Earthling in Uncharted Dimensions

Chapter 279

Chapter 279: Planet Shattering Conspiracy (1)

"...and that is the story of the Forgotten Trinity."

Tanya let out a sigh after she finished the narration. She took a moment to observe the receiver's face and found it brimming with expectations.

"But you did not tell the reason why you destroyed the waterfolk city."

Lee Shen folded his arms in front of his chest and asked as he was sitting cross-legged on a rock.

"The Forgotten Trinity is no more. As I said, the war waged on the continents as one big army finally shred the landmasses to two.

And now, we, the Tubians are assigned to bring the Forgotten Trinity back to life!"


Lee Shen unconsciously swallowed his saliva as he heard Tanya.

'No wonder the earthquakes are unusually frequent.'

The memories of widespread destruction and agony came flashing in front of his eyes. The tranquillity of the city of Lorin was replaced by raging pillars of fire right in front of his eyes. He couldn't just forget these events that made his heart bleed.

Not to mention that he lost two friends that day!

Anger materialised in his mind like a typhoon of fire. Every cell in the body screamed to pounce on Tanya and tear her apart to shreds. His mind chanted to torture this demonic woman for all of eternity.

But, all these emotions were perfectly insulated from going out of his mind. The sanity was unshaken as Lee Shen almost exploded in the inside.

Lee Shen had attained the highest value of resolve a human could achieve. Due to this invisible variable, the rampaging emotions did not make the slightest fluctuation to his being.

Lee Shen scratched his head and raised a genuine doubt.

"But how is resurrecting Forgotten Trinity related to that waterfolk city?"

The doubt was something that Lee Shen's knowledge found unable to solve. As he is an outsider, his knowledge about Zaxaluke comes from D, who seems to be lacking and disconnected in certain areas.

"Since you are hearing about Forgotten Trinity for the first time, you would have not heard about the Prime Glyphs."

[Great, another term which I have no idea of.]

Hudson and Lee Shen listened to D's lament and then sharpened their ears to Tanya.

"Prime Glyphs are well-disguised mysterious symbols that are scattered throughout the planet. There are more than 500 of them. These glyphs are invisible to naked eyes and would make no sense even if one finds it.

About 87% of these arcane characters are underwater. They could be anywhere. It could be found on a tree trunk or could be even in the greatest depths of the planet.

These Prime Glyphs does not have any individual peculiarities. But this enormous array of glyphs connected by intangible lines of energy exists for one purpose alone - the safety of the planet."

Lee Shen was guessing at where this is going, and Tanya proved his theory.

"These Prime Glyphs came into existence when the continents were split and its energies were spilt. Certain sentience enveloping the entire dimension assigned this array for prevention of any future incidents."

[She is talking about the Will of the Dimensions. Good thing that she does not know the name.]

D commented as Tanya continued to lecture.

"To bring the continents back to life, every single one of these Prime Glyphs must be destroyed. Even if a pair of them are to survive, our mission would fail."

Hence, Lee Shen's theory was proved.

Raising his hand, he queried again.

"But aren't they scattered across the planet? How do you expect to find them all?"

The demon was amused by the curious human being sitting in front of her and let out a peal of faint laughter.

"We have been searching and destroying the Prime Glyphs for centuries!"


[This is bad news.]

The trio of D, Hudson and Lee Shen never imagined that this mission has been continuing for about a century. The Tubians who are very powerful individuals took more than a century and yet not have destroyed them all.

"There are less than 20 Prime Glyphs left to destroy. So our efforts will beat fruit soon."josei

Lee Shen's heart skipped a beat when he heard how close the danger had arrived. His heart continuously muttered to act now, but his mind was not released of the restrains.

"Then, the city you destroyed..."

"Yes, a Prime Glyph was embedded inside the boulder upon which the city was built."

Tanya replied casually and observed Lee Shen's expressions. She felt excited as his emotions turned livid.

But he had a lot of doubts to ask before dying!

"How do you find them? You did say that they are well concealed."

Tanya hesitated to answer, but the next second, she realised that she was fulfilling this man's last wish.

"To find the presence of these masters of concealment is exhausting. But we can assume the general location of these glyphs by constantly searching for places brimming with life.

Normally, these areas are were underwater settlements are built. Maybe it is due to the presence of the rich and intangible energy lines passing through this region that causes waterfolk to settle in the area."

Questions began to pop up in his head as Lee Shen thought about it.

"Yet I can't believe that these important Prime Glyphs are left unprotected."

He muttered to himself, but it was loud enough to fall in Tanya's ears.

She quickly corrected his assumption.

"They do deploy countermeasures against intruders. As soon as we halved the number of Prime Glyphs, the remaining glyphs began to randomly relocate itself and brought balance to the instability.

To increase the heat, there are numerous beasts stationed solely for protecting these Glyphs."

Upon hearing this, Lee Shen recalled the names of the beasts D had once mentioned. Lee too was suspicious about their existence for a long time. And it turns out to be for this specific objective.

The cross-legged figure supported his chin with his hands as the fingers scratched his lower jaw.

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