Earthling in Uncharted Dimensions

Chapter 132

Chapter 132: Soul Bone Seal

"When I transmigrated, I somehow acquired the law of Lightning."

Lee decided to trust D and repeat his words. As far as he knew about Buddha, he was someone who had never even hurt an ant. Thus he betted on Gauthama's tolerance to lies and kept calm. Hearing the honest 'lie', the Tubian wore his smile back and spoke-

"I can tell that it was not completely correct. I don't know why you conceal the truth, but I respect your choice. If you need any help, feel free to ask. I will try to be useful."

Gauthama patted Lee's shoulder and walked past him towards the fence. Lee immediately remembered about the Kiramium and turned around.

"Then can you help me with something?"

Gauthama paused in his steps as his hands were behind his back. He slowly turned and gave a nod to Lee, saying-

"It is getting dark. Let us go inside."

Gauthama resumed his steps without a delay, and Lee followed him. D was continuously scanning the scythe and researching more about it, but the amount of information he was able to unfold was too small. Thus, he was also eagersome about the powers of the Tubian of Serenity.


Through the backdoor, Lee followed Gauthama and entered the inn. Feminine voices of conversation could be heard faintly. The Tubian walked to the table at the centre of the room and stood beside it. He looked at Lee with a pleasant curiosity. Lee understood the intent, and brought out the Kiramium.

The souls did not wail as it was brought out of the spatial ring. He gently placed the scythe on the table and shuttled his sight between Gauthama and the weapon.

"I sense anger, sorrow, misery, defeat and lamentation from it. Who does this belong to?"

Buddha took a few steps forward and hovered his right palm over it. With a single glance, he summarised the state of those souls. As soon as he finished speaking, a faint circular aura slowly formed between his palm and the scythe. After making it dense enough, Gauthama lowered his palm and let the aura touch the Kiramium. The waves of negative energy flooding out of the scythe gradually slowed down and completely came to a halt.

"These souls are bound to this object against their wish. It is a must to liberate them."

Gauthama raised his head and peered at Lee, who nodded in response.

'D, do I need to activate the title manually or?'

[Say the title name in your mind and it will be activated.]

Lee took his eyes from the scythe and stared at Gauthama.

"Can you maintain the atmosphere like this?"

"As long as you want."

Lee received the answer he wanted, and extended both of his hands in response. A faint glow appeared in his palms as he said 'Soul Liberator' in his mind. A tingling sensation began to creep up his arms and almost made him retract his hands instantly, but D said not to.

[The tingling sensation you felt was the souls trying to reach out of the barriers of the scythe, as the Soul Liberation was taking effect. We are looking at about 300 souls of different beings with unique characteristics. Not a single one is in pairs.]

Gauthama felt the need of a higher dose of 'peacefulness' and closed his eyes and placed his palm over the other. He slightly raised his head and went into meditation. His body did not move an inch, and an invisible sphere surrounded them.

Lee felt the relaxing sensation that indiscriminately calmed the souls too. D said that a few amount of Essence is necessary for the operation, to which Lee replied-

'Do not deplete my reserve.'

A few moments later, Gauthama opened his eyes and stared at the scythe. Seconds later, a red chain appeared around the scythe and it was wrapped tight around the scythe. The malicious looking chain with spiky surfaces was baleful. An object that looked like a lock was also visible and it looked particularly more reddish than the chain. Several unintelligible inscriptions appeared on the lock, and it began to violently tremble as time went by.

[That is the chain that binds the souls to the scythe. Notice the thorns on the chains. It is a torment spell of 7th grade. That lock is a Soul Bone Seal , something only an expert necromancer can successfully pull off. Under no circumstances can we let this menacing object torment souls anymore.]

Lee heard a few terminologies he had not previously heard of. He temporarily decided to take notes about them for later questioning.


7 P.M.

77131 Essence harvested.


About 15 minutes later, the notification popped up and disappeared instantly. Lee noticed that the number had risen to an amount D had predicted. Before he could say something pleasant, D said two things.

[You have 43629 Essence left, after upgrading the Gravity element. And the Essence consumption is steadily increasing, so I am converting the rest of your Essence to Mana for efficiency.]


A rough and unpleasant sound rose up from the scythe, and the chain was slightly cracked. The closed eyelids of the Tubian opened up and saw a favourable result. But as Gauthama and Lee were staring, the crack healed up and the screams slowly picked up its strength. Gauthama assumed the meditation stance and closed his eyes again. Lee quickly summoned his attribute panel and confirmed the Mana amount he had.

'D, this Soul Bone Seal is a real deal. Looks like I need to slow down its speed!'

As D got a gist of his intention, the Time activated Time element began to guzzle up Mana. Lee had no other way, except to slow down the time around the seal so as to counter it's self-healing.

[The Time is using about 156 Mana per second, and your plan is working. The interiors of the seal are breaking down at a fast rate. Stay calm and composed. Your vitality is also being used up.]

Lee nodded as he consistently released Time element onto the scythe. The scythe slowly changed its colour to complete red. It's handle and blade without any discrimination, was soaked in blood red. The scene was too menacing for an average person, but Lee and Guathama had their advantages to resist this gruesome sight.

"Lee, something is rising up from the inside."

Gauthama spoke out and Lee too felt something forcefully trying to break out of the bondages. D reminded to stay calm and cautious, in case it is the evil necromancer's soul itself.


The insanely cracked up chains and seal was at the verge of being blown to smithereens. Seconds later, the Mana guzzling affinity finally threw the seal into chaos. The instability from the inside caused it to crumble from within. With a blast, the seal shattered. The chains disintegrated into air as the souls began to fly out of the scythe in a rush. Those wisps of tormented souls found refuge near Gauthama, because his soothing presence gave an unexplainable relaxation. Vaguely visible amorphous figures neared him and stuck itself to his body. Gauthama was amused by this.


Lee let out a mouthful of air as he deactivated the affinity. After doing mental math, he asked D.

'Almost 4 minutes, 156 Mana per second. Please don't tell me that I used more than 37000 Mana.'

[37440, to be precise.]

The happy moments did not last long. The souls stuck around Gauthama began to show restlessness. Evading a Tubian's senses, an apparition rose up from the scythe and glanced around. Seeing the tired Lee, it pounced on him instantly. The ghost-like figure went into Lee and he fell on the floor writhing in pain.

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