Earth's Greatest Magus

Chapter 1691 Dark Elf Chief

Chapter 1691 Dark Elf Chief

The battlefield rapidly descended into a maelstrom of intense combat.

At the vanguard of the Uruk hordes, the dark elf chief emerged, a figure of nightmarish power. With him were two more of his kind and arrayed against them was the duo of Balen and Cass, whose resolve remained unbroken despite the daunting odds. With them were two other magus, a rag-tag pair who were doing their best to contribute to the desperate defense.

Perched on the metallic hulk of an overturned vehicle was Captain Steele. His form was flanked by two other space knights, their armored bodies adding to the fortification. Their stance was unyielding as they turned their futuristic weapons toward the surging tide of Uruks, the crackling blasts of energy disrupting the advancing enemy ranks.

Emery, on the other hand, had already launched himself into his own fight. He faced a shadow Magus, a foe skilled in the arts of deception and evasion. Emery knew all too well that brute force alone would not best such an adversary. To compensate, he cast his roots spell, a technique that allowed him to sense the subtle shifts in the shadows, the ephemeral traces left behind by his opponent's movements.

Their engagement morphed into a ceaseless exchange of strikes and parries, a deadly dance where neither could land a substantial blow. Emery's teeth clenched at the thought of his [Blink] spell, an ability that could have given him the edge against the shadow Magus if only he could cast it once again.


The sharp ring of metal on metal echoed across the battlefield as Emery's claw met the dark elf's dagger. The blade shattered upon impact, the third one he had destroyed in their duel. An audible growl of frustration escaped the dark elf's lips, his temper flaring.

Even in the midst of his duel, Emery's awareness stretched towards the greater battle, his spirit sense sharply attuned to the ebb and flow of the conflict. His gaze turned towards the duo Magus Blane and Cass, who were standing strong against the onslaught. Despite their efforts, casting powerful spell after spell, they seemed unable to halt the wave of incoming Uruks. Worse yet, another of their ragtag magus had fallen under the onslaught of the dark elf chief, a sight that sent a pang of dread to the human group.

His momentary distraction from their duel only seemed to infuriate the dark elf more. "You insult me, human! Fight me!" the elf growled, his voice a seething cauldron of anger.

However, the balance of their confrontation was about to be disrupted. Suddenly, a new figure burst onto the scene. His body was a canvas of glowing tattoos, his features radiating determination. It was Wex, the Coven of Shades magus.

"Emery, go help them," he called, his eyes never leaving the dark elf. "Let me take this one!"

His words startled Emery. "I don't have the battle power to match the elf chief," Wex admitted frankly. "You, the savage acolyte, do."

Still started that the magus know his title, he said  "Go, kill or capture the chief and we could win this battle!" Wex's words weren't mere bravado. His strategy held merit. The Khan was guarded by just two other dark elves, while the chief's brutal fighting style was something Emery was more adept at handling.

Wex himself was no slouch in battle. He invoked his spectral armor, the tattoos on his body glowing brighter. "My armor can withstand that deadly knife of his," he declared, a challenging grin on his face. "And I want to see which of us is the true master of the law of shadow!"

With those words, Wex vanished into shadow, commencing his own duel against the scarred mags, the battlefield shifted once more.

Just as Emery was processing this change, he noticed the dark elf chief making his move. The hulking brute took a high leap and dived with ferocious strength toward the overturned vehicles. His impact sent a shockwave through the ground, tossing the three space knights aside like ragdolls, killing one of them in the process. 

Without hesitation, Emery rushed to intercept the dark elf chief. He arrived just in time, his claws clashing with the chief's advance, preventing him from striking the vulnerable space knight captain.

BAMMM!!!I think you should take a look at

The initial collision was fierce, the force pushing Emery back. His wolf transformation, though formidable, was clearly not enough to contend with this full moon dark elf chief. Emery realized he needed more to face this formidable foe, prompting him to invoke his deeper powers.

ραΠdαsΝοvel.cοm [Battle Howl]  josei

[Immortal gate] 

[Paragon's Blessing] 

15 battle power from the Howl, 50 from the innate ability, and another 64 battle power from the secret technique thought by Izta. Emery's battle power skyrocketed, the number 325 flashing momentarily before it surged to a full moon peak of 514.

His enhanced strikes started to leave visible wounds on the dark elf chief. However, the chief merely sneered, his eyes filled with contempt. "Huh! Half-blood dogs!! I will kill you first!!"

[Bloodhound steps] - This time, it was Emery who was dictating the tempo of the battle. Moving with fluid grace, he began to circle the chief, utilizing his improved claw-fighting techniques to press his advantage.

The dark elf chief, scoffing at Emery's attempts to defeat him, brought forth a solid metal rod out of the rocks on the ground. Using his earth manipulation abilities, the chief shaped the rod into a formidable weapon.

As the rod took form, the dance of battle intensified, as both figures exchanged blow after blow, pushing one another to the brink.

The metallic clangs echoed in the air as Emery's claws and the chief's rod met, sparks flying off every collision. They moved with calculated precision, each seeking an opening in the other's defenses. The tension was palpable, the battlefield akin to a chessboard with both parties making strategic moves.

Just when Emery was figuring out his next move, an unexpected ally joined the fray. Captain Steele, with the unmistakable mechanical whir of his twin energy guns, charged into the heat of the battle. Beams of potent energy burst from the guns, each shot accurate and lethal, landing squarely on the dark elf chief.

The chief, caught off guard, flinched under the barrage of energy bullets. Each hit scorched his armor, smoke billowing off him, distorting his menacing figure.

"Now!!" Captain Steele's voice echoed in Emery's mind, seizing the moment of distraction.

Reacting instantly, Emery launched himself at the dark elf chief, his body a blur as he closed the gap between them. His claws rippled with energy as he invoked his [Omega Strike], aiming for a critical hit.


In a mesmerizing display of agility and power, Emery materialized three energy blades in his hand. With a swift, precise movement, he drove them deep into the dark elf chief's chest. 

Blood spurted out like a gruesome fountain, staining the ground beneath them. The mighty dark elf chief, now heavily wounded, grunted in pain. The once-smug expression on his face was replaced by one of shock and pain. This was a critical hit, one that could potentially turn the tide of the battle.

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