Earthling in Uncharted Dimensions

Chapter 287

Chapter 287: When Death Is Again At Your Doorstep

The Tubian felt powerless, and most importantly, felt the presence of death near him.

"Y-you...what are you?"

The Tubian levitated towards Lee Shen and they both disappeared from the right and detection as the Dark element enveloped them.

As soon as the Tubian saw the ragged appearance of Lee, he began to laugh which made him cough blood.

"Even if you kill me, you will die for sure. My sacrifice won't be in vain."

Lee Shen did not reply but started at the Tubian.

[He is correct. The Amortal's power has inflicted fatal wounds to your body. But your soul is somehow intact.]

The needles further deformed and gifted physical torture to the Tubian. The man hung on the levitating needles ground his teeth and twitched at each second.

"Tell me, where is Hegerus?"

The Tubian bit down the pain and replied-

"For what? To get your friends back? That is probably dead."


Lee Shen accidentally came across a piece of information. From the spilt words, there was a chance for all three of them to be alive.

When stitching this assumption with what Tanya had said, they use people as Essence farms for an extensive period.

The smile that bloomed on his face made the Tubian frown. This smile was not what he had expected to see. There should be wailing of agony when he hears about his lost teammates.

'Or did I say something vital?'

The Tubian began to revisit the words he just spewed. After a couple of attempts, the young man could not find anything.

Lee Shen then noticed the Tubian's change of expression. Upon Hudson's prompt to proceed, Lee, with a vicious grin, spoke-

"We will take it from here."

The next second, the Tubian began to stretch and twist its limbs and neck. The process continued and Lee Shen could here the Tubian's last wisp of consciousness crying out from the depths of the abyss.

'D, proceed.'

Two million Essence we're injected into the Tubian's body and the panel turned blood red with multiple warnings screens!



Imminent danger detected. Move away from the object!



Imminent danger detected. Move away from the object!



Imminent danger detected. Move away from the object!


The scorched skin and broken bones gifted Lee Shen with an avalanche of pain and he could not move properly.


The disfigured human body expressed its wrath verbally and punched on Lee Shen. Both D and Hudson we're astonished to see that the Tubian still had the energy to commence a suicide attack.


The remaining Amortal's energy inside the Tubian's body exploded and the fabrics of reality were almost torn apart. The sky lit up like the scorching sun at noon and all of the Piscerent city saw this phenomenon.

The explosion from close-proximity threw Lee Shen over several tens of kilometres over the sea and away from the land. It was so powerful that the Flight was ineffective in stabilising Lee Shen's body.


Lee wanted to speak but words could not exit his mouth. Then he felt a hole on his neck. The violent air current blowing through the hole tore the wound wide.

While being blasted away from the explosion, Lee could relate the sensation he is now experiencing, to the sensation when he first opened his eyes in Utopia. That feeling of being attached and detached at the same time was eerie and unspeakable.

Maybe it was because of the presence of Amortal's power in the explosion, Lee Shen could not communicate with D or Hudson. Any attempt to make contact with the system was greeted by an awkward silence.

Not only the communications but Lee's ability to sense his surroundings were also jammed!

As his face began to feel a peculiar burn that seems to seep through the pores of the skin, Lee Shen attempted to open his eyes. But it backfired and his eyes began to bleed. The epitome of pain was thus recalibrated!

The feeling of floating in the air was not a pleasant one as he could sense that he was falling. The body devoid of any mean to re-stabilise twisted and rotated like a lifeless dummy thrown from the atmosphere.

Expecting a bone-shattering impact at any given moment, Lee Shen calmed his mind and focus on the situation of his body.

When trying to evaluate his physical condition, he realised that his vitals are at a dangerously low level.

About 80% of his skin was severely burnt or torn away. All of his fingers were broken and dislocated. The limbs were not suitable to support his weight at the moment.

And when he was thinking about lessening the damage of the impact, he touched down on the ocean!!


Lee Shen was fortunate that despite the fourfold size of the planet, the gravity was only 14 m/s. At normal circumstances, Lee would not be hurt even if he was to fall on his belly.

But his condition, the most important variable in his safety, had swung from one side to the other!

As soon as he fell into the water, the blood began to spread out. Luckily, there were no beasts in the vicinity.


The skill Waterworld was important for underwater explorations. Without that, Lee Shen would not have escaped the collapse of the water bubble when he deported Tanya.

But the system was unable to communicate with him. D and Hudson were stranded in the System Space and could not create a spatial tear. Somehow, fate disconnected the system from Lee Shen.

Under adverse circumstances, Lee Shen began to struggle to stay alive. He had unconsciously taken in water and the irritation kicked his consciousness to alert mode.

Flailing his hands, Lee Shen tried to swim upward. But his eyes were in an increased agony by the contact with saline water and Lee was stepping to the doors of the death!

After a few seconds, the consciousness began to fade and all the attempt to keep water out of his innards failed. Slowly, he sunk to the depths.

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