Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Chapter 748 748- Gladion Astrid Onyx (2)

Chapter 748 748- Gladion Astrid Onyx (2)

The Kingdom of Blackthorn was not always like this. It was not the monolithic bastion of control and conformity that it had become under the rule of Gladion Astrid Onyx.

In the days of old, it was a realm just like any other kingdom, characterized by a balance between freedom and progress, where personal opinions and choices were respected, and governance was less draconian.

However, everything changed with the unexpected ascension of Gladion Astrid Onyx to the throne. That is to say, the Kingdom of Blackthorn was what it was now, a powerhouse among the third grade nations was all due to this man in front of him.

"Hehe, it's not a secret anymore that your kingdom wants to gobble the kingdom of Ellesmere up. However, if you continue with this Salami tactic by backing the Second Prince up to the throne, it will take years or even a decade to eat the meal that is the Kingdom of Ellesmere"

"It is currently in a state of upheaval and in its most vulnerable state with most of its strong men and women out of the picture. If your kingdom wants to take control of Ellesmere, it would be far more efficient to send your military and knight orders in to invade it".

"Of course, a large scale movement like attacking another nation needs a ton of resources, manpower and political manoeuvrings. Our kingdom of Ingolf is ready to back Blackthorn with all the necessary resources and political support. You can say that we are ready to cover all the expenses needed for such a move. All Blackthorn needs to do is move their military and reap the reward. What does your majesty think?"

Oman offered, his voice was still as indolent and nonchalant as ever. As if everything that was being discussed was some trivialities and not sensitive state secrets.

Gladion remained silent for a moment, his piercing gaze locked onto Oman's. The possibilities, risks, and rewards weighed heavily in the air. The fate of not one but two kingdoms hung in the balance, and the enigmatic ruler of Blackthorn had a momentous decision to make.

He knew that the other party definitely had some scheme for backing the kingdom of Ellesmere and if he did not read carefully, he might step on a landmine and destroy everything that he had built up until now.

That said, the allure of gobbling up the kingdom of Ellesmere was a difficult thing to give up especially when the other party said that they would cover all the expense and resources that was needed.

"Do you take me for a fool? Even considering the fact that Ingolf does back us up to take the Kingdom of Ellesmere, are you trying to tell me to believe that you have no motive behind all this? What guarantee is there that when our Blackthorn moves its military towards the Ellesmere, you won't be taking this chance to attack us through our backyard?".

Hearing Gladion's words, Oman who was lazily sipping on his wine, suddenly started chuckling. His chuckle turned into a bawling laughter which echoed throughout the entire throne room. Seeing that demeanour of his, no one would be able to tell that he was a Crown prince of a nation.

"I see... a fine judgment. I guess if I were in your place, I would think the same. However, Your Majesty are you underestimating our kingdom of Ingolf? Something like occupying new lands holds no meaning to us right now. And even if we wanted to, who can stop us as we are right now?"

"Your Majesty should have already gotten the news by now, our Kingdom of Ingolf is no longer a Third Grade country but has been promoted to Second Grade. We now have two powerful rankers in our midst. So if we wanted to take control of any land, it would be all too easy for us"

"Your Majesty can be assured that Ingolf does not have any intentions on Blackthorn, instead our motive is something else. It would be better if you don't pry on it. So, what does your majesty think of my proposal? I'm sure the person who orchestrated the Bloody Succession of the Kingdom of Blackthorn, the 'Lord of Iron Will' will not give up on such an opportunity"

Oman glanced at Gladion Astrid Onyx and smiled fiercely. Many people had underestimated him, for he was a bastard whose mother was just an ordinary maid in the castle. Forget about a pure blood, he was not even a proper half blood. He had no qualification or business to butt his nose in the royal succession. He wasn't even considered a candidate.

However, Gladion proved them all wrong, demonstrating unmatched strength and an unquenchable thirst for power in the royal selection.

