Earth’s Doom Starts with… Me?

Chapter 126

Chapter 126: The meeting (1)

"How are we going to enjoy ourselves?" General Emilio raised an eyebrow, looking honestly confused, "I enjoy completing the mission."

"Geez, general. Enjoyment comes in different types." I shook my head and chuckled.

"I'm not interested in hanging out." He shrugged and continued walking as the faint thumps of our steps decorated the dim hallway.

"And so am I," I proudly exclaimed, "we're going to get some upgrades before we go."

He took a swift look at my face, before shifting his gaze back towards the empty, crumbling hallway, "… Upgrades don't sound bad."

"Right? I know you'll agree," I grinned, "you've been to the minotaur lair before, haven't you, general Emilio? I haven't heard the complete story yet, so tell me while we get ourselves patched up in the infirmary. We need to construct a plan. And quickly."

"Sure." He answered concisely.

Aw, alright. Not much of a talker, but that was what made him, him. Anyway, I also gotta start planning my finance. After all, we had just finished an all-out battle.

And you know what came with a win?

That's right.


Gold, to be exact. And loots.

I giggled a bit when I thought about the amount of loot and gold that was just sitting in my inventory, waiting for me to check. Ahh, I couldn't wait to get a room for myself, and sort out my inventory. And then, a good bath would be nice. Getting some sleep would really help, too.

My shoulders started to slump down as my body eased down. I knew that we were still in a foreign territory and that I had to keep my guards up, but somehow, having them around me made me feel a little safer than usual.

Weird. I was always taught to always doubt people, but not to let it show… But sometimes, it was just too mentally taxing for me. I just wanted some rest… And peace.




I looked up, shocked that something slightly soft, but also slightly rough, fell on top of me. Or should I say, fell perfectly around my shoulders?

"It's cold tonight."

I stared at the white-haired general beside me, who looked back at me with a wide grin.

"Wh-what is…" I stumbled on my words as I realized that he had wrapped me up with his robe. It was the black robe we stole, made from a thick and rough material. But alas… It somehow felt kind of soft now?

Instead of answering, he just grinned and patted my hair. My face immediately responded by commencing plan tomato. Ack, if only I could control my red face!

I looked down in embarrassment, and continued walking side-by-side with him, without glancing at him even once. It was too humiliating to face him with my cooked lobster cheeks right now.

… But, I didn't exactly hate this.

My hands went to grab the collar of the robe, and tightened it as I buried half of my face in it, both to enjoy the feeling and to hide my shame… And it was warm.

"Yes, it was cold," I replied with almost a whisper, "but not anymore."


"Ah, could that be it?" I pointed out at a sign that had some scribbling on it alongside a drawing of a pill.

It was made of something like iron, seeing that it still had some shine left on it, although covered up by the rust along the edges. Behind it was a huge double door with handles made of the same material. The door itself looked sturdy, unlike the walls around it that had cracks and moss on them.

"… Should be the one." General Emilio sighed and stepped forward in front of the door.

"Ahh, finally. I completely forgot the orcs use a different language than us…" General Zhang sighed.

Well, I was also getting annoyed after almost getting lost in this huge, run-down castle just because we couldn't read any sign on the doors. Thankfully, the clinic had a little pill drawing on the sign, so we should be on the right track this time, right? Ugh, please be the right door.


General Emilio pushed the door open, making a creaking sound that tore through the hallway's silence. The inside was even darker than the hallway, since for some reason, I couldn't see any moonlight leaking inside.

"Ah, it's so dark… Hold on, let me summon some fire. Watch your steps." I said as the three of us stepped inside the clinic that smelled like disinfectant.

Upon closer inspection, there were actually several windows here. They were all just patched up with some woods and nails so they couldn't be opened, much less letting some light in… Pretty sus, not gonna lie.


I held up my hand and threw some fireballs around us. I took note to be careful not to hit anything, so I wouldn't accidentally burn this place down or something.

