Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Chapter 568 568- Unease (3)

Chapter 568 568- Unease (3)

Even if these people were all elite and members of the primary team of the Baskerville guild, in front of Donte who was using hundred percent of his power in every swing and attack, they might just as well be unarmed ordinary people who fell from a single strike of his dagger.

In the blink of an eye, more than twenty adventurers from the Baskerville guild had fallen prey to his attack.

Donte's daggers were about to inch closer towards one more member of the Baskerville guild and take their life, when… [Great Fury Shock]. A wild slash filled with a berserk power of a level 613 [Armoured Gladiator] came hacking down at Donte.

BOOOM… dust and rubble was lifted up for a couple of meters and a great depression formed on the ground.

Manuel landed beside his sword and looked for any signs of Donte. His attack earlier didn't connect, the opponent had utilised a strange movement skill to dodge his attacks at the last possible moment and utilising their evolved [Stealth] skill they blended with the surrounding and disappeared inside the dust.

"Dammit… Fight me Donte!!" Manuel even used his taunt skill to drive Donte's attacks on him but to no avail. the latter was too fast and out of the range of his skill

Screams of his guild members dying echoed all around Manuel and he was unable to stop him.

"If you wanna play it like that then…" His eyes turned towards the unconscious group of people lying on the floor and a crimson glow also flashed in his eyes. He was thinking about doing the same thing that Donte was doing currently.

Ignoring the guild leader and going after his members.

At this moment, the members of the phantom light guild were slowly starting to wake up and put up a fight against the guild members of the Baskerville guild.


The scene was of total pandemonium, everyone was fighting against someone, skills and magic was being shot everywhere, and spilled blood on the floor made a pool.

"What is going on?" the other teams who had arrived at the place where the scene was unfolding, couldn't comprehend what they were seeing with their own eyes.

Adventurers fighting against adventurers, there were no monsters in sight. All they could see was the bodies of people, those that were lying on the ground after being robbed of their lives and those that were still locked in a fight.

In a chaotic situation such as this, it was very hard to tell if this was the doing of any monsters or simply utter madness.

"Stop this foolishness right now!!" the grey haired man roared arriving at the scene. Following his appearance, the rest of the teams that had spread all around the floor, also gathered at this place at this time.

The words that he uttered fell on deaf ears, none of the members of the Baskerville Guild or the Phantom Light Guild showed any intention to stop. They simply kept attacking each other and shed blood.

Realising that the madness wouldn't stop, he decided to take action and jumped in between the two guild leaders who were currently locked in a life-or-death battle.

"Get out of the way"...

The two guild leaders roared, their eyes masked with hatred and insanity. It didn't look like they planned to stop their attack.

"Hmph" The grey haired man simply snorted, facing their attacks he casually raised his palms towards them and invoked two multi-tiered magic circles that flew towards the guild leaders and bound them in place.


"[Holy Bind], [Astral Prison]"...

The two guild leaders who were caught inside that magic circle, struggled to get out. But their weakened body was just too powerless against the thing that bound them. The conditions of the bodies of the two guild leaders showed how much they had driven each other to the brink of death.

Perhaps if the grey haired man didn't stop them in time, one of them or even both of them would have died from their injuries.

After stopping the two guild leaders of the Baskerville guild and the Phantom Light guild, he spread his powers and stopped the struggling members of the two guilds. The other teams also helped calm the situation by immobilising the surviving members and keeping them in check so that they do not start another fight.

All sorts of reasoning could be seen gone from inside the heads of these people by the way they were snarling and roaring when facing the other party.

"What in the world happened here?" the grey haired man asked after the situation was controlled somehow.

The other teams that have arrived at the scene earlier than him, explained what they saw but even they did not know what was the cause of that bloodbath of a fight. There was no other term to better describe this battle where more than 90% of the members of both the guilds had perished at the hands of the others.

Even now they were struggling to kill more people from the other guild. Nobody expected two guilds that came from the same region and had been in a cordial relationship for so many years to suddenly start massacring one another in the middle of the expedition.

Forget about these ordinary members, even the guild leaders of their two guilds were no different.

A gloomy atmosphere engulfed the place, the exploration had been going well up until now. other than the time when the tertiary team made the mistake of entering a trap, things had been going well with the primary force with no casualties arriving, that was up until now.

Looking at the nauseating scene of dead bodies lying in a pool of blood with numerous cruel injuries, the other nine teams couldn't help but sigh in regret.

These adventurers that had died, were no ordinary people but the primary team of two of the top twenty guilds. They were the backbone and foundation of the guild. With them gone, it was no exaggeration to say that the Baskerville guild and the phantom light guild had lost all qualifications to call themselves a big guild and rank amongst the top twenty.

It was a loss that would be hard to offset for years to come. But the question still remained, what was the cause of this massacre?

Looking at the signs of the battle, there was no indication of the involvement of any monsters or traps. Which meant that this was all caused by the adventurers themselves.

The only ones who could give them a clear answer were the guild leaders of the two guilds. But before that, they needed to be brought back to their sane mind.

Fortunately for them, they had hunted all the Epsiloths on this floor and the effects of the mist was gone. Although they still needed to find the entrance to the next floor, it can wait given the urgency of the situation.

The grey haired man cast another magic, a pure white light dropped down on Manuel and Donte, healing their wounds and calming their frenzied mind. After a while, their grunting stopped and some lucidity could be seen appearing in their eyes.

However, the next second when the two saw each other, hatred welled up in their hearts again and they started struggling and fighting to come out of their bindings.

"You bastard"…

"Kill… Kill all of them"…

As soon as their minds became a little sane, they started throwing slang at each other. Their disgraceful behaviour was nothing like their status would suggest. Looking at them, no one would be unable to associate them with the reputable guild masters of two big guilds and not just some street thugs.

"Enough you two!! Do you not see how much trouble and damage you have caused already?" The grey haired man snapped, he flicked his finger and the both of them were separated.

"Now who is going to tell me what happened here?".

The behaviour of the members of these two guilds was clearly very unusual, it was as if they were under some mind encroachment skill. He thought that they had fallen prey to some kind of ability of a monster; however, the answer that he received betrayed all of his expectations.

"It was him, his guild and he were the ones that attacked us first. He sneaked attack me and started killing members of my guild with some stupid excuse. That fucking psycho even used his guild treasure, the horn of Voranius against us.

"How could I just watch my people get killed like that? So I killed their members before they could kill ours… haa… haa" Donte roared in resettlement like a wounded animal. His words were so shocking that they caused the others to frown their brows in consternation.

"Calm down, you are not making any sense right now. Tell us what happened after your team went towards the northwestern direction" the grey haired man questioned.

Donte aggrieved and furious at the loss, told them the whole incident and asked the grey haired man that he released him. But the grey haired man did not release him immediately and posed the same question to Manuel.

"Kuahaha" the leader of the Baskerville guild, instead of answering started cackling, his chortling soon turned into thunderous laughter as if the situation was extremely funny.

"Why did I do such a thing you ask? Isn't it obvious… it was to avenge my son. He was buried inside that mysterious ruins on the 34th floor forever and all you said was it cannot be helped. Well if you cannot help me then I will take action myself".

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