Dysfunctional - An Assassin's Guide to Reincarnating in Another World

Chapter 335 - 334 - The Remaining Forbidden Zones(Part 4)

Chapter 335 - 334 - The Remaining Forbidden Zones(Part 4)

Chapter 335 - 334 - The Remaining Forbidden Zones(Part 4)

I'm not quite sure how long this fight has been going on, but you know what...I'm having an absolute blast, so I don't care!

As I flew up to evade a barrage of scorching fireballs, I fired out a large spiderweb net down at him, he responded by blasting out a wave of flames from his jaws, turning the webs into ash, before zipping up towards me, flying through the smoke.

He swung his claws at me with his left hand, which I evaded and countered with a swift spin kick aimed at his side, which he blocked with his tail, before wrapping it around my ankle and swinging me down towards the ground rapidly.

I quickly split into two using Quintuple in order to kill the momentum, and as he zipped down towards me, I quickly rejoined with my clone right above him, balling my fists together and swinging them down towards him, which he responded by rapidly spinning around and blocking my strike by crossing his forearms above himself, before whipping his tail across at my midsection, striking me before I could respond and sending me flying back through the air.

I swiftly halted myself by spreading out my wings, letting out a slow exhale...this would be easier if I was fighting to kill, I'm not using the Fangs of the Basilisk or any of my poisons because I don't want to accidentally kill him, I have no idea how susceptible Dragons are to poison, after all.

"You are indeed strong and powerful, but I am just a little bit more powerful than you," Remarked Draco with a smirk, "I believe it is safe to say that I have the advantage?"

"Yeah, you do...against my current form, anyway," I replied in an ominous, confident tone.

"Ho...that does not sound like a bluff, I am intrigued...very well, then, show me your true power!" He exclaimed with a glint of excitement in his eyes.

"You asked for it...so here it is!" I yelled as I transformed, entering Diablo Mode.

Horns grew out on either side of my head, as well as from my elbows, the glow of the red marking pattern on my arms, face and torso grew slightly brighter, the third eye on my forehead opening as my power surged drastically. As I finished transforming, I met his gaze, cracking my knuckles.

"You certainly look more powerful...come, allow me to put it to the test!" He taunted defiantly.

"Heh, if you say so...here I come!" I smirked in response, as I shot towards him at top speed, his eyes starting to widen as I closed in on him, taken aback by my sudden and drastic increase in speed.

I drove my open palm towards the middle of his chest, as he began to try and block my strike but couldn't get his arms up in time, as I struck him with my palm and sent him flying down towards the ground at a rapid speed, before he swiftly spread his wings wide open to halt himself and avoid crashing onto the ground.

But before he could recover, I zipped straight down, closing in on him rapidly and then hit him with another palm strike, as he hit the ground with a devastating impact, the other Dragons quickly flying up as the ground around him broke apart, heavy cracks rapidly spreading out from the point of impact as a thick dust cloud rose up.

I then flew back up, expelling a blast of wind from my body to disperse the dust and clear the air, as Draco got back on his feet. Looks like he's quite tough and durable, huh...he took both those hits head on, but I didn't feel anything break or even fracture.

Those scales are pretty tough, but so is his hide, and I'm guessing his bones are quite dense too. Even if he doesn't have the regenerative capabilities of the Vampires, he's a serious powerhouse in his own right, no joke.

"So, do you wanna keep going or what!?" I called out at him.

"Hm...those two strikes were enough to make me realize that I do not stand a chance against you in this form...however, I am not done, I would like to see how far I can go against such overwhelming power!" He responded, looking like he could barely contain his excitement, undeterred by the gap in our power levels.

Okay, I definitely want this guy on my side...I glanced to the side, to see the other Dragons now watching this fight with awe. Well, they've been around for, like, forever, and this is probably the most high-scale fight they've ever seen in terms of sheer power.

"Alright, then...let's see what you've got...!"


A while later, the area all around us was completely and utterly devastated, good thing the volcano we were near was dormant, because it had completely broken apart and caved in. And Draco lay at my feet, battered and bruised and completely exhausted, barely able to move at all anymore.

He put up a decent fight, but at my speed and reaction time in Diablo Mode, he was just too slow to catch me off-guard at any point after I transformed to my final form, I didn't even have to go all out. I then returned to my normal state with a sigh, sitting down beside him. josei

"So...wanna keep going, or do you concede defeat?" I inquired with a slight smirk.

"I...concede," He replied with a wry smile, "Myself and the rest of the Dragons will serve under you, as agreed. And sever my connection to Belia as you said you would...I was planning on requesting that even if I had won."

"Sure, I'll get it over with right away," I replied, as I opened my third eye and looked into his eyes.

You got this, Diablo?

