Earth's Greatest Magus

Chapter 1734 Compatible

Chapter 1734 Compatible

If he couldn't utilize his magic, Emery decided that he would channel all the potent Khaos energy directly into his blood.

As the energy seeped into him, his surroundings blurred, and Emery found himself drawn into yet another vision. This time, however, he wasn't amidst the starlit cosmos where he had previously encountered the Kaos entity. Instead, he stood in a much more familiar setting.

He found himself in vast, open plains, illuminated solely by the gentle glow of the moon. Its silver light created a mesmerizing dance of shadows on the ground. Just a short distance away, a majestic wolf stood, its gaze locked onto Emery. This wolf was both strange and familiar. Its fur shimmered in shades of black, interwoven with streaks of silver, creating an ethereal glow. Its golden eyes, deep and piercing, held an ancient wisdom. But what drew Emery's attention the most was the crimson mark that adorned the wolf's forehead, tracing down like a tear. Even though its appearance was different from his memories, Emery felt an undeniable connection, a bond that tethered their souls.

The stillness of the night was interrupted when the wolf tilted its head back and let out a melancholic howl, its voice echoing through the plains. As if in response, dark, ominous clouds began to roll in, casting shadows and obscuring the moonlight. Everything became shrouded in darkness, save for a solitary beam of light that descended from the heavens, focusing on the wolf. It was as if the universe itself was acknowledging the creature's presence. A single word resonated in Emery's mind, echoing like a distant whisper: "Compatible."

As quickly as it had begun, the vision faded. Reality snapped back, but it wasn't the same. Emery felt an overwhelming surge of power coursing through his veins. Dark energy enveloped him, transforming his very being. His muscles bulged, tearing through his clothes, his face contorted, and fangs grew from his gums, replacing his once human features. He grew in size, his form now an imposing and monstrous silhouette against the backdrop of his environment.

The influx of power was both exhilarating and terrifying. It was so intense that Emery struggled to hold onto his sanity. His mind was bombarded with countless notifications, sensations, and urges. But among them all, one primal urge stood out, overtaking every rational thought: the need to hunt, to savage, to devour.


With a deafening roar that echoed for miles, Emery, or the beast he had become, announced its awakening. 

The transformation complete, the newly-awakened beast didn't waste a moment. With powerful hind legs, it launched itself high into the air, targeting its adversary with a deadly intent.

Ezzekiel, watched, wide-eyed, as the looming beast descended upon him with terrifying speed. But his combat instincts kicked in. Squaring his stance, he readied his dark blade, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.


The two forces collided with such intensity that the very fabric of space seemed to ripple and twist. A shockwave emanated from the point of impact, causing the ground to shake and the air to howl. Thrown back by the sheer force of the collision, both combatants landed several meters apart, each assessing the other, gauging the damage inflicted.

Blood dripped from the beast's side where Ezzekiel's blade had found its mark. Although the Khaos energy enveloped and protected it, the creature wasn't impervious to the lethal sharpness of the dark blade.

Ezzekiel, panting slightly, managed a smirk, "I have awakened the beast, haven't I, good! My blade will be bashed with your beast blood" 

In response, the beast let out a deafening roar, shaking the ground beneath. Dark energy surged around it once more, but this time it was different. The beast channeled this energy directly into its arms. From its fists, dark crystalline claws, sharp and menacing, materialized. Without wasting a moment, the beast lunged once again, claws ready to rip and tear.

The ensuing battle was a spectacle of raw power and skill. Each strike, whether from Ezzekiel's blade or the beast's deadly claws, sent shockwaves rippling across the battlefield, displacing air and sending debris flying. The land itself seemed to cry out with each collision, trembling under the might of these two titanic forces.

Time and time again, they clashed. Ezzekiel's previously confident demeanor started to waver. He noticed that every time he managed to land a blow on the beast, the creature would quickly heal, the wound sealing in mere moments. In contrast, each time the beast's claws made contact with him, it felt like a part of his energy was being siphoned away.

"Devour!! This is not really fair isn't it!!" Ezzekiel growled, frustration evident in his voice.

