Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Chapter 721 721- New Summons (2)

Chapter 721 721- New Summons (2)

"It is believed that the Elemental Constructs were an accident of his creation and guarded his realm. However, it was all in the past, right now they are nothing but a shadow of their previous self".

Thanks to Irene's explanation, everyone present here was able to learn what kind of being the abyss brought forth.

It turned out that the towering figure composed of living flames, seemingly in a perpetual state of combustion and whose fiery form shifted and swayed, as if possessed by a rhythmic dance that only it could understand, was called an elemental construct.

Simon activated his [Appraisal] skill to observe the Fire Elemental, but then something unexpected happened. The Abyss, which usually closed after summoning a creature, remained open, swirling with an intensity that Simon had never seen before.

"This is unusual. The Abyss should have closed after summoning the Fire Elemental. Why is it still open?"

Confusion flashed in his eyes. Just as the group watched the abyss in bemusement, a whirlwind of chilling air suddenly swept through the chamber, making them shiver involuntarily.

"Master look, something is coming out?" Alice exclaimed.

At that moment another enormous shadow could be seen coming closer from the other side of the abyss.

BOOM… a second elemental construct stepped out, this one was different than the first in that it was a swirling vortex of air and wind. Its form was an ever-shifting column of tempest, with gusts of wind spiralling around a central core.

It exuded an aura of unbridled freedom, encapsulating the untameable spirit of the wind. The one to emerge out of the abyss after the Fire Elemental was the Cyclone Elemental.

"Two elemental constructs came out… I guess it's not unusual given that I used three emblems. Could it be there is still…"

As gasps of surprise rang out from his subordinates, Simon muttered to himself in contemplation. Just as he hypothesised, the unexpected didn't end there. The Abyss, which still hadn't closed, continued to pulse and expand, defying all expectations.

Out of the swirling void emerged a third Elemental construct, its form gleaming with icy brilliance.

After the Fire and Cyclone elemental, the Ice Elemental that came out stood as a shimmering monument of frost and cold. Its crystalline body seemed to refract light, casting prismatic reflections across its surroundings.

Its presence brought a bone-chilling cold that seemed to freeze the very air around it. As it emerged, frost spread in intricate patterns along the ground, and the environment itself seemed to take on an icy hue.

Fire Elemental, Cyclone Elemental and now with the appearance of Ice Elemental, it completed the triumvirate.

Finally after the last of the elemental construct came out, the abyss stopped spinning and disappeared, leaving the space to slowly heal itself.

"Three elemental constructs as I thought so" When the Cyclone elemental came out Simon had surmised that there would be a third one. It was a simple conclusion he had drawn after examining and learning about the abyss every time he used it.

ραndαsΝοvεl ƈοm Based on the past incidents, he had noticed that when using multiple emblems at once, there would be two kinds of results. Either it would summon out a single powerful entity like Irene or Wisp that is deserving of the number of emblems or the abyss would dish out multiple beings to make up for it.

The Valkyries that were summoned after Simon used five emblems and the Elemental constructs were the perfect example of that.

That said, it was still an observation in the end, there is o way of knowing how exactly the abyss operated.

As the three Elemental constructs, each one more massive than anything Simon had ever encountered, stood as awe-inspiring embodiments of nature's raw power. They radiated an ancient energy, a display of dominance over the elements, a manifestation of primordial might and untamed forces.

Their arrival had divided the atmosphere of the Main floor into three parts. One was as hot as a fire, the other windy and the other part was icy cold.

As the land settled from their arrival, the Elemental constructs turned their attention to Simon with an intensity that sent shivers down his spine. The way the elemental constructs ignored all the other people around him, it was as if they knew Simon was the one who summoned them and was the master of this place.

ZOOOM…  At this moment, the air seemed to quiver with power as the Elemental constructs emanated a potent undulation. The elements within their chests shifted and separated, revealing the glowing cores that formed the heart of their being. I think you should take a look at ραΠdαsnovel.cοm

These cores, while minuscule in comparison to the towering forms of the constructs, held an incredible significance. All the three Elemental constructs revealed their core towards Simon.

