Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Chapter 658 658- Ten Thousand Bones Mountain Range (2)

Chapter 658 658- Ten Thousand Bones Mountain Range (2)

After a day or two of continuous flying, more and more demon nobles appeared on the horizon, all heading towards the same direction.

"It's weird, I can't spot any demon dukes around" Simon mused. The demon nobles flying all around him were either Demon Earls or Demon Marquesses. He couldn't see any high ranking demons in the midst.

"Hey demon brat, look in the distance. The ones you are looking for, are inside those things" Prime spoke, his finger pointing up ahead.

The direction he was pointing at, was towards the dark clouds. Up above the sky, looming inside those clouds, was something huge that made a loud whirring noise as it flew.

When the thing finally came down, Simon was able to clearly see it. A huge airborne construct that spanned for hundreds of meters in length, soared through the skies with grace and power.

Its shape resembled a huge elongated arc or a gentle curve which allowed for maximum stability during flight. Equipped with all the latest aeronautical technology, the thing that looked like a blimp was none other than the Air Engine that Simon knew off.

However, unlike the ones he had seen in the kingdom of Ellesmere, the one in front of him was not only bigger in both size and grandeur, it was also more advanced.

Additionally, there was not only one or two Air Engines like that in the sky, but several of them. All of them made loud whirring noises like the rumbling of the thunder as they sped forward.

The sight of these majestic Air Engines gracing the sky, evoked a sense of wonder and awe as they filled this dark barren land with their grandeur. Simon who was observing the Air Engines felt the powerful presence of the high ranking demon sitting inside them.

It appeared that the reason why he didn't see any Demon Dukes around, was because they were heading for the southern region of the Demon Continent while flying in their personal Air Engines.

"Air engines huh, that's quite useful"

Based on his incomplete inherited memories, the Asphodel Meadows wasn't very far away from the Ten Thousand Bones Mountain Range. That said, it was still more than a thousand kilometres from here.

Even if a distance like that was possible to cover by flying, they would end up extremely exhausted by the time they reach their destination. Simon couldn't help but feel a tinge of envy as he saw those high ranking demon nobles flying in their cozy Air Engines.

An Air engine was not only fast, but it could also travel large distances. Unless one knew the space magic, it was impossible to catch up to the speed of the Air Engine. If he also had one of those, he wouldn't have to do something as cumbersome as fly all the way to the southern region.

"Let's go" Simon didn't stop to marvel at the Air engines for long, after he ascertained that he was headed in the right direction, he resumed his flight.

The next day, he saw another batch of Air Engines roar through the skies and head for the Asphodel Meadows. All of them carried the lofty Demon Dukes and their subordinate.

"Master look, that one is far bigger and cooler than all the other ones" Theodore who was gazing at the Air engines, pointed out with a fascinated look on his face.

The Air Engine he was pointing at, was huge. It was far more advanced and looked more like a mobile fortress than a blimp. It was so grand and majestic that it stuck out, like a whale among a school of fish.

For some reason, the huge mobile fortress that was soaring through the sky, suddenly slowed down and a figure descended down from it.

The figure observed the passing demons calmly before quickly locating its target.

"Are you Lord Simon?" The figure asked appearing in front of Simon. The latter looked at their appearance and quickly realised that she was the subordinate of Oswell that he had seen in the auction.

Simon nodded his head in affirmation.

"I see then please come with me, Master Oswell is waiting for you" The subordinate led him and the twins inside the enormous mobile fortress where a chubby demon was waiting for them.

"Ah my friend, forgive me. Even though I told you we should head to the Hexennacht together, I didn't expect the teleport gate to spawn us randomly. Also, it took me some time to call forth the Air Engine from my dungeon" Oswell apologised and gave Simon a proper hospitality.

"Don't worry about it" Simon waved his hand dismissing the issue.

"Haha, I'm glad that I found you" Oswell smiled before curiously glancing at the twins "Are those two your subordinates?".

