Earth's Greatest Magus

Chapter 1828 The Temple

Chapter 1828 The Temple

Chapter 1828 The Temple

In the aftermath of their previous battle, the group managed to salvage a collection of tiny celestial shards. Each of these shards was considered priceless, as they held the potential to advance a magus in their comprehension of law. What made the shard found in the Light Vault even more precious was that it carried the comprehension of the law of light, a rare and sought-after attribute.

For magus, even if they didn't personally require the understanding of the law contained within these celestial shards, the market value of each was substantial. A single shard could fetch a price equivalent to a red spirit stone, amounting to 10,000 units on the Magus Alliance market. With such lucrative rewards at stake, it was clear that delving deeper into the vaults was a worthwhile endeavor.

However, the true grand prize lay within the heart of the celestial temple, and this was the main objective that the group was determined to reach.

As the group approached the ornate door leading into the celestial temple, they were confronted by four celestial constructs that had emerged from the walls of the entryway. A brief but intense battle ensued, during which they skillfully eliminated these defenders, clearing the path for their progress. With the constructs defeated, Jinkan stepped forward and confidently pushed open the large door.

Beyond the entrance, the group found themselves in a vast dome-shaped chamber. The walls were made of glistening gold metal, adorned with intricate patterns and designs that gave the place an aura of majesty and grandeur. At the heart of this chamber was the centerpiece of their quest – a medium-sized celestial crystal, approximately a hundred times larger than the tiny ones they had collected from the drones. It hovered in the center of the dome, emitting a soft, ethereal glow.

Yet, as they entered the room, the intricate patterns on the walls began to emit a crimson radiance, and an alarm-like sound echoed through the chamber. A message reverberated in their minds, casting an air of tension and anticipation.

[Celestial Trial started]

As the warning signal blared, the already tense situation escalated. Ten celestial constructs manifested from the walls, emerging menacingly from both the left and right sides. From above the ceiling, a swarm of drones descended like a dark cloud. To make matters even more precarious, ten mirror-like weapons positioned themselves to take aim, their beams primed and ready to fire.

"Alright, let's execute the plan," Jinkan declared resolutely. It was evident that this trial called for the coordinated effort of numerous magus.

With the two additional factions added to their team, Jinkan remained confident in their collective abilities to overcome this formidable challenge.

Upon Jinkan's signal, the Albatross spirit magus, Uria, swiftly moved to the right side of the room. Uria drew his unique weapon, a jade flute, and employed an extraordinary musical technique to skillfully divert the deadly energy beams emitted by the mirror-like weapons.

The remaining spirit magus promptly heeded Elowen's command and rallied under her guidance to assemble a powerful barrage of spirit weapons. Using her harp, skillfully orchestrated a counter-offensive aimed at systematically eliminating the drones one by one.

Lambert, leading the Proxima magus, made a formidable presence on the left wing of the room. His team skillfully prepared a defensive sword formation, ready to intercept the incoming celestial constructs. The coordinated movement of their blades created an imposing barricade, deterring the constructs from advancing further.

Simultaneously, Ignatius and Zuree, the long-range specialists, took up positions to tackle the drones that approached from above. Ignatius launched his devastating long-range attacks, while Zuree employed her frost magic to create protective barriers that shielded the group from the aerial threats.

As the two factions efficiently held the flanks, Jinkan issued her next command with precision.

"Neo! Now!"

Neo, the leader of the Amarhiks special team, led the group closer to the celestial crystal. Each member was fully prepared for the impending challenge that awaited them as they neared the crystal's proximity.

As expected, as they approached the crystal, sentient-like golden metal emerged from the floor, forming a massive humanoid construct. This construct was powered by the crystal shard, which acted as its core, and it stood at a towering five meters in height.

[Avalonian juggernaut]

[Mythical creature- level 40]

This formidable entity possessed a formidable battle power of 600, surpassing that of a full moon magus. The juggernaut wielded two enormous, rounded maces, each of which posed a terrifying threat.

Fortunately, this part of the trial involving the massive construct was included in their training regimen. With well-practiced coordination, Neo and his team approached the challenge with confidence.

Initially, Neo planned to utilize his [Sword sanctuary] to create a protective barrier against the surrounding drones and constructs, allowing the rest of the team to engage the juggernaut. However, with the two factions guarding their left and right sides, Neo seized the opportunity to initiate the assault on the colossal construct instead.

He activated his skill, [Aeroblade Strike], causing all ten sword artifacts to soar toward the juggernaut. These ethereal blades converged on the construct from all angles, immediately springing it into action as it wielded its maces to defend against the onslaught.


As the sound of metal clashed, Emery promptly executed his part in the battle. His support spell, [Gravitational Pressure], applied considerable force to the heavy construct, reducing its speed. In addition, he cast [Jade Roots] to ensnare the creature's limbs, further restricting its movement.

"Good work!" the monk commended him. Emery's strategic spellwork was complemented by multiple explosive attacks that targeted the construct's vulnerable metal joints.

Following this barrage of attacks, Eeshoo employed the might of his [Solar Blast]. Rather than launching the fiery spell from a distance, he dashed toward the construct's head and thrust both of his burning hands inside, causing intense damage.

The massive construct was subjected to a relentless assault. Neo's high-grade swords relentlessly struck its body, Mahinder's palm strikes fractured its joints, and Eesho's flames ravaged its interior.

Jinkan stood her ground, observing how the preparations she had meticulously planned had worked wonderfully under her command. In just a matter of minutes, they succeeded in breaking down the formidable Avalonian Juggernaut.

The group breathed a collective sigh of relief as the celestial temple's defensive mechanisms ceased, and the intricate patterns on the walls returned to their usual white glow. The remaining guarding drones lay motionless, leaving their precious celestial shards ready for collection.

The mechanical voice rang out in their minds:

[You have destroyed the Avalonian Juggernaut]

[You have cleared the Temple Trial]

x x x

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