Earthling in Uncharted Dimensions

Chapter 282

Chapter 282: Time's Up, Tanya

When Lee Shen pounced on the demon Tubian, Hudson detected extremely faint spatial ripples around Lee. This was due to his unnatural speed and the participation of two contradictory forces in one body.

Tanya was not slow to react, but Lee Shen was simply too fast for her to dodge. His open right palm came like a dart and was planted on her face. To not let this woman escape, his forelimbs brimming with coiling energies of Qi and Mana held her in place.

"What the-"

Though Essence was of her liking, she could not avoid detecting the two counteracting forces empowering Lee Shen's body. She was flabbergasted to see a person exploiting these energies, not to mention its efficiency.

(A.N. The Tubians are not innately repulsive to Mana or Qi. It's just that those two forces are deviant forms of Essence and that develops a lethal property only effective on Tubians.

Just letting y'all know.)

Tanya almost cursed out at this development. The surprise attack which shook her ego and pride confused her and it was visible on her face.

"Hasta la vista, Tanya."

60 million Essence rushed into the Tubian's body and the stat panel of Tanya began to glitch crazily. The moment this overdose of Essence entered her body, she lost all control of her body.

[I had a doubt about this peculiar effect of Essence on Tubians. Turns out, I was correct.]

D was thoroughly inspecting Tanya when she was immersing herself in the stagnant pool of Essence. As time passed, he could tell that the dense amount of Essence was slowly intoxicating her and was taking her guard away.

Hudson had also considered this possibility. Anything that could be consumed could also become intoxication, was the basics of his thought. When he coupled his thoughts with D's observations, the weakness of Tubian race was clearly disclosed.

Tanya, a Tubian as old as the history of mankind, had a prejudice that nothing under the twin stars could hurt her. She was arrogant and prideful in her awe-inspiring stats and supernatural powers. This attitude gradually clouded her sense of caution.

All of her neural networks had became inactive and numb. Except for the pair of eyeballs, she was as lifeless as a puppet. Her limbs did not respond to her command, and her powers behaved as if they were sealed flawlessly.

Hudson quickly took note of this observation and analysed her physical composition. He quickly disclosed to Lee Shen that not the soul of the Tubian, but the physical body of the Tubian is the real deal.

Tanya could feel something creeping over her skin. She could only stare at Lee Shen through the gaps between his fingers in anger.

Seconds later, Tanya's stat panel turned red and a notification popped up.



Imminent danger detected. Move away from the object!


An enormous force pulled Lee Shen away from Tanya. It threw Lee to the wall of water, and the air bubble began to lose it's stability. Lee quickly got up on his feet and saw the beginning of the infamous deportation phenomena.

Tanya was gasping for breath as she was released from Lee Shen's fierce grip. She plopped down on the floor after a vain attempt to raise her torso above her feet.

The next second, her eyes began to glow. Not only her eyes, but her nose, ears and mouth began to display bright pillars of white light. Within a few seconds, these pillars grew vertically and became denser. Soon, these bright lights grew in size and merged together and enveloped here

[Take cover!]


D barely finished his words when a gargantuan boom went off with a blinding light. It disrupted the energy equilibrium and the water bubble collapsed. The Waterworld was activated after as the system detected the ocean engulfing Lee Shen.

A violent shockwave trembled the bottom of the sea as many underwater hills broke down. The dust and soil on the sea floor was kicked up and Lee Shen lost visibility as he twirled and twisted under the violent water currents.


"Looks like they are gone."

Lee Shen mumbled to himself as he crept out of his hiding spot. He summoned the Map and confirmed that the waterfolks are not lurking around.

It took almost a dozen of minutes for all the chaos and dust at the seabed in the Sentience Zone to calm down. To make things worse, a group of waterfolk scouts came near the spot and made a preliminary diagnosis before leaving.

[Lee, we have acquired something precious.]

D spoke with excitement as Lee took out the empty shell of the Tubian out of his spatial ring. It looked like a recently deceased person. The eyes were closed and the body showed the characteristic red hue of the demon race.

It goes without saying that the body was an eye-candy. Though it was properly clothed, it floated in front Lee and the water currents caressed the long brown-black hair.

With a single touch, the soulless body of Tanya went inside the System Storage and the hourly notification popped at the same time.


Day 26.

12 Midnight.

5,978,900 Essence harvested.


Lee wanted to sigh, but realised that he was underwater. He quickly shot up like a bazooka and broke through the surface of the ocean. His peak-human agility coupled with the boost of Mana sent shockwaves to the surroundings.

Many marine animals including Spear Marlin, Rogue Fire Tuna and Poison-tail Tiger Shark moved out of his trajectory as they felt threatened by his sheer speed!

Flight was activated prior to this and Lee rose up into the sky with the momentum.

After reaching about 4 kilometres into the sky, Lee halted his ascent and hesitated in the air. His eyes were fixated on the lighting he could see in the city.

"Beautiful, isn't it?"josei

With the help of Foresight, his eyes could see every face walking on the streets of the city. After taking a few seconds to scan the entire city, he wondered what kind of twisted serene fortune he had been bestowed upon when the images of every painful and blissful moments flashed in his mind.

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