"Hmm, it's more normal than I thought." I remarked as I looked around and saw a few hospital beds with curtains, alongside some shelves filled with what I presumed to be doctor stuff, and a chair that looked like something that you would use for examination.

"True. What now?" General Emilio asked concisely.

"Well, we might be a bit unlucky since I don't see anybody behind that desk." I sighed as I pointed towards the only desk in the room that had a lot of files on top of it and chairs on both sides. That should be the doctor's desk, right?

"Wrong. I sense someone." General Zhang suddenly grabbed me by my shoulders and pulled me close to his chest while covering my head.


"Whoa!" I yelped at the sudden act, and widened my eyes when I saw the room being lit up by general Zhang's lightning net. He had enclosed us three in a dome-shaped net, preventing anyone from coming in without risking getting zapped.

"Where?" General Emilio immediately pulled out his spear and looked around, while I still struggled to get away from this eel's embrace.

"They'll appear in a sec," general Zhang replied without his usual cheery smile and voice as I felt his grip tighten around me, "don't move, little cub."

"Huh? Why?" I asked, not quite understanding his reason. But at least, I understood that we were in a dangerous situation, so why not let me go so I could be useful?


"Ack!" I flinched when something suddenly hit the lightning net directly on top of me. Spooky.


My ears twitched when I heard an unfamiliar voice coming from above. A masculine voice? Ugh, a new enemy… Why at a time like this…

"Stop eyeing my little cub, mop hair." General Zhang snickered as his grip tightened again, making me flinch.

"My, my… Are you her guard dog?" The voice chuckled, "so territorial."

I gaped as I finally saw the figure to whom the voice belonged. A lustrous, long, and flowy purple hair that perfectly complemented his pair of frosty sapphire eyes. The smirk that was plastered on his smooth, angular face sent shivers down my spine.

… Huh? Those colors… Not an elf?

"It seems that you've misunderstood. I'm her master," general Zhang replied, which earned him an angry glare from me, "and nobody is allowed to stare at her like that."

"Hmm, like what? I'm just greeting her." The man said as he landed on the ground in front of us just outside the net, still with the same smirk. Now that I could see even clearly, I noticed that the way he dressed was… Off?

Like, it wasn't the same style as the elves' nature-ish fashion, but also not like our Vanguard's armor or even our villagers' shabby clothing. Could he be… Part of 'those' humans?

"I could feel your gaze on her the moment we opened the door, you stupid fuck. You eyed her just like a hunter looking for prey," general Zhang scoffed, "be careful. I and her, we're both hunters, not preys."

"Oh, so you noticed my presence? Why didn't you say so from the start!" The man chuckled happily, "I thought I hid my presence well. Your friends didn't seem to realize."

"Urk—" I choked when I remembered myself stating that there wasn't anyone here. I seriously needed to ask Elena about how to improve in that aspect…

"What do you want?" General Zhang quickly asked with a little growl. Huh, it was pretty rare to see him like this…

"Nothing. Now that the elf king is dead, my job here is done," he chuckled while putting his white-gloved hand on his chin, "I was going to leave quietly, but then…"josei

"Heung?" I flinched when general Zhang enclosed me with both arms suddenly.

"I found something interesting, and I would like to have my hands on it." The man pointed at me while bearing this creepy grin that was a huge contrast to his gorgeous face with long lashes.

"No can do. Going with a stranger is a big no-no, right, little cub?" He patted my head as I felt his mana started to surge, emitting malicious intent. Even though I was on his side, I still held my breath in anxiousness.

"Then, would it be fine if I introduce myself?" The man insisted.

"No." General Zhang replied.

"Allow me," the long, purple-haired man kept talking even after general Zhang rejected him, "I think you might've heard of me already. I'm the court doctor. I perform medical miracles. Does that ring a bell to you?"

Uhh… No?

I confusedly looked at general Emilio, and he, too, just stared at the unfamiliar man without much expressions, as usual. General Zhang didn't say anything, either. Huh? What exactly was he implying?

"Have you…" The man continued,

"… Heard about the witch?"

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