Earth's Greatest Magus

Chapter 1766 Plea

Chapter 1766 Plea

The powerful blast  wracking Zeus body with pain, making him feel as if his very essence was being torn apart. He shot upwards, his trajectory betraying the strength of the blast. And as he went, a harrowing scream, a mix of pain and astonishment, echoed in the vast emptiness above.

The relentless force should've obliterated any being, but Zeus was no ordinary being. As the master of lightning, his affinity to the sky's energies had always been his shield. He channeled his prowess, absorbing and deflecting some of the energy. However, the sheer magnitude of the blast was too much, and he still bore the brunt of it. His radiant aura dimmed and electric sparks fizzled around him, a testament to his immense suffering.

Before Zeus could even think of a counter-attack or a defensive maneuver, a flash of movement caught his peripheral vision. Emery using spatial spell was suddenly there, right beside him. His posture was predatory, and in his hand, he held the Excalibur, angled the blade, positioning its razor-sharp edge menacingly close to Zeus's vulnerable throat.

"You lose," Emery declared, his voice a mix of triumph and resolve.

The gravity of his situation dawned upon Zeus. He was completely at Emery's mercy. But even in this dire state, his pride as a deity remained. Taking ragged breaths, he mustered the strength to form words. Through gritted teeth and a wince of pain, he managed a defiant grin, "You won't dare to kill me! I am the very guardian, the caretaker of your world!"

Emery locked eyes with him, his gaze as cold as the void of space. "Sometimes, one must make a statement" he replied icily, "One head need to fall so the others know their place and think twice before messing with us."

Zeus felt a shiver down his spine, a feeling foreign to him. The gravity in Emery's voice made the mighty god swallow hard. "You... you wouldn't dare..."

Emery paused, the weight of the decision evident in his eyes. The temptation to end Zeus's life was palpable, but the greater good of his world held him back. Taking a deep breath, he looked skyward, as if seeking guidance, then finally murmured, "Very well..."

Zeus felt a brief moment of relief, thinking that Emery's mercy was forthcoming. But that hope was short-lived.

Emery voice soft but laced with determination. "I won't end your life, but I will make sure you never harm another soul again. I will destroy your magus form and imprison your soul."

The gravity of Emery's decision settled in. As the glint of the Excalibur swayed in the cosmic light, Zeus's eyes widened in sheer terror. Desperation gripped him, and with a final plea, he cried out, "Stop!"

Zeus's voice held a desperate edge, "End my life, and your friend will be lost to you forever." The simple mention of 'friend' seemed to freeze Emery in his tracks. His grip on Excalibur loosened slightly, and his usually impassive face showed a glint of concern.

A smirk played on Zeus's lips as he saw Emery's reaction, "Threatening the ones dear to me? If you or any of your ilk harm my friend, I swear to the cosmos that I'll bring an end to each one of you."

Zeus maintained his calm demeanor, even in his precarious position. "You've misunderstood. Your friend is already in our grasp. A female."

The fury that ignited in Emery's eyes was palpable. Without a word, he lunged at Zeus, gripping the deity's throat with a force that made the god gasp for breath. "What have you done?" Emery growled, the threat clear in his voice.I think you should take a look at

Without waiting for a verbal response, Emery delved into Zeus's mind. His spirit reading ability, heightened due to his emotional turmoil, scoured the god's memories, seeking any hint about the captive woman.

Zeus coughed, struggling in Emery's grip, but managed to sputter, "She took a risk for you, breaking barriers to enter Earth. Such a foolish woman."

Through the chaotic whirlwind of Zeus's memories, an image solidified in Emery's mind — a woman, chained and imprisoned. It was Morgana, held captive in the formidable Kronos base, a citadel etched into the very crust of the moon.

A sinking realization dawned upon Emery. He had always felt a distant connection to Morgana, a sense of her being near Earth, but never quite on it. Now he knew why. His fey mate, was captive by the Kronos all along.

The air grew heavy with tension, charged with Emery's barely contained fury. Sensing his advantage, Zeus tried to negotiate, "Let me go, release my subordinates, and perhaps, just perhaps, she might live."

Emery, his focus undeterred, dove deeper into the labyrinth of Zeus's memories, sifting through them for any inkling about Morgana's state. What he uncovered were harrowing scenes — Morgana subjected to unspeakable mental and physical torment. The Kronos Magus were relentless, seeking every shard of information they believed she possessed.

The barbaric treatment of someone he held dear ignited a fierce, primal rage within Emery. the urge began to stir. Slowly, his skin started to bristle with thick, dark fur. Muscles expanded and bones realigned as a transformation took hold.

Zeus, feeling the change and sensing the mounting danger, began to panic. ""What.. wat are you doing!!" His voice trembled as he turned to face Emery, only to be met with a visage of pure ferocity. Yellow eyes, ablaze with rage, stared back at him, and sharp fangs peeked out as if ready to devour him whole.

Emery's voice, now a deep growl, echoed with threat, "Every single one of you Kronos deviants will suffer for this."

Without hesitation, Emery's now-clawed hand lunged forward, puncturing Zeus's chest. He applied just enough force to ensure the god teetered on the brink of death, but not enough to grant him the release of it. Leaning in close, Emery whispered against Zeus's ear, "I want you to know agony. I want you to witness the doom of your kin."josei

In a blur of movement, Emery clutched Zeus tightly, and shot into the sky, breaking through the Earth's atmosphere. His Magus form granted him the ability to traverse the vast expanse of space, and he set his sights on his destination — the moon, where the Kronos base lay.

Navigating through space without the aid of machinery or ships was challenging. The journey, which took nearly an half an hour, allowed Emery the chance to strategize his assault on Kronos. As he approached the moon, like a vengeful comet, he descended upon its dark side, dragging the battered god with him.

Suddenly, alarms blared. The stronghold of Kronos sprung to life, its defenses mobilizing. Warriors, machines, and mystic barriers readied themselves for the impending storm that was Emery.

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