Despite there being no communication between them, he immediately understood what they were trying to gesture.

Simon feeling a little overwhelmed by the situation, extended his hands. Mana surged out from within him in droves and branched into three different strands, each reaching out to make contact with the exposed cores of the Elemental Constructs.

As the connection was established, a rush of information flooded Simon's senses. He felt their existence, their consciousness, their essence merging with his own. Despite being constructs created by someone, he was able to learn that all of them had egos.

They were not mere mindless tools as they possessed their own personalities and traits, their own sparks of individuality.

The Fire Elemental's ego for example was like a roaring inferno, fierce and passionate. It burned with a desire for challenge and combat, seeking to test its power against worthy opponents.

The Cyclone Elemental's ego was elusive and ever-changing, akin to the shifting winds. It held a curious nature, desiring to explore and understand it's opponents. The Ice Elemental's ego was cold and headstrong, like the heart of a glacier.

Yet, despite their distinct personalities, Simon sensed that these egos were strong, they were too simple and guileless, almost like a child.

"I guess I shouldn't be surprised that the option of your menu is even able to call forth Elemental Constructs from a realm that had long since ceased existing" Irene spoke with her lips curved into a smile.

"What do you mean?" Simon questioned.

With an expression that held a mix of awe and curiosity, Irene pointed at Simon "What I mean is that option of yours is truly extraordinary. No, saying it's extraordinary would be an understatement, after all, not only can it manipulate the Laws of space and connect with any of the realms in this universe, it can even manipulate the laws of time and connect with a realm that had been long destroyed in the ancient times".josei

"Everything that was in this realm was also destroyed when that world fell. Do you understand what I'm trying to say? The Abyss connected with the realm of Nexus of the past and brought forth the Elemental Constructs before they could be destroyed. That option of yours is simply unfathomable and defies all understanding".

"Ohhh" Simon rounded his lips and nodded his head, his mind swirled with awe and wonder for his option.

Although it still remained a mystery and there was much to be discovered about this option, one thing was certain, and that was everything that was summoned out of it was bound to be unique or powerful.

"Alright, enough about the cryptic and incomprehensible things. What I want to know is that are these so called elemental constructs powerful or not?"

With Irene talking about these constructs so much, it was only natural for Simon to get excited.

"According to ancient texts and legends, the Elementalist was able to harness the raw forces of nature itself. What was his purpose in creating these huge Elemental constructs, still remained shrouded in mystery. Some believed they were meant to bring equilibrium to the worlds. Others speculated that their purpose was to guard the realm, and protect the items and artefacts he created from falling into evil hands and being misused".

"No one truly knew, for the Elementalist and the realm of Nexus was destroyed and vanished into obscurity. All that remained were the ancient text noting about its existence. So if you are asking me if they are strong or not, I would say they are".

"Things that are created by the Elemantalist are nothing short of extraordinary, it is more so for these Elemental Constructs. However, the ones standing in front of you are nothing like the ones I learned from the ancient texts. You should have already realised the moment you made contact with it, they appear to be relatively young existences than the ones I know of".

"These constructs are akin to artificial lifeforms, creations that held the potential for growth and development. That is to say, they are yet to attain the level of power and sentience from the ancient texts. As for how they can gain that kind of strength, you who have been acknowledged by them and created a connection, should know more than me"

It was as Irene said, as the connection Simon had with the elemental constructs deepened, he began to perceive the mysteries that lay within these Elemental constructs. They were not simple tools but entities intricately woven into the fabric of the elements themselves.

And while each of them had their own egos, they were not fully matured, akin to fledgling souls navigating a vast and unknown realm. What he need to do from this point on was…

"I see, if that is the case, it makes sense why the [Appraisal] displayed their level as [Unassigned] and all of their skills are hidden".

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