"Of course I do, no sweat at all!"

Diablo then activated the Chaos Magic spell that breaks Belia's telepathic link to the targeted monster...

"Aaand...done. So, about the serving me part ...I don't suppose any of the other Dragons are going to be unhappy about being commanded by a human, are they?" I inquired warily.

"I cannot feel the link anymore...much better," Remarked Draco with a sigh of relief, "And to answer your question, I doubt that...we Dragons are proud, but we are not arrogant. It would be foolish to disregard such power simply because you are a human."

"Glad to hear that...oh, and just so you know, I'm not the only human who's at this level, there's at least one other who's on par with, or maybe even stronger, than I am. And him aside, plenty of others are strong enough to hold their own against you, at the very least...should be a lot of fun," I responded with a smirk.

"That certainly does sound fascinating...but tell me, will humans be willing to accept us?" He asked uncertainly.

"I mean, my nation is a mix of humans, Vampires, Demons, dinosaurs and a whole bunch of other low level monsters...so you tell me," I grinned in reply.

"Dino...saurs?" He responded with a tilt of his head.

"Oh, uh...they're these reptiles, some big, some small, they have feathers in varying extents, I guess you could say that some of them kinda look like Dragons without wings-."

"Ah, yes, the reptiles!" He exclaimed, his eyes lighting up, "The ones in the hidden underground cavern beneath the human nation to the far north...hm, what was it called again...?"

Huh, so he knows about the dinosaurs...

"That nation no longer exists, I took it over and renamed it to Abyss. So, you know about the underground cavern, huh?"

"Indeed, I suppose you could say that we lived there for a while, it was...comfortable."

"I see, then if you want, feel free to live there again," I replied, as I stood back up, "So, how about some introductions with the other intelligent Dragons?"

"Ah, yes, how rude of me."

He then got up and gestured for the Dragons to gather, the three Elemental Dragons and five High Dragons all reverting to their humanoid forms as they gathered in front of us.

"Listen up, from today onwards, this human, Kuro, will lead us, and we will serve him loyally. Are there any objections?" He inquired, looking around at each of them, before adding after no one voiced any opposition, in fact, they all looked more than willing to accept it, "Very well, then...introduce yourselves to our new master!"

"I am the Water Dragon, known as Rain," Spoke up one of them, with a respectful bow.

He was a bit smaller than Draco and the other Elemental Dragons, with turquoise-blue scales, webbed hands and feet like frogs, and the end of his tail was webbed too, and it could spread open and fold up, like those paper fans.

He was also the only one of them who didn't have horns...his body was the most streamlined, which makes sense since he looks like an aquatic creature.

"And I am the Lightning Dragon, my name is Sparks," Another one introduced himself.

He had dark blue scales with yellow spots on his forearms and hands and yellow streak marks down his eyes. He also had short slightly curved horns on his head, and two long spikes growing straight up out of his shoulder...since he's the Lightning Dragon, maybe those are used as lightning rods or something?

"I am the Wind Dragon, call me Cyclone," The last Elemental Dragon introduced themselves...from the voice, I'm guess this one's a female.

There aren't any obvious physical giveaways of gender though...she's more slender than the others, I suppose. She had elegant grayish-white scales and was the only one with feathered wings, with feathers growing out of the end of her tail and around her horns as well.

"And last but not least, I am the Flame Dragon, also the Dragon King, Draco! Unfortunately, we lost the Earth Dragon a long time ago. As for the High Dragons, there used to be twenty-five of them, five of each Element...but of the remaining five, two are Flame High Dragons, one is a Lightning High Dragon and the other two are Wind High Dragons. They are nameless, much like the Vampire Minions," Explained Draco, before adding, "And as for the Lesser Dragons, there are approximately about forty of each Elemental Magic type. But they are unintelligent and are also nameless, since they do not die permanently."

Huh, something feels a bit inconsistent with what I already know...

"Wait, that's how it is? But then...the various types of Wyverns are different, right? Like Ice Wyverns and Aqua Wyverns are two different species but have the same Elemental type, and then there's the Dust Wyverns and Storm Wyverns-," I began.

"Yes, I know," Draco frowned in response, a sour look on his face, "Belia decided not to maintain the pattern, because she said it would be 'chaotic'. Flame Wyverns are the only type of Wyvern that adhere to the same pattern...what should have been Water Wyverns were split into Ice and Aqua Wyverns, and then wind and water were combined to make the Storm Wyverns, and earth and wind were combined to make the Dust Wyverns. I did not like that at all."

Yeah, that kind of inconsistency can be really annoying and bothersome.

"Huh, knowing Belia, that makes a lot of sense. Now, then, that's enough Dragon trivia for now...what do you say we head over to Abyss now?" I suggested with a smile.


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