striking 7000 blackgold coins. The auctioneer on the stage, was having the time of his life as some of the items he hadn't expected was going beyond their estimated price range.

Oman was waiting, the crowd was waiting for Simon to increase the price once again but when they heard no bid come even after a while, they got curious and looked towards the VIP compartment only to see him him lazily stretching his hands and feet while yawning. They immediately understood what had happened.

The crown prince of Ingolf was played by this mysterious man, who got back at him for what he did previously.

Oman had an ugly face as if he had just swallowed a fly. He was not an idiot, he immediately knew that his attempts of playing with the other person had backfired. The black-robed man had deliberately pretended to be interested in this item only to lay a bait in which he splendidly got caught in.

"Your Highness…" the attendant behind wanted to say something but when he saw the murderous face of Oman, he gulped down his words and backed off.

"Bastard…" hostility overflowed from his eyes as he looked at the black robed. Never in his life was he the one who was played by others like that. He who was born with a golden spoon from birth, was always the one toying with others and did things that always benefitted him.

Even if they were scammed or cheated, nobody had the guts to say it out since he was the crown prince. However, this place was not their kingdom of Ingolf and his authority did not reach this place or else, with his personality there was no way he would take this lying down. 

"Heh~ are there some people too afraid to bid higher or are they too poor I wonder" Oman commented trying to induce Simon into bidding once again.

However, the reply that he received, made his face green from the insult.

"Haa… 3000 blackgold coins is already enough for this intermediate tier core stone. Only an idiot would buy it for 7000 coins" Simon said scratching his ears.

The crowd was sent into a laughter after those words, they who were unable to bear the overbearingness of Oman secretly laughed at his plight. 

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