Earthling in Uncharted Dimensions

Chapter 19

Chapter 19: Summary of 'Who are you?'

An off-white being was lying on the floor. It had the shape of a human, but lacked significant physical features. It laid there like a lifeless puppet. After a long time, it slowly began to move.

Raising its upper torso with the support of the elbow, the being rubbed its face with the palm. Astonishment filled its face as it saw the room was completely white and seemed boundless in shape.

As it watched the surroundings with utmost care, a silhouette appeared in the distance. The shadow came towards the being with no sense of hostility. The being was confused by this environment and what was happening.

As the silhouette came closer, it's facial features and stature began to be visible. It looked like a man in his late 40's. A long tattered jacket and a pair of fairly torn jeans decorated the man's excellent physique. His eyes expressed a sense of familiarity as his long grey hair danced in the air. A well trimmed beard gave him an air of masculinity around him. The clapping sound of boots resonated in the air as he walked forward.

The man stopped 10 meters before the utterly confused being. It was constantly observing his features while glancing at his face. The man put up a smile and asked. His voice was strangely familiar.

"Lee, how long are you going to stare at me like a pervert?!"

The being jolted and took two steps backward before saying-

"D, you bastard, is this your original form?! And what's with this place?!"

It was Lee's first time witnessing such an environment, where the sense of time is complicated. He took steps forward and reached to touch D's night bandit outfit. But for his amazement, his hands passed right through D.

"Don't you know, I am no longer a soul, but a system, and a sentient one at that!"

D answered Lee's visible confusion. But it was unsatisfactory.

"Where are we?! What have I become?!" (Lee)

"We are inside your consciousness. You didn't become anything. The current you, is your sentience!" (D)

Lee has seen and felt many things that defy his earthly logic. But this right here is something he hadn't even read in comics. He frowned as he looked around.

"So are you telling me that my consciousness is empty and all white?!" (Lee)

"Are you sure that it's really empty?"

D waved his hands and the place began to change. Blue sky appeared with clouds in it. The sun shone with warmth. The ground beneath changed to an endless grassland. Lee was thunderstruck upon seeing this transformation.

"Sit down. We have a lot to talk".

D glanced at the chair that suddenly materialised right next to Lee. He hesitated to sit, but sat down after confirming that the chair is strong and solid. As he looked, a blackboard on a tripod rose from the ground.

"As I said, this is your consciousness. About 99% of people in this world have a consciousness devoid of colour and shape. That is because they didn't attain 'Enlightenment' in their life. It is a chance to interact with one's own consciousness and experience it." (D)

"Did you pull me here?!" (Lee)

"Yes and no. I partially played a role in this achievement. But your sentience took initiative to pull you into here so that your physical body could be safe." (D)josei

"What exactly happened when we fell on the ground?!" (D)

"The fall left many bruises on your body. Your soul was not affected. But to be cautious, you yourself pulled yourself into yourself, to decrease the strain on the body." (D)

'wut?!' (Lee)

"Don't ask anymore. That is not the reason I woke you up. I am here to tell you something about your memory." (D)

A deep frown appeared on his face as he leaned forward.

"I'll give you a summary for now. You were the only son of the famous and handsome Chinese businessman Lee Zian and brilliant and beautiful Indian businesswoman Gayathri Devaraj. Your father's father was a Kung-fu expert while your mother's father was a renowned Yoga master. They taught you everything they know and you eventually found the balance between Yoga and Kung-fu. Their combined nature to compliment each other raised you to the pinnacle of physical strength at the age of 19. At the World Martial Art Championship, you were poisoned by your opponent and was dangerously near to death. Fortunately, a Buddhist monk had come to watch the matches. After understanding that you are fighting against a deadly poison that could kill a man in an instant, he volunteered to take you with him to Kathmandu. While you were recuperating in the monastery, amortal beings of Origin dimension began to fight among themselves for ultimate power. The fight accidentally created a spatial tear where you were and you were sucked in. Later you came across me, who was the only dimension sovereign left alive from their insatiable hunger. I sheltered myself in you and used the last bit of energy I had to escape from there before entering slumber.

This was your life. It was vivid and exciting as I went through your memories. I shall unlock everything you learned in your previous life. Now… everything!" (D)

Saying this, D pressed his index finger between his brows. Lee experienced an intense shock as his pupils became green. D slowly retreated backward and disappeared. The surroundings reverted to what it was before. Chair disappeared and Lee fell on the ground, lifeless.

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