Earthling in Uncharted Dimensions

Chapter 271

Chapter 271: Events Unexpected

"I just want to speak to Xavi Godson."

Lee spoke in a simple tone and the cultivators recognised him. Though to be the champion of the tournament was a great feat, the cultivators had to stop him, however.

"The president is something with the waterfolks at the moment. You cannot meet him."

Lee did not lurk around and quickly departed. Entering the nearest tavern, he ordered something to drink and summoned the Map.

'12 waterfolks.'

Through the hologram interface, he could see that 4 waterfolks were seated opposite to Xavi while the remaining 8 stood near them.

[Those eight waterfolks are guards. They have weapons with them. The seated four seems to be royalty. Their dresses are clearly extravagant when compared to those standing next to them.]

Lee took a sip from the alcoholic drink while acknowledging the fact. He could also see that the security inside and outside of the Guild is abnormal.

After sending the Map away with a flick, Lee drank the distilled malt drink. It had a soothing effect and was pleasant to drink. Not to mention its smoothness as it went down the throat.

In a nutshell, that drink hit the spot!

"What? You know why they are here for?"

The voice of a stranger sitting next to him was not too loud but Lee could hear it well.

"Oh yeah. I know why they are here. Those waterfolks came here seeking an explanation for something that had recently happened."josei

"Did any human breach the peace-treaty?"

"I don't think so. I think that something more serious than the treaty breach had occurred."

Then, a third voice that of a man in his 40s joined them.

"I came to know that waterfolk city is severely damaged!"


A silence befell the tavern. Everyone was dumbstruck by hearing this!

Waterfolk city? Damaged?? Impossible!!

No matter how powerful a country is, they would still be hesitant to attack an underwater city.

It is simply because the moment one steps into the water, that person is in the waterfolks' turf!

A couple of seconds later, the tavern began to bustle with thrice the noise it originally had. This news was something astonishing. Some people ran out to convey the info to their companions while many continued to probe further.

"I heard it from one of the cultivators guarding the Guild. He heard one of the water folk saying this to the Guild president.

I dunno anything else!"

The man cried out after being bombarded with queries. He repeated the same sentence twice and thrice to escape from the crowd.

Lee Shen silently listened to all these info and he was able to compile the conclusion.

'An attack on the underwater city and waterfolks think it is humans.'

With a thought, the Map came up in front of him. Lee Shen quickly focused on the aforementioned underwater city.

According to the person, it is the nearest waterfolk settlement to Piscerent City.

'Let's see.'

As a port city, Piscerent had an enormous shoreline and coastal area which gave many a livelihood. The trio of D, Hudson and Lee simultaneously searched for that city on individual Map screens.

[Found it!]

Hudson sounded excited as he saw the outline of a city that suited the description. He quickly shared the interface to Lee and the Map was updated.

[Okay. This is some serious issue.]

D couldn't help but speak out the seriousness of the situation.

The scene was disastrous. The underwater city of waterfolks is almost completely run down to the ground. The broken buildings and crumbled cave tunnels could be seen through the Map.

Numerous waterfolks swam here and there, in an attempt to rebuild the city. The trio observed relatively advanced technology among these people.

'Nobody attacked the city, but someone attempted to destroy the city.'

The waterfolk city was in the Sentience Zone of the ocean. It was well-founded on an underwater plateau with a significant geological advantage. Two sides of the city were guarded by hills that extended to the Surface Zone.

There were large boulders scattered throughout the city. It was unnaturally cut and it remained over the ruins. From the way they were scattered, it was evident that they fell from the hills.

No, they have been intentionally broken apart and thrown away on the city. The hills were visibly strong and sturdy and showed no signs of withering or breaking.

Most importantly, Lee affirmed that they were broken apart intentionally when he saw certain marks on the other side of the hill.

[ that Seismic Explosion Runes?!]

[They look similar, but have slight changes. It could still deliver the punch.]

[This is either rivalry or war.]

'Hudson, care to elaborate.'

[Oh sorry.

The Seismic Explosion Runes are runes that can explode anything by using concentrated seismic waves. It can gather seismic waves and concentrate the power to a single point which would ultimately output as a powerful explosion.]


Lee could hear D mumbling something. It was inaudible but was able to reflect his expression. Both Hudson and Lee Shen let D mutter to himself and left him be.

With a flick, the Map vanished and Lee Shen finished the drink. After paying 9 Copper, he left the tavern.

His legs moved forward to the academy.



1 PM.

5,978,700 Essence harvested.


The stroll through the streets was peaceful and careless while Lee keenly listened to any piece of information he could acquire. Hudson constantly searched the underwater city premises for any useful information.

[Lee, the detector says that seven Tubians have been in the city yesterday.]

Lee Shen was about to cross the street to enter the academy when D conveyed an unexpected info. This made him retract his legs and step backwards in the process. He did not stop as he turned around and walked into a dark narrow passage between the buildings.

"D, repeat what you just said."

Lee Shen began to analysis the words the moment D spoke them. He was able to reach many conclusions within a second. Some terrified him while some invoked mystery.

[The Tubians were here]

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