Earth's Greatest Magus

Chapter 1609  Identity

Chapter 1609  Identity

"What the hell are you doing?!"


"Calm down lady, I am trying to save you here!!"


Despite those words, the woman, Tessa Karat, was still struggling as Emery flew at high speed descending down into the planet before their eyes. Fortunately, her body was restrained so her struggles didn't cause too much of an effect, especially with Emery's tremendous battle power holding onto her.

When they finally passed through the clouds, Emery quickly repositioned their bodies so they would descend in an almost straight vertical line for maximum speed and landed among the trees on top of a hill.


Quickly getting to his feet, Emery quickly raised his head to look up at the sky. His eyes narrowed as he watched the Raven ship descend among the clouds, many figures could be seen flying around – clearly, the group of Raven magus who were looking for them. josei

Understanding they were not safe yet, Emery promptly accessed his storage ring and took out two [Concealment Potion] before giving one to Tessa. In order to make the latter understand his intention, he unhesitatingly drank it first so as to let her see the effect for herself.

When she sensed that Emery's spirit power was gradually being concealed, she also quickly gulped the potion.

"Now take off my chain!" said Tessa as she stuck out her body. Alas, the response she received was not what she wanted to hear.

"There's no time for that."

Saying those words, Emery transformed into his Twilight Wolf form before picking up Tessa again and running in the opposite direction of the Raven group under the shade of the dense trees.

She tried to break free again at first, but when she realized how fast they were moving she quickly decided to stop her struggle.

There was a reason why Emery didn't free Tessa and let her run on her own.

He wasn't sure that she would be able to keep up with him. After all, his Wolf bloodline transformation and proficiency in nature enabled him to easily move through the complex terrain swiftly without making much noise.

Their current situation couldn't afford to take the risk of his worries turning out to be true, hence the reason.

His figure streaking through the trees, Emery kept running and running. After nearly an hour, during which he covered about 200 miles, he came across a cave in a rocky plain and decided to hide in it.

When they were inside, Emery released Tessa from his hold. But as soon as he did that, she suddenly hit him hard with the chain wrapped around her arms. Unfortunately for her, that attack couldn't hurt him. It didn't even seem to make him budge which surprised her quite a bit.

Seeing her attempts weren't working, she took a moment to calm herself before saying, "Who are you? What do you want?!"

Despite hearing those words, Emery indifferently ignored Tessa and turned towards the cave entrance. After taking a quick glance outside, he placed his hand on the rock surrounding the entrance and cast a spell to seal off the cave.

"Don't you dare do anything funny to me! I am Tessa Karat! You will–"

"Yes, yes, I know who you are." Emery quickly interrupted her, unable to stand her rambling anymore. Casting a light spell to illuminate the interior of the cave, he went to build a fireplace saying, "As I said before, I was trying to help you."

A skeptical look still hung on Tessa's face even though she heard those words.

"And why should I trust your words?"

Glancing at her for a moment, Emery sat down in front of the fire he had just made saying, "You have misunderstood me. First of all, I am not with them. Second, I don't see anyone else trying to save you… so technically, you have no choice but to trust me."

She scoffed at those words.

"Hah! I don't believe in the words of a pirate."

"That's good then," Emery replied immediately. "I'm not a pirate either. I'm just undercover to spy on the Raven faction."

It was clear that Tessa was still skeptical about Emery, but seeing he hadn't done her any harm until now, she was starting to believe his words.

"If that's the case, surely there's no problem if you tell me who you are right?"

Emery was silent as he contemplated what he should do. In the end, since he didn't really know her at all, he decided to not reveal his identity and instead, he reached into his storage ring and took out a small silver card.

It was his Devildom Auction VIP membership card that he had recovered from his Spatial Space. There was no identity written on it, but that was enough to make Tessa pause at the sight.

"I hope this is enough to make me at least look trustworthy."

She was silent for a while before speaking again. "I only gave out a hundred of that card.. Which family are you from?"

Shaking his head, Emery said, "I can't tell you right now, but trust me I have no intention of hurting you."

After a few moments of silence, the brunette woman looked relieved as she finally decided to sit by the fire as well.

When he saw that Tessa was calming down, Emery walked over to her and broke the restraining chain on her arms with his raw strength. She was slightly taken aback by that, but quickly regained her composure.

"I know a lot of wolf half-bloods, but I don't remember ever seeing one like you."

Seeing that Emery had no interest in answering, she added, "I don't believe in charity. You dare to risk your life to save me.. And since you know my identity, you must need something from me."

He could see the anger burning in Tessa's eyes when she heard the last part of his words. Clenching her fists tightly, she gritted her Emery nodded as he said, "Nothing much.. Just help me take down the Raven faction."

He could see the anger burning in Tessa's eyes when she heard the last part of his words. Clenching her fists tightly, she gritted her teeth as she spoke loathingly. "As long as you can bring me back, I will make sure that puny faction gets razed to the ground."

As they rested their exhausted bodies, Emery took out an information cube and tried to figure out where they were currently at. Comparing the map with some of the information he gathered before he got off the ship, he managed to come up with a clue as to where they were.

Now, the next thing they needed to do was to reach the Terra Palace undetected.


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