Earth's Greatest Magus

Chapter 1680 Rescue

Chapter 1680 Rescue

Spotting Atlas was a simple task for Emery. As a hybrid of man and machine, Atlas's metallic form stood out starkly against the background of chaos.

He propelled through the air, his body alight with the phosphorescent glow of energy, discharging high-explosive beams towards the mass of dark elves and orcs that surrounded them. The powerful blasts sent many adversaries hurtling backwards, leaving a trail of scorched earth and displaced bodies in their wake.

Emery's memories of Atlas were vivid and profound, the recollections of shared battles and victories invoking a sense of warmth in his heart. The sight of Atlas, his formidable figure slicing through the sea of enemies, rekindled a sense of camaraderie and anticipation within him.

"Let's go, get inside!!" A voice snapped Emery out of his thoughts. It was one of the rag-tag magus, his voice hoarse and strained, beckoning them to the safety of the mobile construct. In the throes of such tumultuous circumstances, there was no room for mistrust or hesitation. The fact that they were all humans, fighting against a common foe, was enough proof of their shared allegiance.

Their dash to safety was intercepted by a scarred dark elf, his voice echoing menacingly through the smoke-filled battleground. "You are not going to escape!!" He taunted, his figure slowly emerging from the smoky veil left by Atlas's onslaught, his eyes gleaming with a lethal intent.

As the situation grew more intense, Emery noticed a mechanical contraption rising from the top of the mobile construct. It was a sort of turret gun, expertly handled by a figure that seemed to be another space knight.

"Die!! Die you all!!"

The space knight bellowed, his voice resonating with unrestrained wrath. As his shout faded, the turret came to life, unleashing a devastating barrage of energy bullets into the sea of dark elves. The bullets tore through the enemy ranks, ripping apart one dark elf unfortunate enough to be in their path.

Seizing this brief moment of respite, the wounded female commander, gasping and gritting her teeth in pain, rallied her magus. "Retreat!! Retreat now!!" Her voice rang out, her authority unchallenged despite her injuries.

At her command, the remaining magus swiftly pulled back, their spells of protection shimmering and fading as they withdrew. But amongst them, one stood his ground.

It was the Magus from the Coven of Shades, his body adorned with intricate tattoos that shimmered with latent energy. With a steady hand, he began to trace out a complex pattern in the air, an arcane seal that marked the commencement of a powerful summoning ritual. As he chanted the incantation, the seal burst into life, conjuring dozens of spectral entities that surged forth, offering cover for their retreat.

One by one, the magus scrambled into the mobile construct, with Silo, quick and agile, being the first to dive to safety.

"Go!! Let's go now!!" The young master of the Arcanum faction, his eyes wide with terror, ordered the remaining magus in, his voice shrill with urgency.

To Emery's astonishment, the trio of rag-tag magus did not rush for safety as he had expected. Instead, they began to methodically collect the fallen bodies of the space knights. Their actions, though surprising, spoke volumes about their respect for their fallen comrades.

To assist them, Emery called upon his magic, summoning tendrils of roots from the ground. Responding to his will, the roots extended and wound around the lifeless bodies, gently lifting them from the battlefield and pulling them towards the mobile construct.

As this unfolded, the rain of arrows from the enemy intensified, the projectiles whooshing through the air with lethal intent. Their close proximity made dodging increasingly challenging. One arrow found its mark, striking the tattooed magus and causing him to stagger, then tumble to the ground.

Witnessing this, the female commander, even in her weakened state, rallied. She extended her hands, her fingers moving in intricate patterns as she summoned her magic. Around them, walls of gleaming metal materialized, adding another layer of protection to their escape. Meanwhile, Emery moved quickly, hoisting the injured tattooed magus onto his shoulders and carrying him into the safety of the construct.

The female commander was the last one remaining outside, standing tall as she maintained her defensive spell. Suddenly, Emery felt a familiar, ominous presence approaching - the shadow magus was back. "Watch out!!" he shouted, his warning echoing in the tense air.

