Earth's Greatest Magus

Chapter 1803 Trust

Chapter 1803 Trust

Chapter 1803 Trust

The grand magus who stood before them possessed formidable powers, evident from his ability to pull Emery out of the Khaos gate. While Jinkan might have had some tracking mechanism in place, it was clear that the magus was a master of space magic, allowing him to execute such a feat.

As the magus threatened Emery's life, he vanished in an instant, reappearing right beside Emery, his arm poised for a lethal strike. In a desperate attempt to defend himself, Emery unleashed his power, casting the [Aegis of Void], a formidable shield born of his own magic. However, to his shock and dismay, his spirit energy, the force that fueled his abilities, was thrown into disarray.


The clash was brutal. The magus's bare arm struck Emery's defenses with incredible force, sending him sprawling to the ground, his knees buckling beneath the impact. It was a power that resonated with an anti-magic spell, one designed to disrupt and dismantle the very essence of magical energy. Emery realized that this grand magus was no ordinary practitioner but a specialist, possibly on par with one like Zenonia.

Without the ability to use his transformative powers or access his Khaos abilities, Emery found himself severely constrained by the magus's anti-magic spell. Helpless and immobilized. The magus then turned his gaze toward Julian and Nyx, who had moved to intervene but were also ensnared by some form of space anomaly. josei

"I have already restrained the man," the magus declared, his voice laced with authority. He then directed his attention to the still-pale Jinkan "I'm going to kill him now."

Jinkan, her face still pale with fear and distress, pleaded with the magus, addressing him as "uncle."

But Jinkan, in a surprising display of composure and confidence, intervened. "No, wait, Uncle. Let him go."

"Let him go?!" the magus retorted with a mixture of anger and incredulity. "This man has clearly harmed you... and look at the state you're in."

Indeed, Jinkan, in the midst of the ordeal, was clad only in her underwear, an undignified state that further fueled the magus's anger. However, Jinkan, always poised and confident, swiftly used her magic to conjure a flowing garment around herself. She approached Emery, her usual air of self-assuredness returning as she addressed the grand magus "We were just getting to know each other better. Please, let him go."

The grand magus, though clearly displeased, obeyed Jinkan's command. It was evident to Emery that this man was more than just a bodyguard; he appeared to be a specially selected guardian, perhaps chosen with the knowledge that Jinkan would eventually cross paths with Emery.

Once Emery was released from the magus's restraint, Jinkan turned to him and inquired, "Are you satisfied with what you see?"

Emery took a moment to assess the situation and the motives at play. He saw no hidden agendas beyond the usual politics and aspirations for power, particularly through Emery's formidable abilities. There seemed to be no immediate threat, and his friend awaited him on Jinkan's home planet.

"Yes, for now," Emery replied, his guard still up but his willingness to cooperate apparent.

"Good," Jinkan responded with a nod. "Now, can we leave for my home planet?"

Emery had no reason to decline her request, especially since it aligned with his own intentions. With preparations underway, the group set their sights on departing later that day. This meant that Emery's contract with Nyx, the succubus who had served as his companion, was coming to an end. Emery had originally intended to use the three million spirit stones he had gained from the duel to buy her out, but Nyx surprised him with her response.

"Master, I am a succubus," Nyx spoke with a warm smile. "This is what I do, and I am happy with my job."

"Are you sure?"

Nyx's smile persisted as she responded, "I really want to. I do. Maybe later, if you don't have too many female problems anymore." She chuckled playfully.

With that exchange, Emery bid farewell to the Centauri planet, observing the sprawling city from above as they departed. He promised to return someday, considering the capital city's significance within the sector and the opportunity to learn about being a spirit master from the Alabaster faction. Little did Emery know that this short visit would inspire Julian to embark on a new calling.

"Until after the Ancient Celestial Ruins expedition," Emery echoed, marking the end of this chapter in his journey and the beginning of new adventures on the horizon.


In the vast expanse of the Magus universe, preparations for the Ancient Celestial Ruins expedition were underway, not just for Emery and Jinkan, but for countless factions scattered throughout the cosmos. This event held an immense allure for all young magus, promising significant benefits for their respective realms, making it one of the most coveted opportunities.

On a particular planet within the same sector as Earth, nestled within the ancient and imposing walls of a castle, a group of magus had gathered for a meeting. Frustration and irritation were evident on their faces, a reflection of the unsettling event that just happened to them.

"Huh! To think we lost our rights just like that! What an embarrassment!" declared a grand magus figure among them, voicing the collective displeasure.

One of the stronger magus attempted to console the figure of authority in the room. "Don't worry, Father. I promise that I will defeat him in the duel twelve years from now and regain control of Earth!"

"Huh! Do you think you can? You all are useless! To be defeated by a mere Earthlink," the grand magus responded with a tone of disdain, his frustration boiling over.

The other ten magus in the room fell into a contemplative silence, their failure weighing heavily on their shoulders. It was a woman with an air of authority who broke the silence.

"They are eligible to join the Ancient Celestial Ruins expedition as well. Who knows what might become of them if they succeed?"

The grand magus recognized the immense significance of the Ancient Celestial Ruins expedition and the potential ramifications it held for their faction. Determined to thwart any success on the part of their adversaries, he turned to his fellow magus, his voice resolute.

"We must not allow them to succeed!" he declared, his tone carrying the weight of their collective responsibility. His sharp gaze scanned the room as he sought answers.

"How many of ours will be participating in the expedition?"

A confident response came from within their ranks. "We have four magus eligible to join"

The grand magus didn't need a list or further deliberation. His discerning eyes fell upon one of the powerful magus standing before him, a figure of renown. "Poseidon, Your famous son will be among those participating in this expedition, correct?"

Poseidon, feeling the weight of the moment, responded with a determined nod. "Yes, Father, he will be."

Turning his attention to another prominent magus in the room, the grand magus adopted a stern tone. "Zeus, it is imperative that you ensure your rebellious son to partake in this expedition, too" he ordered, his words brooking no argument.

There was a flicker of hesitation in Zeus's expression, a sense of unease at the task before him. However, the grand magus, undeterred, pressed on. "I will send Hecate as well. Her inclusion in the expedition will guarantee their success."

At the mere mention of Hecate's name, any lingering reservations vanished. The magus in the room understood the importance of this decision, and the prospect of her involvement instilled confidence in their mission.

"Yes, Father," Zeus affirmed, his voice resolute as he accepted the responsibility. "We will do as you command."

The die was cast, and the fate of their faction now rested on the shoulders of this chosen magus. The intricate web of alliances, rivalries, and ambitions set the stage for a high-stakes showdown during the Ancient Celestial Ruins expedition.

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