Dysfunctional - An Assassin's Guide to Reincarnating in Another World

Chapter 314 - 313 - Attack On The Elves(Part 8)

Chapter 314 - 313 - Attack On The Elves(Part 8)

Chapter 314 - 313 - Attack On The Elves(Part 8)

Point-of-View: Bell Fairbairn


"Don't get cocky just because you landed a cheap shot with a sneak attack," Remarked the male human, as his sword began glowing, "Sorry, but you're the one who's going to die here."

"You overestimate yourself, human...you have no idea who you are dealing with," I responded coldly, as lightning crackled around me.

"Bell, shall I unleash our full power?" Inquired Electro, the Lightning Spirit.

No, I do not require it yet, I shall first wear down these humans, and once they are weakened, I shall then crush them with our full power.

"Very well, then."

I then fired out a large lightning bolt at the female human while flinging a hidden dagger coated with intense lightning at the male, before zipping towards him at my top speed in my current state, closing in swiftly as he deflected the dagger with his blade.

The female human did not try to evade my lightning, instead holding her hammer out in front of herself. As my lightning struck her hammer, it got absorbed into it, as the hammer began violently crackling and sparking brightly. Impossible...what is that weapon?

As I closed in on the male human, I leapt up as he swung his sword at me, before narrowly moving his head out of the way as I drove my heel towards his face, my foot coated in intense lightning.

I then planted my foot on the flat of his blade and sprang back off of it, firing out several powerful streaks of lightning at him as I did. He was just barely able to evade them, batting some of them away with his blade.

"Hey, thanks for the juice!" Suddenly exclaimed the female, as she swooped down towards me rapidly with her hammer raised.

I cannot evade in time, I have not fully regained my balance yet...I need to use teleportation! I must calm down and concentrate on the spell...right as she closed in and swung her hammer down towards my head, I formed and activated a teleportation spell, instantly shifting myself to about ten meters to my right.

Activating a spell instantly is near-impossible, especially the more complex the spell is. I have trained extensively to activate spells as quickly as possible in pressure situations, but at best, I still require at least a second to activate a teleportation spell, longer the less calm I am. This time, I was able to activate it just in time, even a fraction of a second later and I would have taken immense damage.

The female human's hammer slammed onto the ground with a devastating impact, powerful streaks of lightning bursting out and the ground breaking apart, right as the male human suddenly sprang up to my left, his sword raised.

I ducked as he swung his blade across at my head, before his knee came driving up towards my chest, which I jumped back to avoid, right as the female human appeared behind me, her hammer crackling with lightning. josei

I quickly backflipped over the swing of her hammer, before firing lightning at her back as I began to land. Before it could strike her, the male human swiftly pulled her out of the way and blocked my attack with the flat of his blade.

What are their weapons made of!? Even the best work of the Dwarves are nothing in comparison to these weapons...how can a sword block lightning as powerful as mine is!? And more concerningly, how can a hammer absorb my lightning!?

Before I could figure it out, the male human drove his blade straight towards my chest as my lightning dissipated, which grazed my left shoulder as I narrowly avoided it piercing through my heart. He began to chase after me, before suddenly halting and leaping back as I sent down a massive lightning bolt from the sky above, which shattered the top of the barrier around the forest.

Tch, how was he able to react to that!? And the barrier is already repairing itself, and quite rapidly at that. The female human then flung her hammer towards me, sending it spinning rapidly in my direction, lightning streaks crackling around it viciously as it barreled towards me.

I have a high level of resistance to lightning, even for a Halfling, however...the raw force and momentum behind that hammer alone is enough to inflict significant damage onto me, making the fact that the lightning would have no affect on me irrelevant.

I narrowly evaded the hammer and began to counter, before freezing as I felt the hammer halt in mid-air behind me and then rapidly shooting back in the direction it came from, I zipped out of the way as it flew back to the female human, who grabbed the handle as I reached her.

The male human then closed in on me from my right and swung his blade up at me, which I narrowly evaded, before leaping up as the female rapidly sprinted towards me and swung her hammer at my midsection with an immense amount of force.

I quickly pulled out one of my hidden daggers to block as the male human slashed up at me...but the instant his sword struck my dagger, it shattered my blade in the blink of an eye, though I was able to slow down his swing enough to avoid most of the blade, the edge grazing the side of my face as it whizzed past me.

