Earth's Greatest Magus

Chapter 1658 Two Years

Chapter 1658 Two Years

It had been two and a half years since Emery arrived on the wood elves' planet. With the high references, he received from both the Ouroboros faction and the previous headmaster, Delbrand, Emery, accompanied by Twik and Morgana, seamlessly integrated into the wood elf community.

Although the place was believed to be safeguarded against external threats, Emery decided it was best to adopt a new face and name for his own safety. Thus, he became known as Merlin.

As a human Magus who cultivated a Nature core, Emery was warmly welcome by notable figures among the wood elves. Recognizing his need for healing and recovery, the elves shared with him the sacred technique of Katra.

This technique involved using one's soul to replace the senses, similar to the Soul Tempering technique Emery had acquired from a privileged class facility. It  bore similarities to the Soul Tempering technique Emery had acquired from a privileged class facility, but Katra went a step further by facilitating the growth of the soul.

This extraordinary technique was almost impossible for humans to learn, but Emery's exceptional proficiency in natural law made him an exception. He dedicated his first year on the planet to mastering the foundations of Katra, which consisted of nine stages.

Emulating the experiences of a newborn exploring the world, Emery utilized Katra to immerse himself in the sights, sounds, touches, tastes, and smells of his new home in Vanyar. It was a painstaking process that demanded unwavering willpower to unlock the full potential of Katra.

After a year of relentless practice and determination, Emery finally achieved mastery of stage 4 of Katra. At this point, he had successfully recovered half of his fragmented soul. This newfound wholeness granted him the ability to cast tier 4 spells without restraint. Emery could now unleash the power of his unique spells, such as [Nature Grasp] and [Photosynthesis], which played a crucial role in the concoction of his distinctive potions.

Emery's other objective was to create solutions for his plant creatures, and so he resumed his experiments with Metamorph potions. With each iteration, Emery fine-tuned the recipes, striving for perfection.

To further enhance his skills as an apothecary, Emery made a decision to immerse himself among the wood elves' potions experts. This unparalleled learning opportunity allowed him to study their techniques, gain valuable insights into potion-making, and understand the intricate balance between nature's ingredients.

Months passed as Emery refined his craft, honing his skills under the guidance of knowledgeable wood elves. The chance to learn from seasoned potions experts was a dream come true for any aspiring Apothecary Artisan. The knowledge he acquired during this period expanded his repertoire of potions and enhanced his ability to create tailored remedies for specific ailments.

Having successfully mastered stage 5 of Katra and earned recognition for his contributions to the field of apothecary, Emery received an invitation to join the Groove. This esteemed institution within the wood elf community resembled an apothecary institute, providing a platform for the exchange of ideas and knowledge among fellow apothecaries.

In the Groove, Emery engaged in vibrant discussions, sharing his insights and learning from the experiences of his peers. These interactions led to multiple shocking validations, solidifying his position as a reputable apothecary. As a testament to his accomplishments, Emery was granted a license to practice within the Vanyar community and bestowed with the esteemed title of master among the wood elves.josei

Word of Merlin's exceptional potions and alternative apothecary solutions spread like wildfire among the Vanyar wood elves. Commoners and nobles alike sought his expertise, seeking remedies for various ailments and desires. Emery's growing fame brought both admiration and challenges. Unfortunately, it also attracted the attention of the dark elves, who saw him as a threat.

Despite the repeated attempts on his life, Emery remained resilient and continued to serve those in need. Hours were spent attending to the requests of noble visitors seeking his unique potions. However, amidst the arduous tasks, Emery found himself face to face with Grand Magus Aegnor, an esteemed elder of the Vanyar community.

Expressing his gratitude for the elder's timely assistance, Emery's gaze shifted to the six stone statues positioned a mile away from his hut—an ominous reminder of the dark elves' relentless pursuit.I think you should take a look at

"Is this the third attempt by the dark elves?" Aegnor inquired, concern etched on his face.

Emery casually shook his head, dispelling any misconceptions. "No, actually, this is the fifth attempt."

The revelation left Aegnor sighing deeply, realizing the gravity of the situation. He couldn't help but ask about the progress of Emery's Katra training.

A brief silence hung in the air before Emery responded, his tone tinged with a hint of frustration, "Not fast enough."

Understanding the urgency and danger Emery faced, Aegnor proposed a solution. "Alright, I believe it's time for you to move to Vanyar City. This place is no longer safe for you. I can guide you better there, and my family will be delighted to welcome you."

Grateful for the elder's generosity and concern, Emery expressed his heartfelt thanks as he watched Aegnor gracefully hover in the air before departing. Casting a final glance at the six stone statues, Emery raised a finger, causing them to vanish into his storage rings.

Returning to his hut, Emery found Twik and Morgana patiently waiting. Instructing Twik to stand guard, Emery nodded at Morgana, indicating for her to accompany him inside. The two ventured toward a hidden tunnel adjacent to Emery's apothecary lab—a secret passage leading to a chamber adorned with intricate formations.

These formations served a dual purpose: concealing the chamber from prying eyes and amplifying a specific energy source at its center. This hidden chamber had been the primary reason for Emery's hesitation to relocate to Vanyar City. With a subtle gesture, Morgana swiftly cast a spell, and a magical gate materialized before them. Emery stepped through the gate without hesitation, entering an unseen realm. Inside, he was greeted by a towering figure—a being of immense power and knowledge.

Drawing out the six stone statues, Emery presented them to the figure, their conversation filled with familiarity and camaraderie. "Chututlu, I brought you some snacks."

The Khaos guardian known as Chututlu, with its vast understanding of poison, had become an invaluable ally in Emery's journey as an apothecary. The creature held the secrets and insights that propelled Emery's success within the Vanyar community.

In the past two years, Emery had not only focused on recovering his fractured soul and refining his apothecary skills but also forged a deep bond with Chututlu. 

Emery had devoted his time not only to the recovery of his soul and the refinement of his apothecary skills but also to nurturing a unique bond with Chututlu, the Khaos guardian and Master of the Pestilence Gate. Through this extraordinary partnership, Emery had unlocked a realm of knowledge and secrets that propelled his apothecary success within the Vanyar community.

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