It was a bloody history in the annals of the Kingdom of Blackthorn, the new king who killed all of his royal siblings and competitors in a cold and ruthless move in front of the crowd sending shockwaves throughout the kingdom.

However, this new king was not merely content with securing his own throne, with swift and brutal efficiency, Gladion decapitated the heads of every corrupted noble and official, severing the tendrils of treachery that had infiltrated the kingdom.

He established a militaristic reign, one where the will of the throne would brook no dissent. This drastic transformation earned him a title among the people, one that reflected his iron-fisted rule.

They began to refer to him as the "Lord of Iron Will," a moniker that signified both his unyielding resolve and the unwavering control he exerted over the kingdom. I think you should take a look at

Gladion mulled over Oman's proposal, and after a while, his eyes displayed a fierce resolution as he made his choice.

"Alright, if Ingolf is ready to cover the expenses needed for such a large scale expedition, then Blackthorn has no reason to turn your proposal down. Blackthorn will attack Ellesmere; however, you should know that such a big move would need careful planning and time. We won't be able to move very soon"

The Kingdom of Blackthorn was a militaristic nation. If they weren't going to use their military, then what was the point?josei

"We leave that to your discretion. You have the freedom to move however way you want in this matter. We only want you to take over Ellesmere"

Oman and Gladion, the leader of the two countries shook their hands, sealing the deal. From there on, they finalised on a few finer details of the plan before Oman took his leave.

Once Oman departed, an eerie silence descended upon the chamber. Gladion remained in his seat, his thoughts concealed behind a stoic facade. Nobody knew what he was thinking at this moment.

After some time, Gladion rose from his seat and started walking towards his throne. The throne made of obsidian structure, looked imposing and darkly magnificent.

Gladion strode toward the throne with measured steps, and looked at it with a sense of purpose. His hands stroked the throne and pressed on a concealed mechanism. Slowly, the throne shifted, revealing a hidden entrance beneath—a secret stairwell leading into the depths of the kingdom's underground.

As Gladion descended the secret stairwell, a chill enveloped him. The air here was cool and damp, and the sound of his footsteps echoed softly in the confined space. Torches in sconces along the stone walls illuminated the way with flickering flames, casting eerie shadows.

The hidden underground chamber, concealed beneath the throne room, was a place steeped in history and secrecy. Only the king and a few direct bloodlines of the royal family knew about the existence of this place.

It was vast, Its walls adorned with ancient tapestries whose colours had faded with time and depicting long-forgotten battles and rulers. The ceiling here was very high, and it felt like a crypt of the forgotten.

After walking for a while, Gladion reached the end of the stairwell and stood before an imposing set of obsidian doors, embellished with intricate etchings that seemed to come alive in the torchlight.

These doors too, held secrets, and as he pushed them open, they yielded with a faint creak, revealing the chamber beyond. The inside of the chamber was dimly lit and filling the space was an assortment of items and artefacts.

Scrolls, each containing long-lost knowledge, were neatly stacked on shelves. Mana stones, their ethereal glow muted by the passage of time, were carefully organized in ornate containers.

The room housed treasures collected by the Kingdom of Blackthorn over centuries, some dating back to the very founding of the kingdom. Many of these items were heirlooms, passed down through generations of the royal family.

This underground chamber, unknown to most, served as the treasury of the Onyx Sovereigns. They were a testament to the enduring legacy of the royal lineage.

Gladion's heart swelled with pride as he looked at the mountains of treasures that lay before him. The collection of wealth here was a symbol of his kingdom's strength and prestige. Every kingdom in the land, particularly the powerful ones, boasted their own treasuries.

These were more than just storerooms filled with gold and gems; they were a reflection of the kingdom's might and influence. The sheer amount of wealth a kingdom could accumulate spoke volumes about its status on the world stage.

Amassing such treasures was no small feat. It required not only wealth but also resources, power, and a keen understanding of diplomacy and conquest. The fact that Blackthorn had amassed this wealth over centuries, collecting items of immeasurable value from far-reaching corners of the world, was a testament to its dominance. 

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