As I landed back down, the both of them closed in on me and unleashed a relentless assault of swings and slashes with their weapons, grazing me several times as I narrowly evaded taking any direct hits. Tch, I cannot use teleportation like this, my mind is too preoccupied by following their movements and dodging their weapons!

Suddenly, I felt a heavy impact strike my abdomen as the female human landed a hit with her hammer, sending me flying back as I let out a gasp of pain, before I crashed onto a tree and coughed out blood, as the branches and leaves rained down around me.

Tch, that really hurt. Enough...I refuse to allow myself to be on the defensive against humans, I shall not endure such humiliation anymore! Electro, it is time...unleash our full power!

"Understood, Bell."

The two humans began to approach me, before stumbling back in alarm as large, violent streaks of lightning burst forth from me, the sky above us rapidly darkening as clouds began gathering. A bright glow appeared in my eyes and my hair, as my hair stood up on end and the streaks of lightning crackling around me intensified, an ominous rumble erupting across the sky.

"You have had your fun, humans...but no more, once I am finished with you, not even a trace of your existences will remain!" I remarked viciously, before zipping towards the male human.

He began to react, but to my eyes, it appeared as though he was barely moving at all. I closed in to his left and slammed my fist onto the side of his head, sending him flying back at a blinding speed and crashing through a tree, breaking it apart and slamming onto a large rock, before collapsing onto the ground, blood pouring out of the spot where I had struck him.

Hm, he is still alive, impressive...however, he will not be getting up again for quite a long time. I then turned my attention to the female human, who flinched before gritting her teeth and flying towards me with a yell.

Far too slow, it is almost pitiful. I effortlessly evaded the swing of her hammer and then drove my knee towards her midsection, slamming it onto the area at the base of her ribcage and sending her rapidly flying back before she even realized that I had dodged her hammer, a sharp gasp of pain escaping her lips as I struck her with immense force.

Before she could crash onto something, I shot forward and slipped behind her, pointing my open palm in front of me, which slammed onto the middle of her back, abruptly halting her with a vicious whiplash, her neck nearly breaking.

I then dropped her to the ground, as she coughed in agony while clutching her stomach, blood gushing out of her mouth.

"D-damn...you...," She gasped in pain, her body trembling as she clutched her hammer and struggled to get up.

How pathetic...writhing on the ground like the worms they are, this is a fitting position. Perhaps I ought to toy with this miserable creature...

"Tell me, human, how much lightning is that weapon of yours capable of absorbing?" I inquired, kicking her back down with a scoff.


"Hm, never mind, I shall find out for myself," I remarked with a slight smirk, as I took a couple of steps back and nodded to the sky.

As she turned her gaze upwards in alarm, she quickly raised her hammer as a devastating, massive blast of lightning burst down towards her...and striking her hammer, before getting absorbed into it. Hm, I see...let us try another one...and another one...and another...!

The air was viciously crackling with lightning as I continued striking her with my devastating bolts of lightning...could it really be possible that that hammer has no limit to how much lightning it can absorb? No, that is inconceivable.

I shall keep trying-...suddenly, as my next lightning bolt burst forth and struck the hammer, a massive explosion of lightning, blindingly bright, burst out upon impact, the force sending me stumbling back as several trees got struck and destroyed. As the dust cleared, to reveal that the female human was unconscious, her right arm heavily damaged.

Her hammer was smoking and looked duller...it appears that my lightning overloaded the weapon with more than it could handle. It is still intact, what a truly impressive weapon. It is wasted on a mere human.

I kicked her body in the direction of the male human, before sealing my full power again. They are both on the verge of death, I shall end them shortly. I reached down to pick up the hammer, but as I began to grasp it, my hand was instantly repelled from it.

What was that? Why am I unable to grab this weapon?

Suddenly, the bodies of the two humans appeared to sink into the ground and disappear, before I felt a foot hitting my lower back and sending me stumbling forward in surprise.

I quickly spun around in alarm, before grimacing as I saw a head of blonde hair with a dark halo above it disappearing through a portal, as the weapons of those humans also fell into portals that opened up beneath them.

Tch, I failed to kill those humans...how dare you interfere, Belia Lasmodeus, I-...wait, if she was able to come here like that, then what became of Maie and Giddur? No, it can't be...


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