Earth's Greatest Magus

Chapter 1234 Condition

Chapter 1234 Condition

If it were not because of the injuries he had sustained, Julian would have been able to easily defeat this elite acolyte named Sparse.

However, in addition to his condition that was still not optimal, his opponent was also not an incompetent opponent. Not only was the burly young man able to cast the advanced earth spell [Greater Stone Skin], he was also able to manipulate his body, enlarging his limbs to deliver decapitating blows.


A cloud of dust rose through the air as Julian was once again thrown a few feet back hurtling across the arena floor. If it weren't for his new Tier 5 [Titan Shield], the Roman would have been badly hurt.

[Julian Kaesar]

[Battle Power: 165 (115)]

[Spirit force: 985]

[Acolyte rank 9 - peak stage - 9 pillars)

[Earth: 3 pillars]

[Fire: 3 pillars]

[Metal: 3 pillars]

With the remnants of the injuries still afflicting him, not only was his battle power not yet returned, Julian could only use his [Immortal Gate] for a limited time due to the strain it put onto his body.

For that reason, Julian decided, or rather, was forced to depend on his skills.

To be honest, the fact that Julian was matched with Sparse in his first match was quite fortunate as earth acolytes were known to be slower compared to their peers.

Moreover, when Julian found himself unable to dodge due to his injuries, he was still able to use his new shield to absorb most of the impact from the attacks he received.

So all in all, the Roman's situation was not that bad in spite of the handicaps he had.

After assessing his situation and his opponent's, Julian uses the movement technique he learnt during his time in the Nephilim..

He continued his defensive approach to Sparse barrage of heavy attacks as he waited for the right opportunity. His opponent continued to suppress him, but the Roman still didn't budge.josei

He waited and waited as he knew he had one chance until eventually the moment came and he exploded with everything he had.

[Immortal Gate – Stage 6]

As the unique energy layer of the technique appeared, Julian pushed Sparse back and knocked him off balance. Not wasting this golden opportunity, the Roman shot forward and struck the back of the man's knee with the hammer in his hand, forcing the latter to fall face down to the ground.

While Sparse's body fell to the ground, Julian quickly jumped onto his back and swung the shield in his other hand, dealing a powerful shield bash on the man's spine that was just below the critical spot of the neck, which instantly paralyzed the man.

"Julian Kaesar wins!"

Only when the announcement and the screen showed the winner did the audience finally come to their senses. They quickly gave Julian thunderous applause and cheers, for he had managed to win with his skill and cunning.

After walking away from the arena and back to the terrace area, the Roman was immediately bombarded with questions from his friends who were worried about his condition. Even though at the moment he felt as if his muscles were being torn by sharp blades, Julian remained unfazed as if nothing happened.

Klea approached Julian and grabbed his arm, checking his wounds as she whispered, "You don't have to always act tough in front of us, you know… we're all your friends, after all."

Moments later, a familiar figure entered the terrace where the group was and confronted Julian. "You are injured, aren't you? You.. Why did you force yourself to fight?!"

The new arrival – a sleek, handsome young man – was none other than Roran Harlight. The man seemed to have noticed Julian's real condition.

Hearing the question, Julian calmly sat on his seat and took a few breaths before looking at the Harlight Prince. "This is important for me, Roran. I will not stop now." He said with a determination that was obvious to all.

Roran seemed about to say more, but stopped when he saw the look on Julian's face. A frown appeared on his face, but the only thing that came from him in the end was a helpless sigh. "Well, that's fine. But at least let me check your condition."

Soon after, the female healer of the Harlight family that was under Roran's command – Lyndell – entered the terrace and promptly examined the Roman's condition. She also helped him withstand the pain he was currently experiencing.

While Julian was being healed by Lyndell, the group watched the rest of today's matches.

It didn't take long for Roran's turn to arrive, whereupon he walked into his designated arena with a confident gait.

Just like Julian, Roran had risen to the privileged class after gradually making his way up from regular class. Coupled with his innate charm and distinguished family background, the Harlight Prince was one of the most popular contenders among the spectators and acolytes alike.

With a fighting style bore similarity to that of Julian, Roran managed to beat his elite acolyte opponent with ease. He clearly showcased his talent in the arena, and the crowds cheered him boisterously for it.

After Roran's and Julian's match, what came after was a series of carnage done by the privileged acolytes. As more and more highly ranked ones in the privileged class appeared, the number of elite acolytes who won their matches decreased accordingly.

Gerri, Aiko, and Lodos; despite their acclaimed status amongst the elite acolyte circles, the three of them met with defeat against their opponents – the same thing that happened in the other 90% of the matches.

Most of these elite acolytes actually didn't dare to dream of qualifying to the final round. However, it didn't mean that they wanted to lose just like that.

After all, being able to defeat one privileged acolyte was already an achievement, or if they were more ambitious, two privileged acolytes. That way, their position in the top 100 rankings was secured.

Unfortunately, the reality was far from that.

When the first half of the day three tournament finished, only five elite acolytes had managed to achieve victory against their privileged acolyte opponents, and those five included Klea, Chumo, and Thrax.

The result sparked a series of discussions among the audience and before they knew it, noon had arrived. The crowds returned their attention to the arena once more as it was time for the random selection of the second half of today's matches.

Thrax manages to land another fortunate match against the privileged acolyte who [Rank 80]. Chumo was paired with the [Rank 62] privileged acolyte, while Klea would have to fight one of the Nephilims who was [Rank 74].


Just as they were about to celebrate their luck, Julian's name appeared on the screen and silence fell over the group. The Romans got to fight a familiar figure who was another earth acolyte, but in a vastly different level than Sparse. His opponent was the [Rank 30] earth formation expert, Abrafo.

Julian stood up and walked toward the arena, prepared to fight the dark-skinned young man standing there.

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