Earth's Greatest Magus

Chapter 1675 Plea

Chapter 1675 Plea

"If you are reading this message, it means the exchange has gone south," 

"I have instructed my men to make sure you have a chance to escape. There is a cloaking ship prepared for you to use."

"But, if you didn't get to escape and get captured, I have a big favor to ask."

"They will undoubtedly lead you to him, my love Eeshoo. If you find him, please save him."

"A group of Magus will be waiting for you there. I have prepared details of an escape plan within this device. All you need to do is deliver them to him."

"If you carry out this task, you will be highly rewarded."

"And If the reward does not tempt you, remember that it was partly your fault that Eeshoo was taken. Make this right, and continue your good relationship with the Nephilim."

"Emery, I am desperate. I have been waiting for a long time, and now the faction wants me to forget about him. I can't... I believe you of all people could relate."

[Message is over]

The message ended abruptly, leaving him in an echoing silence that amplified the significance of her words. 

In the midst of the unfolding chaos, Emery found himself both infuriated and amazed by Jinkan's calculated ploy. There was no denying the cleverness of her manipulative maneuver. She had perfectly played the strings of his emotions, guilt and sympathy subtly compelling him to reconsider his path. For a fleeting moment, he was swayed to abide by her plea, an idea that felt utterly absurd when his survival instincts screamed against it.

But his concerns weren't limited to his own survival. His chest tightened at the thought of the Khaos Gate, that residing within him. He couldn't let the dark elves took it from him. 

The escalating crisis reached its peak when the heart-wrenching cries of the magus who had aided him pierced through the eerie silence. Glancing through the grand window, Emery's heart sank as he saw the swarm of enemy ships surrounding them. There was no escape route now; he was trapped in this deadly predicament.

Emery's mind raced. He had one last option.

"Cthulhu, now is the time," Emery called out, his voice laced with grim determination.

The response was swift and unexpectedly serious. "Good luck, kid,"

Without wasting another moment, A small dimensional portal was created on his chest. Swiftly, Emery tossed both his spatial ring and the device Jinkan had given him into the fleeting safety of the other dimension.I think you should take a look at

Just seconds later, a dark elf magus emerged from the tunnel, his eyes scrutinizing Emery with an intensity.

"That woman is fake, I really hope you are the real thing," the elf spoke, his words dripping with anticipation.

Staring back at the elf, Emery swallowed the lump in his throat and said, "I am him, I surrender." His voice was calm, hiding the tumult of fear and uncertainty brewing within him. 

What transpired next happened in a swift, uncompromising sequence. Emery found his hands bound by a different kind of restraint, a form of magical string that felt as solid as steel. This arcane binding prevented him from channeling any spiritual energy, effectively rendering him helpless.

He was then led back to the hall, a grisly sight of death greeting him. Three of the four magus lay lifeless, the residual energy from their magical wards still flickering around their bodies. The last one, who had earlier help him escaped, was bound and gagged just like him.

The pair were quickly hauled onto one of the dark elven ships. With a final, cruel gesture, the elves fired a destructive beam at the Nephilim vessel, reducing it to a scattering of debris floating aimlessly in the vast void of space.

The journey to their destination was relatively short, taking less than a day. The destination itself was a massive construct of imposing dark metal, suspended ominously in the infinite expanse of space. The sight of thousands of dark elves bustling around hinted at its nature — it was likely a military base or perhaps even their main fortress.

Once docked, Emery and the other captive were swiftly brought to a grand room that reeked of authority and power. In it, a commanding figure awaited their arrival. The grand magus of the dark elves, an imposing figure radiating a staggering aura of raw magical might, sat upon an ornate throne. He was chastising his underlings for their failure to capture the Nephilim princess, his anger echoing ominously in the grandeur of the room.

After venting his wrath, he finally turned his attention towards the two prisoners. His gaze fell on them, a cold, calculating look as he inquired, "You, which one of you is him?" His words, though simple, bore the weight of a ruthless authority, making it clear that he held their lives in his hands.

Without any warning, the grand magus raised his arm and placed it on the forehead of the captured human magus. It was evident he was attempting to invade the man's mind, to probe into his secrets and confirm his identity. After only a few seconds, however, the grand magus abruptly removed his hand and, with a swift motion, incinerated the captive magus into a pile of ashes.

As the grand magus turned his gaze toward Emery, he couldn't help but internally chastise the mastermind behind his capture "Jinkan!, i hope you really are as smart as you speak," he fumed silently.

The grand magus moved toward Emery, his expression almost bored. "To think the savage human was so young… not even a full magus. Disappointing," he murmured. He then placed his hand on Emery's forehead, just as he had with the other magus.

This time, the probing lasted longer. The grand magus's face twisted and contorted as he struggled to penetrate the defense of Emery's mind. Emery's unique ability, [Emperor's Focus], shielded his mind from the invasive probe. But his physical attributes, his wolf bloodline, were laid bare for the dark elf to peruse.josei

With a simple gesture, the dark elf could snuff out Emery's life instantly, but he didn't. As the grand magus stepped away, Emery felt a wash of relief. His relief was not just because he had been spared death but also because the dark elf had failed to detect the presence of the Khaos Gate. It seemed the strategy he had devised with the Khaos guardian was working.

On the other hand, the fact that the grand magus did not even ask about the Khaos Gate validated Emery's theory that the other Khaos champions had kept this secret as well.

The grand magus seemed to ponder for a moment, his gaze studying Emery before finally making a decision. "Let see what you're truly capable of," he declared before turning to his subordinates, "Take this one to the Demon's Pit."

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