"That's right, they are like my family" Simon introduced Theodore and Maybell as he adoringly patted their heads.

Looking at the bond between Simon and his subordinates, Oswell smiled as spoke "As I thought so, you are a very peculiar demon, Simon. Most demons only view their subordinates as tools that follow their command. However, I can see that there is a mutual respect and love among you and your subordinates".

Simon blinked his eyes and looked at the twins. Tools? He never considered them that way. Nor them or any other subordinates of his. They were like his family always supporting his back.

"Aren't you also the same?" he stated glancing at Oswell and the subordinate beside him. That awe filled look in her eyes and her mannerism told Simon how much she respected her master. josei

"Haha, you might be right, both of us are peculiar" Oswell laughed before introducing his subordinate "She is Aisha, one of my loyal subordinates".

Aisha courteously bowed her head towards Simon and the twins.

"Ah that's right, I have prepared a feast for you all. Why don't we head there and fill our stomachs first" Leave it to the glutton, the first thing that came to his mind was food.

Though that said, after flying nonstop for three days, he was also starting to feel hungry. Of course, being a Demon Earl, he could go on for weeks or even months without food. However, the human part of his previous life still craved for food.

Plus, even if not for him he had to think for the twins, who were still children in body and mind. They needed to eat and drink plenty to grow. Since that was the case, Simon willingly accepted the other party's offer and followed them inside.

It needs to be mentioned that the Air Enigne not only provided a comfortable and relaxing means of long distance travel, it was also decked out in luxury.

This Air Engine in particular, had an opulence of things, from spacious and elegant cabins to observation decks to even recreational areas. This mobile fortress had everything, it was filled with amenities that it would be doing it injustice to call it an Air engine any longer.

If anything, this place was even more luxurious than a palace or an inn.

Oswell led them towards a spacious hall where a variety of food was kept on top of a large table in the middle. The delicious aroma wafting from the food filled the place and increased one's appetite.

"This Cheesecake Cake Fortress, has more than twenty one chefs working on it. So do not be shy and eat to your heart's content… Haha" Oswell declared proudly.

Should he be amazed or not, Simon was at a loss. This glutton had twenty one chefs working just in this Air Engine alone, one had to wonder how much did he eat for there to be so many chefs to be present.

In the end, Simon could only smile bitterly and take his seat.

"That reminds me, Aisha bring them here. They must be hungry too" Oswell ordered suddenly remembering something.

Aisha dutifully nodded her head and quickly left to complete his orders. Looking at that prim and proper manner of her, Simon couldn't help but get reminded of Annette who was also always serious about her maidly tasks.

There were other similarities between them like how the both of them wore spectacles and had that aura of a cool and intellectual beauty.

"Is that subordinate of yours from the spirit race?" Simon asked.

"That's impressive for you to notice that. She is technically a half, a descendant of an ancient spirit. How did you find out that she was from the spirit race?" Oswell was surprised by Simon's perceptiveness.

"Well, I also have a subordinate like her. She is full born spirit though. Your subordinate Aisha couldn't help but remind me of her" Simon answered.

Even if Aisha was a half, she was technically a spirit as such it could be said that he was not wrong. Though an ancient spirit huh? Leaving aside the fact that she was a half, just the fact that she was the descendant of an ancient spirit made her rank [A] or above.

"So that was the case" Oswell nodded his head.

After a while, Aisha came back with a group in tow. When Simon looked at the group behind her, he immediately recognised them as the races that came up in the auction. The Sylphs, Gorgons and even the Halfling called the Tiefling was among the group.

"You sure bought quite a lot of them" Simon couldn't help but comment looking at the many races that Oswell had purchased in the auction.

"Well, money means nothing to me. As long as my subordinates are happy, I'm happy too" Oswell replied lightly.

"Thank you master for going along with my selfishness. I just couldn't leave them alone after seeing them appear in the acution" Aisha bowed her head and thanked her master. 

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