Earthling in Uncharted Dimensions

Chapter 249

Chapter 249: Ruin Expedition (13)


[But only the residents of Utopia can pull off such tricks.]

Lee creased his brows.josei

'So you and Hudson can, right?'


And because I have become a part of your soul like the System, which is essentially me, my remaining wisp of the soul can possess the object.]


Lee was elated to hear this. If what D said becomes a reality, then Lee Shen can indirectly control the sword through a never-seen-before variant of Soul-possession method.

[I am going to tinker the sword a bit to make it habitable.]

Dnekewy did not wait for Lee Shen's response and opened the Workshop panel. Lee Shen also summoned the panel and saw the changes brought to the sword in real-time.

The sword displayed in the panel was stripped to its metallic blade. D was about to discard the blade when Lee said that this blade feels quite special for him. So D decided to spend a few more Essence to modify Damascus Steel into a suitable vessel.

The process was quicker than Lee Shen's eyes could follow. The hologram of the sword began to rotate at dynamic and rapid angles by the command of D and several enchantments and additions came appearing on them. Lee soon found it difficult to follow the movements of the sword as it constantly twitched around and spun like an unfixed glitch!

'8,099,300 Essence.'

Lee read the total amount of Essence accumulated through the process before the screen disappeared at the next moment. Cluelessly, he stared at the distance.

[The reconstruction is complete. Take a look.]

The intensity of noise picked up strength and Lee moved away from the students. One or two students saw him moving away from them but did not question his actions. It was after checking his surroundings for peeping cultivators and glancing students that Lee dared to take out the sword.


The katana with the ever-beautiful Damascus Steel blade was the manifestation of power. The simple-looking sword had an overall length of 40.55 inches. The modified blade was 28.3 inches long with an extremely tiny degree of curve. This characteristic shape made it stand in between a Japanese Katana and Ninjato.

The thickness of the blade was 0.15 inches while the handle was half an inch thick. The handle was made of wood wrapped with red leather over which black ribbon was aesthetically wrapped. To match the handle, the blade was slightly wider than an inch.

The other detailed decorations were according to D's taste. Since he was the one going to possess the sword, Lee was not against it. But to Lee's surprise, he could not find or sense anything special or extraordinary about the sword, apart from the addition of the sheath.

(A.N. For those who want reference: )

After putting the sword back in its sheath, Lee found that the sheath made no sound when it was unsheathed or sheathed back in its place. Before he raised his doubt, a small spatial tear of hardly an inch was formed next to his feet and a wisp of soul flew out of it. This tiny, off-white and amorphous piece of sentience went into the sword and Black trembled violently for a fraction of a second.

[I'm in.]

'Oh! So that floating sperm-like goo was you?'

[Insolent brat!]

The sword began to tremble in anger. The sword reflected D's momentary aggression and turned normal the next second.

[Seriously, don't call it sperm-like white goo or floating bird poop. That is the nature of the soul. That is how it looks like. At least for me.]

'Yeah, I remember. The colour of the soul indicates the amount of karma waiting for the being. White is the innocent while the pitch black is done for!'


'So what is the current situation? Are you going to stay in the sword or will you return to the System Space?'

The answer was delayed by a second or two.

[It is hard to say because I have many things to do inside the sword.

The Essence that was spent on the modification went to nurture the will of the weapon called Sword Will. For swords, it is Sword Will and for spears, Spear Will. The will of the weapon would have the weapon type as a prefix.]

'I get it. But explain where the Essence went to.'

[The will is created when sentience is assimilated to the inanimate object. Not all weapons are suitable to form a weapon will after binding it with a soul. Some need to be subdued forcefully or the soul will disintegrate to eternity.

Through modification, I have made it possible for a Sword Will to form. But it still needs my attention. So I will stay inside the sword for a while. I might even bind myself with the sword permanently if the circumstance demands.

But if you place me inside the System Storage, then Hudson can retrieve me from there and I can enter the System space even if I become the Sword Will. But you will be forced to make a window of a few seconds for me to return to the System storage so that you can bring me out of there to serve justice.]

Lee was hearing to Dnekewy's explanation while he felt the familiar grip and reverberation from the sword. His eyes did not fly away from the blade. It was as if his sight was glued to the intrinsic design of the Damascus Steel.

Lee was so absorbed in his actions that he failed to notice the 13 students staring at him in awe. The shape and style of the blade and the sword had piqued their interest. The elegance with which Lee repeated the sword skills of Earth was a feast their eyes.

Faint murmurs could be heard and Lee came back to reality. But he did not stop his actions and let the disciples witness his proficiency in the way of the sword. His Absolute Mastery in Sword enabled him to feel the weapon as one of his own limbs. Thus he was doubtful about the necessity of the Absolute grade Sword Mastery.

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