Ezekiel's frustration wasn't aimed at the relentless beast that he faced, but rather at the unseen puppet master orchestrating this duel — the master of Khaos itself.

As the battle raged on, a clear shift in the tide became evident. With every passing moment, Ezekiel's strength diminished while the beast, drawing on some inexhaustible reservoir of energy, seemed to grow even more formidable. But it was the creature's unpredictable movement, a sudden ability to momentarily vanish from one spot and reappear in another, that caught Ezekiel completely off guard.

"Blink?!" Ezekiel spat out, his voice dripping with a mix of surprise and anger. "You've hidden this from me all this time?!"

Now harnessing its newfound spatial manipulation, the beast darted about, effortlessly evading Ezekiel's blows while landing multiple hits of its own.I think you should take a look at

"Urghhh!" Pain was evident in Ezekiel's cries as he found himself on the back foot.

Desperately, he summoned a myriad of gravity spells, attempting to repel the creature, to keep it at bay. Yet, no matter how fiercely he thrust his spells, the beast, driven by a wild and primal hunger, pressed on.

"This cannot be! Get back!! Get away from me!!"

In a desperate move, Ezekiel vaulted away, seeking refuge behind his two elite guards — the void stalker dark elves. Their faces betrayed a hint of apprehension; they had witnessed the beast's terrifying power. Yet, duty-bound and loyal, they stepped forward, weapons drawn, ready to face the oncoming storm.

The beast, unrelenting, descended upon the first dark elf. With brutal efficiency, it tore him apart within moments. The second, a tad more skilled or perhaps just luckier, managed to land a blow, pinning the creature momentarily. Yet, his triumph was short-lived. In a swift, savage motion, the beast's clawed blade decapitated him.josei

These brief moments of distraction, however, provided Ezekiel with the respite he desperately needed. He quickly recover his wounds and gathered his energy, preparing himself for a final, monumental onslaught.

Mustering all the rage and power within him, he screamed, "Die!! You beast!! Die!!"

Using the very essence of the Khaos energy swirling within him, Ezzekiel ascended into the night sky. There was a brief, tense pause; the world seemed to hold its breath as he gathered his strength. Then, with an almost reverent precision, he launched a devastating down slash using a powerful gravity based battle art. The beast, sensing the impending attack, retaliated in kind, swinging its mighty claws in a wide arc.

When blade met claw, the resulting explosion was cataclysmic.


A deafening explosion resounded, echoing across the battlefield. The sheer force of their clash caused the very ground to fracture, creating a vast crater beneath them.

Amidst the settling dust and debris, the beast appeared to have borne the brunt of the assault. Its arms lay mangled, crushed under the immense power of Ezzekiel's blade which had plunged deep into its chest.

With a triumphant gleam in his eyes, Ezzekiel declared, "Hahaha! I win.. Victory is mine!"

Yet, even as he reveled in his presumed win, the beast's still form began to stir. Slowly, with what strength remained in its shattered limbs, it reached out, ensnaring Ezzekiel. Before the dark elf could react, the beast fangs sank deep into his neck.

"Urghh!! Release me!!" Ezzekiel's voice was filled with panic as the beast tore a huge chunk of his neck. But his pleas fell on deaf ears. The beast, driven by instinct, began draining his very essence.

[Spirit Devour]

In moments, the gaping wounds on the beast began to mend, drawing strength from the life force it siphoned from Ezzekiel. Flesh knitted together, bones realigned, and the creature's once ragged form slowly rejuvenated.

Frantic, Ezzekiel rasped, "No! No! Spare me... I surrender!" But his words seemed to have no effect on the relentless creature. In desperation, he added, "Wait! You can't face Talaro alone! I can be of use... I will assist you."

But Ezzekiel's bargaining went unnoticed, the man behind the beast, was long lost to the primal urges consuming him, replace by a pure urge , a savage thirst.

His hope dwindling, Ezzekiel's eyes darted around, seeking an escape. And then, slicing through the night, he spotted them — a fleet of dark elven ships descending from the sky.

In a voice barely above a whisper, filled with desperation, Ezzekiel murmured, "Save me..."

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