Earth's Greatest Magus

Chapter 1542 Chained

Chapter 1542 Chained


The helpless rebel leader was quickly chained and then forced to walk at the head of the group as they made their way towards the Desert Watch City, where dozens of Ironcrest clan men were already waiting at the city gates.

But to Emery's amazement, despite how much the Ironcrest Patriarch tried to ridicule and discredit the rugged man in public, the streets were actually filled with those who sympathized with Tidus and despised the Ironcrest for their actions even more.

Only now when he saw firsthand did Emery realize how influential and important Tidus really was.

The convoy quickly arrived at the Ironcrest Estate for the debrief of the mission. It was at this moment that the joy the Ironcrest Patriarch had shown before disappeared, replaced by unbridled rage.

"Huh!! No wonder he gave up so easily!! He sacrificed himself so his people could escape!! Yet he's still acting like a hero until the end!!"

Grand Magus Fastasme seemed displeased with the revelation as well, especially after finally knowing the number of casualties they had suffered. A total of sixteen people died for the mission, with seven of them dying mysteriously.

Aware of the repercussions of his actions, Emery soon found himself summoned to the Ironcrest headquarters. He had been called upon to report what he had done and had transpired during the mission.

Of course, Emery had come prepared and not only did he have all his bases covered, the Corvin luckily didn't seem to care much about their people as they did not push the investigation hard enough.

Therefore it didn't take long before his name was cleared from the investigation, while the annihilation of the Blue Moon pack was determined to be under the responsibility of the rebel group.

With this conclusion, Emery should be relieved he wasn't suspected and left the scene immediately. However, something inside him told him to push his luck. So he did just that, and made a request to the investigator.

"That man killed my comrades. Please let me see him just for a minute."

With much persuasion, Emery was eventually allowed into the cell where Tidus was being held. Upon entering, the first thing he noticed was the fact that the man was still heavily injured and his body was tightly bound with many magical chains.

"You have only three minutes," said the investigator, to which Emery responded with a nod.

After making sure that no one was listening, he approached and asked the man in a whisper. 

"Are you alright, elder? I'm sorry that we couldn't save you."

A chuckle escaped the rugged man's mouth as he said, "I have been chained for half of my life, so I'm used to this." Staring at Emery, he continued, "Also don't be sorry. It's not your fault at all that I got caught; it's mine. In fact, I'm very grateful for your help with the refugees."

Seeing Emery fall silent, Tidus then spoke again. "Now, tell me why are you really here.. Speak your mind."

Hearing that question, Emery heaved a sigh as he organized his thoughts. To be honest, he was impressed by how the man was willing to sacrifice himself for the sake of others, and the fact that so many people were willing to support him, and so he asked him just that.

To his surprise, another chuckle escaped the man's mouth before he said, "You are a silly young man, aren't you..? The truth it's not really about me…"

Seeing his confusion, Tidus once again let out a chuckle before explaining that he was just someone who was making one right choice at the right time and situation; it was just that the kingdom was falling apart that the people hunger for a figure.

The man told Emery that all three of the three major families were lusting for Silvermane's power, which he suspected happened because the Alpha King was weakened to the brink of death.

Apparently, he had gathered like-minded people and formed his now-called rebel group to weaken the power of the three factions on the Silvermane Planet in hopes of helping the King. 

However, years passed and nothing significant happened. At such reality, he believed that the Alpha King was either already too weak, too scared to make a move, or simply didn't care about his people.

"I am afraid there is no more future for us. The Silvermane won't last for long," said Tidus in a somber tone.

At this moment, Emery's time was up, and before he left Tidus said, "I hope you too will make the right choice when a situation arises."

His thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of the guards. Emery played his acting a little in front of these people, before turning around and walking away. He then greeted the guards, making some talks with the head guard before saying, "Please tell me he will suffer for his actions!"

Emery continued the conversation, asking questions that eventually led to him knowing about the execution plan the Ironcrest made for the man, about the time and location where the execution would take place.

It was quite shocking information, which caused Emery to immediately head to the rebels' new hideout as soon as he stepped out of the Ironcrest headquarters with his group. 

There he saw for himself, thousands of people, mostly old people, women and children being cared for. If one were to accidentally stumble into this place, a bandit hideout definitely wouldn't be the first thing that came to their mind.

Noticing Emery and the others returning, Frostmind approached him. When asked, he explained that they actually had a dozen other hideouts like this all over the planet, but with only a hundred or so people tending to them.

Emery could feel his heart beating violently once more, but his mind was settled with logic that this was not his problem.

When Frostmind took him to the other rebel leaders at his request, Emery shared what he found.

"I have information about what they are trying to do with him."

"About our leader!? what is it?"josei

"They are going to execute him at the Royal Hunt."

It was definitely a piece of devastating news for them, as evidenced by the expressions on their faces. Not only because of the punishment that befell Tidus, but also because it was proof to them that the King had abandoned them.

However, that didn't meant they just gave up. Without further ado, Frostmind and the others quickly thought of a plan to rescue Tidus before he was brought into the Silvermane City.

Knowing Emery's strength, they asked him to help.

Emery was reminded of Tidus words of doing the right thing, and his answer was

"No, I can't help you"

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