She had prepared herself for a surprise attack. Yet, the wound she sustained earlier made her slower, leaving her unable to dodge an attack from the scarred-faced dark elf who suddenly appeared from the shadows.

Refusing to let her fall, Emery sprung into action, activating his wolf innate ability - [Bloodhound Steps]. He lunged towards the dark elf, his wolfish claws extended. They landed squarely on the dark elf, the force of his blow pushing the attacker away. Without wasting a moment, Emery swiftly scooped up the fallen female magus and darted back into the mobile construct.

A hailstorm of arrows continued to pelt towards Emery, but with deft maneuvers, he was able to evade them all and slip through the door of the construct. The cries of outrage and frustration from the dark elves rang out behind him, echoing off the high walls of the ravine.

With everyone now safely aboard, the heavy door slid shut with a resounding clang, sealing them off from the outside chaos. The magus at the helm turned around, his face a mask of concentration. "Everyone hang on!" He yelled, his voice barely heard over the roar of the construct's engines.I think you should take a look at

The construct sprang to life with a thunderous roar, lurching forward with a sudden jolt of acceleration. The occupants were thrown off balance, struggling to stay upright as the construct barreled its way back through the orc ranks. Even the gigantic Orc champions, were tossed aside like rag dolls by the might of the construct.

From the small porthole, they could see the turret above spitting out lethal energy bullets, ripping through orcs and dark elves alike. At the same time, Emery caught sight of Atlas. The half-machine magus was airborne, trailing above them like a protective hawk.

The journey was rough and uncomfortable, the construct shaking and rattling as it plowed through the chaotic battlefield. Yet, the solid metal walls provided a much-needed respite, a temporary sanctuary from the deadly melee outside.

Eleven magus survived the chaos, while nine had fallen or were left behind in the maelstrom of death.

Only then did Emery notice the female commander. She was huddled in a corner, her body shaking violently. Shock coursed through Emery as he discovered a blade buried in her waist. Without a moment's hesitation, he pulled it out, only for pitch-black blood to pour forth.

'Damn!! Poison!!'

As an expert in antidotes and poisons, Emery swiftly realized the gravity of the situation. The female commander's flesh had already started to decay, a clear indication of a highly lethal poison coursing through her veins.

The mobile construct continued its dash through the rocky terrain while Emery fought to keep the female commander alive. He summoned his healing spells, pouring as much energy as he could muster into stemming the progress of the poison.

He wished fervently for the ability to contact Chututlu, knowing that the powerful entity might be able to aid him. But such a connection was not possible - not for the time being, at least.

Emery glanced around at the other magus inside the construct, hoping to find someone with potent healing abilities. To his dismay, none seemed to have any proficiency in the healing arts.

A man descended from the upper level, he was the one who operate the turret and appear to be the leader of the group. He look at the female commander for a second before saying "We might have someone who can save her back at the Citadel," he said, his voice strained but hopeful.


"The Citadel!?"

His question was left unanswered as the space knight checked the situation outside the window. Seeing fewer threats, he called out to the driver, "Let's take a brief stop here!"

When the heavy metal door swung open, a familiar figure stepped inside, and Emery's breath hitched in his throat. the same expression came from the person in front of him

"It's you… how?" Atlas asks in confusion. The meeting was unexpected, to say the least. Not only was their rendezvous in a bizarre, hostile landscape but also, as Emery soon realized, Atlas had no idea he was still alive.

Their conversation was abruptly halted by the space knight. "Close the door! You two can catch up on the road; we need to leave right away!"

As they resumed their journey, Emery focused on keeping the female magus alive while recounting his story. He explained how he had been kidnapped by Jinkan, which didn't surprise Atlas, given Emery wasn't the first one to be sent down here by her.

"So, is Eesho here with you?" Emery queried, glancing at Atlas.

The half-machine magus fell silent, appearing as if he was about to answer when a sight from the window interrupted him. There, standing atop a rock and surrounded by a sea of lava, was a formidable fortress.

"This is where all the Demon's pit prisoners gather," 

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