Earthling in Uncharted Dimensions

Chapter 251

Chapter 251: Ruin Expedition (15)

'D, you did not complete the explanation.'

[Oh yeah.

Sword Will is the ultimate weapon against high-level adventurers because none had ever stopped it.]

'Let me guess. The corrosive potential of Qi on adventurers!'

[Yes, but partially.]


[The role of Qi in killing an adventurer is undeniable. But the absence of high-level Mastery adventurers is attributed to the Star Polygon phenomenon.]

Lee couldn't help but gasp inwardly at this revelation. He had thought of multiple ways an adventurer could be killed but never did he expect the event which acts as a levelling arena is an indirect beacon for homing in enemy projectiles.

[The Star Polygon not only spews vague details of the adventurer but also his position. For someone who is a half-step to the God Class, sending his/her weapon halfway across the planet may be very difficult but not impossible.

Most sects teach the Soul-possession skill to their core disciples. This is also accompanied by the transferring of a silent request - kill any high-level adventurers beyond Lord level.

I am saying this because I have killed quite a lot of Lord level adventurers.]

'How did you kill Lord level adventurers before they step into Saint level?'

[For invoking the Star Polygon, a vast area is needed. The area must also be evacuated. The place of choice is mostly desert or barren plateaus. It is like the Heavenly Tribulation, but much more compact and less chaotic. The Star Polygon is gentle but harsh towards anyone in a radius of 2 or 3 kilometres.

The lonely adventurer would resist but will ultimately fall by our swords.]

Lee had no expression as he knows that D has a ruthless and savage side. Just because D is good to him does not mean that he was a very good person when alive. Lee Shen wondered how much karma might he have accumulated in his lifetime.

[But that does not mean adventurers are completely helpless against the cultivators.]

Hudson did not hold any resentment against D as they are both dead and are now wisps of souls. His voice was plain as he continued-

[Mana is the energy of nature. Qi is the energy from fauna. These two contradict, I agree. But Qi does not absolutely overpower adventurers.

When compared with Qi, Mana is easier to manipulate and control outside the body while Qi is better inside the body and good at boosting the vitality and strength. Although the energies collide and explode more often, Mana has more integrity when outside of one's body.

This was one of the main reasons that your students had advancements in melee and magic proficiency by leaps and bounds.

Defensive artefacts that use Mana are quick to deploy and defend the attacks. If one has a high coefficient in Mana affinity, the person can control the Mana in the environment and use the entire nature as his turf. Thus the Mana has a variety of defensive and offensive uses.

But I do agree with D that quick and unexpected attacks could leave one stunned and shaken. This split-second would be enough for a high-level cultivator proficient in killing ruthlessly. The loss of composure would decide his/her fate.]

In the end, Hudson also admitted that the sneak attacks of the cultivators are efficient in killing adventurers. To be honest, swords and spears homing in on someone like a Heatseeker missile, at speed covering hundreds of metres in seconds could result in life-threatening damage even when defended.

When D added that many cultivators slingshot their weapons high into the sky to use the gravity to kill the target, Hudson could only silently nod at this fact. The accurate exploitation of the planet's gravity would leave the cultivator unaware of the danger from above.




"Did you all get me?"

"Yes, professor!!"

The tent was taken back into the spatial ring and they departed for the Ruin. With steady and slow steps, they neared the vicinity.

For Lee Shen's query in a soft and gentle voice came a reply in deafening voice!

The cry in unison sounded like a battalion's spirited rage. But in fact, it was the result of the prep speech delivered by Lee Shen.

Without exposing the identity of the Ruin, Lee Shen had given his concise evaluation of the ominous aura that swept past them. A few among those who broke through accepted his words as they too felt the hostile energy skimming past them. To those who did not sense it, they were strategically placed in the inside of the crowd.

Those who broke through yesterday and today were given ample time to stabilise their powers. But they stabilised their powers and explained them with a short demonstration.

Lee was aware of the peeping toms in the vicinity, so he covered them with a barrier of Light affinity. Thus what happened inside was unknown to the outsiders.

There were 2 Water element, 4 Ice element, 3 Fire element and 3 Wind element affinities among the students. One of the boys who had a very weak Wind affinity found that his physical empowerment after tutelage under Lee had grown significantly. Thus he embraced melee empowerment rather than any elemental empowerment.

By Lee Shen's orders, the students did not hide their weapons but held them high and displayed their might hinting that they are not pushovers. Even from a distance, the sect spies caught their sight and ran and informed their leaders.

[Looks like they are alerted. Three small parties are being mobilised to mess with us.]

'Let them come.'josei

Through the Map, every secret action and sneak attack strategy were disclosed to him. Thus Lee Shen was confident in tackling the barricades.

The entrance of the Ruin was on a peculiar stone platform which was square in shape. It projected about a metre above the ground and measured 220 metres in length and breadth. There was a set of stairs for climbing onto the platform through which Lee Shen and his disciples walked near to the Ruin.

From his left and right came two groups of four men. They were emitting intense Qi around them and they were expecting the party to suffer from this hostile aura.

But their expectations remained as imaginations as the party stood firmly and showed no signs of distress. It was then-


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