Earth's Greatest Magus

Chapter 1706  Citadel Battle 7

Chapter 1706  Citadel Battle 7

[02: 12:50]

The shout of alarm was chilling: "It's the West wall!!"

A sense of dread filled the air as the dark elves struck, their timing impeccable. Just when the walls were at their most vulnerable, overrun with thousands of orcs clamoring at the top, these shadowy assassins came forth.

Like spectral figures, there were at least a dozen of them, each marking a human magus as their prey. Their movements were swift and coordinated, It was an attack that left no room for hesitation.

Emery, who had been anticipating this very moment, acted with urgency. With a snap command, he sent his unit of healers and magus to back up the defenders on the West wall. Supporting spells of healing, shielding, and strength enhancement were cast in quick succession, weaving a complex web of magical energy to bolster the 30 plus human magus on the west gate. josei

But Emery had something else in mind, a plan that required his personal intervention. He knew the dark elves' tactics and sensed a greater threat lurking in the shadows.

[Twilight Transformation]

Emery's body transformed into the powerful wolf form and without waiting to detect the elusive dark elves, he rushed toward Magus Zephyr, the full moon magus and captain of the West wall.

His instincts guided him, sharp and unerring.

One… two… three of them he detected, materializing out of the shadows like phantoms, and all rushing toward their marked target.

The wind magus, too tired and beleaguered to dodge, seemed doomed, but the dark elves were too engrossed in their bloodlust to realize Emery's arrival.


With a primal roar, Emery leaped with all his might, his body a blur of strength and ferocity. He landed directly on one of the dark elves, crushing his back with a sickening crunch. Using the fallen body as a launchpad, he propelled himself toward another, his claws gleaming with deadly intent.

The second dark elf's eyes widened in horror, his dagger poised mid-air, as Emery's claw stopped it from its target. Then, with a swift and brutal motion, Emery swung his claws again, severing the dark elf's two legs with a spray of blood.

Emery swiftly stops two of the dark elves' assassins. His attention quickly shifted toward the third dark elf, who was engaged in an intense duel with Magus Zephyr. Blades clashed and sparks flew as Zephyr summoned a [Wind Blade] to fend off the relentless attack.

This particular dark elf was no ordinary foe. With an agility and strength that belied his slender form, he managed to overcome the battle power of the full moon magus, pushing the wind Magus back until he was kneeling on the floor, struggling to keep his defense.

But what caught Emery's eye was not just the ferocity of the dark elf's attack but something more personal - the distinctive figure, the unusual dagger, and a familiar scar on his face. Recognition flashed in Emery's eyes.

"Kieran!! It's me! Your fight is with me!!" he shouted, his voice ringing clear above the chaos of battle.

Emery's challenge was bold and calculated. He knew that taunting the shadow magus might divert his attention, and it appeared to work. The dark elf turned away from his target, his eyes narrowing as they met Emery's. A smirk played on his lips as he replied, "I am the Khan now, I don't have time to deal with the likes of you."

His words were dripping with disdain, and he was stepping back, ready to melt into the shadows and leave. But Emery was prepared. In a swift and unseen motion, he summoned plant roots that snaked from the ground and caught the dark elf's feet, surprising him.

"You are not going anywhere!!" Emery's voice was triumphant, his eyes blazing with determination.

He was ready to dash forward and deliver the fatal blow when he sensed danger from behind. The dark elf he had stomped earlier, though severely injured, came lunging at him. Emery spun, his body moving with practiced ease, deflecting the desperate attack.

But those few seconds of distraction were all Kieran needed. With a flick of his wrist, he cast a light blade spell that cut the binding roots apart. Emery's heart sank as he watched the dark elf phase into shadow, his voice lingering like a haunting whisper, "Don't worry, I will eventually come for you."

Emery was left standing amidst the turmoil, a hollow feeling gnawing at him. He had managed to stop the dark elf's plan and killed two of his assassins in the process, capturing two of the dark elf spirit souls from escaping. It was supposed to be a victory, but it felt far from a win.

A cold chill settled over him as he pondered Kieran's words and actions. There was something more at play, something that went beyond this skirmish. The way the dark elf had acted, his confidence and nonchalance, concerned Emery deeply.

He quickly surveyed the whole citadel, his senses attuned to every movement. The dark elves had sent their second unit, a dozen of them to the East gate, but Commander Sheperd had quickly taken control of the situation.

The immediate threat was contained, and yet Emery's anxiety did not abate. Something felt off, and he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to come.

Suddenly, that vague sense of dread crystallized into sharp reality. An energy spike surged from the north gate. Before he could even react, a powerful explosion erupted from the gate, blowing a huge chunk of the wall apart and sending the debris flying. The magus guarding the gate were obliterated in the blast, their screams lost in the roar of destruction.

Emery's legs moved of their own accord, propelling him toward the North gate as his mind struggled to process the enormity of what had just happened. From afar, he saw among the orc hordes in the north, half a dozen dark elf groups had assembled. At the front, one female dark elf was casting a group spell, her hands weaving intricate patterns as the other five channeled their energy into her. Together, they were creating a spell of immense power.

It wasn't just one explosive bomb they had conjured; there were more, each one glowing with deadly intent, ready to be unleashed.

Captain of the North gate, Full moon magus Eira, a famous ice magus acted swiftly. With focused determination, she created an ice spell to block the second attack bomb. Her [Frostbound Aegis], a powerful tier 7 defensive spell, materialized before the bomb, its crystalline structure gleaming in the chaos.

But even that mighty defense broke apart at the force of the second bomb. Emery's breath caught in his throat as he saw the female ice magus turn her body into crystal ice. Her eyes, were clear and unflinching before she charged toward the third bomb herself.


Another explosion ignited the battlefield, its force ripping through the air and shaking the very earth. Eira's crystalline form was consumed in the blast, her sacrifice manage to stop the third bomb while killing thousands of orcs around. But it also ending her own life.

After the third bomb, the five dark elves swiftly left the area, their mission accomplished.

Here was the dark elf's secondary plan, executed with cold efficiency. The north gates were destroyed, and nine human magus lay dead, including Eira, their captain. Emery stood amidst the devastation, his mind reeling, his heart heavy with loss and anger.

The battle had taken a dark turn, and the stakes had never been higher. The dark elves had shown their cunning and strength, but the fight was far from over.

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